are we sure MY is setting the offensive game plan and calling the plays?
This mediocre offense - other than the moorhead years, though donovan, rahne, cirrocola (sp) and now my has one common factor - frankin. Might be a coincidence but i don't know
Wikipedia (not always a definitive source but a good first stop) calls Franklin the "head football coach" at Penn State. That said, if the man really is the coach, then he's in charge and the buck should stop with him.
Personally, I have never bought the idea of a "CEO" type coach, I think that is ridiculous. The coach should coach. He can and should delegate details to the OC and DC and let them go from there, but the overall strategy and preparation is something the HC should dictate. And, of course, as we've seen, if the OC and DC look good they'll be pulled away for HC jobs and you have no consistency or continuity.
And this habit of a loss after a bye week speaks volumes. The last three bye week losses were Illinois, Minnesota, and Michigan State. I could see it if it was always OSU after a bye week but those three teams aren't Murderer's Row. It speaks to poor preparation, squandering valuable available time to plan and improve.