Your 1st sentence is 100% wrong. Your 2nd sentence is 100% right.It’s time to promote Gautreau to head coach and start all over next year. There is no reason for our baseball team to be this bad.
I think we haven't heard from any players speaking about it because there aren't any leaders on that team willing to stand up and rally them. It's a bunch of individuals playing for themselves and not their coaches, fans and school. We are entering a new era where I'm afraid that will be the norm instead of the exception, in all sports, where transferring from one school to another is as easy as dropping a classThis may be a bigger problem than just misjudged talent. I find it odd that we've heard very little really from the players or coaches which makes me wonder if there are some deeper problems. When we start to lose control all the wheels fall off... every time...
What's going on?