Finally got the Covid.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
Those damn chinese are brilliant. Engineered a virus that can basically draw symptoms out of hat. Can be any one or combination of fever, aches, *****, sore throat, congestion, cough, fatigue, brain fog, horniness, loss of taste, loss of smell, rash, shortness of breach, or none of them at all. It's incredible.*
Damn, I’ve had covid since I was 12.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
For Christ’s sake, he said a family member got sick and is having long term effects from it and here we are discussing your willingness to die for your “beliefs”.
You are misconstruing my words and what's worse, you are doing so intentionally.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Well, cowboy, I hope you never have to deal with a serious illness. Hopefully no one judges you for it if you do.
My Dad died at age 57 in '99 from pancreatic cancer but I know better to believe that society or government protocols had anything to do with it .


Jun 4, 2014
My Dad died at age 57 in '99 from pancreatic cancer but I know better to believe that society or government protocols had anything to do with it .
I’m sorry for your loss. But I’m genuinely confused about why you have this idea I’m advocating for “government protocols.” I simply mentioned my nephew’s experience with long Covid. Not everyone who talks about long term effects from Covid is full of crap, a liberal, or whatever you seem to be judging them to be.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
I’m sorry for your loss. But I’m genuinely confused about why you have this idea I’m advocating for “government protocols.” I simply mentioned my nephew’s experience with long Covid. Not everyone who talks about long term effects from Covid is full of crap, a liberal, or whatever you seem to be judging them to be.
Anybody who advocates for a centralized shutdown that is not needed and pretends that all areas of a country as big as ours needs to do the same things whether you're in Los Angeles or Greenwood MS can kiss my A$$. Smart People tried to tell us but we listened to A$$ Masters instead of Common Sense.


Jun 4, 2014
Anybody who advocates for a centralized shutdown that is not needed and pretends that all areas of a country as big as ours needs to do the same things whether you're in Los Angeles or Greenwood MS can kiss my A$$. Smart People tried to tell us but we listened to A$$ Masters instead of Common Sense.
Huh… well we’re obviously talking past each other here. You do you buddy.


Active member
May 28, 2007
Hope it goes by fast. I got lucky with mine I just sounded like the Kurgan from Highlander for a week.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
My wife started on Monday and I tested positive this morning. Feel crappy. taking cold and flu meds keeping the mucus down. Still have taste.
Hope y'all are better soon. Just recently got the latest booster shot on the advice of my dr. I really have no idea if the shots are helping me but I haven't had it yet. I'm retired so I'm not exposed as much as younger people. But I haven't been hiding indoors all the time either. Probably more luck than anything.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
My wife started on Monday and I tested positive this morning. Feel crappy. taking cold and flu meds keeping the mucus down. Still have taste.
Hold on a sec. You’re just now falling to it after all this time? If so, you’ve good great genetics and/or health.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
There is so much crap out there on the inter webs about Covid that you don’t really know what to believe, but I read an interesting article the other day. This guy/ Dr/ scientist stated that if you haven’t already had Covid it was likely that you had a genetic anomaly that prevented you from displaying symptoms. He said that everyone has been exposed but a small percentage have yet to get it and likely never would. Some people’s bodies attack the virus before it has a chance to reproduce and produce symptoms. I’ve been exposed so many times and have yet to test positive. I had something respiratory in 2020 but was tested for Covid 4 times and even went to a respiratory specialist and he said that it wasn’t Covid but I was sick with something I’ve never had before.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
For Christ’s sake, he said a family member got sick and is having long term effects from it and here we are discussing your willingness to die for your “beliefs”.
My Bad and My Apologies. Comprehension blurred by alcohol.
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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
There is so much crap out there on the inter webs about Covid that you don’t really know what to believe, but I read an interesting article the other day. This guy/ Dr/ scientist stated that if you haven’t already had Covid it was likely that you had a genetic anomaly that prevented you from displaying symptoms. He said that everyone has been exposed but a small percentage have yet to get it and likely never would. Some people’s bodies attack the virus before it has a chance to reproduce and produce symptoms. I’ve been exposed so many times and have yet to test positive. I had something respiratory in 2020 but was tested for Covid 4 times and even went to a respiratory specialist and he said that it wasn’t Covid but I was sick with something I’ve never had before.
My wife and 16 year old had COVID in Sep 2020, i tried as hard as possible to get it (ate after her, used the same utensils, etc.), but never tested positive. Months later, after giving blood I got a call that i had the antibodies, I was never sick.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
Maybe some will "play up" long covid, but that **** is very real. My very healthy nephew had to drop out of college due to long term cognitive effects. He has one semester left and honestly doesn't think he can finish due to brain fog and memory loss. Kid made a 34 on his ACT and was on the Deans list every semester until he got Covid.
Didn't mean to offend you. I'm thick skinned and spend too much time reading the OT, which makes one even more callous. I manage a lot of employees and and starting to see an uptick in poor employees blaming "long covid" for everything. I expect "long covid" is going to become even more of an excuse over the next few years. Yes, undoubtedly, there are some with serious issues, but I think it will be used by many as an excuse for poor performance.
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Bulldog Bruce

Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
Hold on a sec. You’re just now falling to it after all this time? If so, you’ve good great genetics and/or health.
I don't get the flu and never get the shot. I did get the first two original shots to make my wife feel better. But yeah I think my family has a very strong ability to fight coronavirus viruses.
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