Finally got the Covid.

Bulldog Bruce

Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
My wife started on Monday and I tested positive this morning. Feel crappy. taking cold and flu meds keeping the mucus down. Still have taste.


Active member
Aug 21, 2012
Best of luck to you. My boss got it a month ago and is still fighting the congestion and cough.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Lets Go Reaction GIF by Bounce


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
I got it for the first time a few months ago. Best advice I can give you is to take it easy for the next week or two (if possible).

It will fool you every morning into thinking that you've shaken it, then blind side you in the afternoon with symptoms... at least that's what happened with me. I'm not a hall of famer, though.

Hope you get better soon.

Eleven Bravo

Active member
Aug 31, 2018
My son-in-law tested positive for it yesterday. Thought he had strep throat because throat was really sore. First time he had it. I’ve had it before, back in July 2020 before they had the vaccine. My body hurt from head to toe and just sapped the energy completely out of me. I didn’t completely get my energy back for a couple of months. Hope you feel better soon.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Good luck. Take it easy. I wonder how much long-term damage people self-inflict by not resting with it.

I got omicron back in February. Was vaxxed and boosted. Thankfully it was only bad for a couple days and had me feeling bad for a week. Not as bad as the flu and symptoms lingered for less time than a cold.


Active member
Oct 21, 2011
My wife started on Monday and I tested positive this morning. Feel crappy. taking cold and flu meds keeping the mucus down. Still have taste.
Both my wife and I had it in late October. Tested positive for about a week. All in all, it wasn't bad - never lost taste or smell, essentially no fever. Just a little nauseous for a few days, plus tired with little exertion. A bad cold is actually worse. Never got Paxlovid pills.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
My wife started on Monday and I tested positive this morning. Feel crappy. taking cold and flu meds keeping the mucus down. Still have taste.
Felt crappy/fever last Wed. Tested positive. Advil/Tylenol/Sudafed rotation. Lost smell Friday. Didn't need drugs by Saturday. Smell came back yesterday. Really weird, but I'd say mild. Hope yours stays mild as well.
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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2022
Both my wife and I had it in late October. Tested positive for about a week. All in all, it wasn't bad - never lost taste or smell, essentially no fever. Just a little nauseous for a few days, plus tired with little exertion. A bad cold is actually worse. Never got Paxlovid pills.
One side effect of the Paxlovid that no doctor or pharmacist will tell you about - you'll wish COVID took your sense of taste. I had COVID in August and called my PCP just to report it and see if I should take anything extra or alter my daily regimen. They sent in a script of Pax. For the next 5 days while taking it my mouth tasted like the inside of a bum's pocket. I brushed my teeth 5 times a day and ate gum/mints constantly and it did absolutely nothing to curb that taste. Blech.


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2022
My wife started on Monday and I tested positive this morning. Feel crappy. taking cold and flu meds keeping the mucus down. Still have taste.
I must be some kind of Covid resistant mutant. I’ve had it.. I know I have. My wife had it right next to me. But I’ve had very minimal effects. Very minimal. Absolutely no fever. No loss of taste. No runny nose. No headache. Nothing.

I’ve had a lingering cough from one infection.. but just very minor.

that’s one reason I never thought of being inoculated. It just doesn’t bother me. At all.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
That COVID fatigue thing is very real. It can zap all of your energy for quiet awhile. The fatigue portion lasted a good 3 weeks for both me and my wife.


Aug 9, 2019
My mother got about 2 weeks ago, she’s 96. Got the first 2 shots but no boosters. Had bad cough, sinus Congestion with ears being clogged. Of course felt like ****, but is on the road to recovery. Got the Paxlovid but because of the negative effects decided to stick with Tylenol, Flonase for her sinuses and a lot of rest. I tested positive back in February but had zero symptoms, not even a sniffle.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I heard that sore throat was really bad with this go around of Covid
Those damn chinese are brilliant. Engineered a virus that can basically draw symptoms out of hat. Can be any one or combination of fever, aches, *****, sore throat, congestion, cough, fatigue, brain fog, horniness, loss of taste, loss of smell, rash, shortness of breach, or none of them at all. It's incredible.*


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
My son-in-law tested positive for it yesterday. Thought he had strep throat because throat was really sore. First time he had it. I’ve had it before, back in July 2020 before they had the vaccine. My body hurt from head to toe and just sapped the energy completely out of me. I didn’t completely get my energy back for a couple of months. Hope you feel better soon.
My first time with Covid was similar to that, but the longer effect of what I would call "Mind Fog" was the bigger issue. Seemed to hang with me for around 6 months, where I literally could not focus on a single task. Really jacked with my work production.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
My first time with Covid was similar to that, but the longer effect of what I would call "Mind Fog" was the bigger issue. Seemed to hang with me for around 6 months, where I literally could not focus on a single task. Really jacked with my work production.
Thank goodness for SPS!


