Govenuh Cup Thread


Active member
Dec 8, 2021
So the ticket prices ended up being kosher?
where I was seated behind home plate was nearly 4x what it cost at the M-Braves.

The park has reinstituted pay to park. Yesterday was $10. M-Braves are normally $5.

I am glad I went, though there were too many scUM fans there for my liking. I’m glad I didn’t pop my mouth and get into trouble for it.

that, and I flew into town exclusively to see this game. I doubt I will do so next year.

I usually catch a few M-Braves games too. I’m not so sure I’ll make as many this season as I have in the past. paying for parking grinds my gears.
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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
This feels like the best pitched 9 innings we've had in 2 years giving up only 1 run. I can't remember a shutout.