The game was lost on a bad break on a swing pass we have thrown a hundred times this season with no problem and 3 FG's which were not the result of the tater offense moving the ball well against our defense but mainly based on starting field position.
Field position and pressure on Rattler were dominant factors in our inability to get anything going offensively. Lack of adjustments to take advantage of a pressure defense is puzzling but I guess DLogg was expecting Rattler to eventually make something happen as he has almost always done. Our lack of innovation on offense is very disappointing as all that pressure has to make a defense vulnerable in some facets.
The Taters have a much better OL than we do but their offense was not much better than ours at producing points and given all of our three and outs and the amount of time our defense spent on the field, the game shouldn't have even been within reach, but it was.
5 things which have really hurt us this season
1. OL - lack of physicality, aggression and mental toughness to win individual battles with opposing DLinemen
2. Punting - big disappointment after last season's performance as field position has not been our friend at all this year
3. Running game design - OL blocking takes some blame but our scheme for running the ball is predictable and lacking any adjustments based on the opponent's defensive game plan
4. Wasted 1st downs on offense have put us in 2nd and long way too often and we constantly run 3rd down plays which are short of the 1st down marker even if successful
5. Defensive players out of position - this was much improved later in the year but was a glaring defect earlier in the year
Those are my thoughts and look for others to chime in with theirs
Field position and pressure on Rattler were dominant factors in our inability to get anything going offensively. Lack of adjustments to take advantage of a pressure defense is puzzling but I guess DLogg was expecting Rattler to eventually make something happen as he has almost always done. Our lack of innovation on offense is very disappointing as all that pressure has to make a defense vulnerable in some facets.
The Taters have a much better OL than we do but their offense was not much better than ours at producing points and given all of our three and outs and the amount of time our defense spent on the field, the game shouldn't have even been within reach, but it was.
5 things which have really hurt us this season
1. OL - lack of physicality, aggression and mental toughness to win individual battles with opposing DLinemen
2. Punting - big disappointment after last season's performance as field position has not been our friend at all this year
3. Running game design - OL blocking takes some blame but our scheme for running the ball is predictable and lacking any adjustments based on the opponent's defensive game plan
4. Wasted 1st downs on offense have put us in 2nd and long way too often and we constantly run 3rd down plays which are short of the 1st down marker even if successful
5. Defensive players out of position - this was much improved later in the year but was a glaring defect earlier in the year
Those are my thoughts and look for others to chime in with theirs