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
The positive is for the rest of your life you can play up, "long covid." It's going to become the new fibromyalgia and PTSD.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Wife and I both had it in early Aug (in our early 70's) . We both did the Paxlovid and felt a lot better in 2 days but had to take the whole course of 5 days. I had no problems but wifey said she would just take her chances with Covid before she took Paxlovid again because of the taste it left in her mouth.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
I lost a terrific job opportunity due to Covid. Got sick as hell, in bed all day & all night, totally exhausted, fuzzy-headed, etc. Out here in Cali, I could not get any of the prescription treatments because I'm a white male with no serious underlying health issues. Was sick for over a month (and I had been vaxxed), got my interview postponed after the 1st week, but only for 1 week.

First time I ever completely bombed an interview and didn't get a job offer. I just could not think clearly, had zero energy, talking nonsense, etc. Just brutal interview performance. That job would have paid at least $250k/yr with no cap on commissions. Still pissed about that one!

You gotta rest and isolate yourself from everybody.

Big Sheep81

Feb 24, 2008
We shall burn a wet goat on an altar of wormwood sir, and you should recover immediately***

We pray for your rapid recovery Bruce..God Bless you!


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Take lots of vitamin D3! I hope you feel better.
Don't take lots of vitamin D. It can be toxic at high doses. But, get your Vitamin D level check and maybe start on a dose a day but check with your doctor.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
I think a lot of this stuff tends to forget we all have a unique DNA Barcode given to us by God an often times we look at these kinda things in too much of a collective mindset instead of in an invididual kinda way. Too much worshipping "Settled Science" sometimes IMO. I went against doctor's orders refusing antibiotics on several occassions and always refused the flu shot and would never consider a Covid Vaccine Shot. I have not had the flu in 20 years but did get Covid in the summer of last year. I'm 59 and probably had the schit for 2 months or so but didn't know it because I had no fever or respiratory issues. Only dizziness and no way to maintain strength when trying to perform minimal physical tasks. Would lose my breath and avoid fainting by laying down immediately. Finally went to the doc, got my 5 days worth of meds and was 100% day 4. My point is that due to my life choices and not going with the crowd, I developed a damn good immune system. Instead of antibiotics, I went with what my Grandma Knew.
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Active member
Mar 26, 2019
Dec 25 of 2021…wife went to bed feeling bad. Our anniversary 2 days later both her and I test positive. Very romantic, well thought out gift to each other. She didn’t feel too terribly bad. I felt horrible. Slept for 3 days. Never lost taste or smell. Worst part was not being able to walk up stairs for the next 3-4 months without getting out of breath.


Active member
Oct 21, 2011
I think a lot of this stuff tends to forget we all have a unique DNA Barcode given to us by God an often times we look at these kinda things in too much of a collective mindset instead of in an invididual kinda way. Too much worshipping "Settled Science" sometimes IMO. I went against doctor's orders refusing antibiotics on several occassions and always refused the flu shot and would never consider a Covid Vaccine Shot. I have not had the flu in 20 years but did get Covid in the summer of last year. I'm 59 and probably had the schit for 2 months or so but didn't know it because I had no fever or respiratory issues. Only dizziness and no way to maintain strength when trying to perform minimal physical tasks. Would lose my breath and avoid fainting by laying down immediately. Finally went to the doc, got my 5 days worth of meds and was 100% day 4. My point is that due to my life choices and not going with the crowd, I developed a damn good immune system. Instead of antibiotics, I went with what my Grandma Knew.

Doesn't the antiviral med have to be taken within 5 days of contracting Covid to be effective?


Jun 4, 2014
The positive is for the rest of your life you can play up, "long covid." It's going to become the new fibromyalgia and PTSD.
Maybe some will "play up" long covid, but that **** is very real. My very healthy nephew had to drop out of college due to long term cognitive effects. He has one semester left and honestly doesn't think he can finish due to brain fog and memory loss. Kid made a 34 on his ACT and was on the Deans list every semester until he got Covid.
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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Maybe some will "play up" long covid, but that **** is very real. My very healthy nephew had to drop out of college due to long term cognitive effects. He has one semester left and honestly doesn't think he can finish due to brain fog and memory loss. Kid made a 34 on his ACT and was on the Deans list every semester until he got Covid.
I Pray he recovers but glad folks like you were not in charge of D-Day. Just Sayin', And Desantis and Sweden say "Hold my Beer".