Has anyone heard anything from Raffo?


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
I understand he's disappointed and at least he's not making a public fool of himself over it, but does anybody else think that by now he should have made a statement to the effect that Cohen's a great coach who he's known for a long time and he wishes him all the success in the world at MSU?


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
that he might get his *** sued personally by Ronald Gnome Polk? Sumbitch has completely disappeared [not that I'm complaining, mind you].


Active member
Apr 24, 2006
He doesn't need to say anything. He's an outgoing assistant coach. I realize the circumstances are a bit different as he's one of MSU's own, and a mini legend himself, but he's still just an outgoing assistant coach.

He should be doing what every other outgoing assistant coach has always done. He should be touching up the resume and looking for employment. We've already got enough emotional bull **** flying around. No need to expect or want more.

Privately? Yeah maybe. Mend the fences with Cohen so to speak. But that's his own personal decision, and I don't think we need to know either way. In public though? Why? He's not employed by the university anymore and he was an assistant coach. The only reason he's in the position he's in is because of Ron's bizzaro behaviour. In a normal coaching search, he's long gone and looking for a place to land.


New member
Jun 4, 2007
make some sort of statement, but I don't think he "should." </p>

He's already taken the high road in this whole sordid affair. </p>


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
but you would think he isn't going to say anything until he knows 100% he is fired. it is still possible (but not likely in my opinion) that Cohen could keep him on. it would smooth the transition, possibly calm down polk, and help byrne out a ton. it would be win/win for the athletic department and a possible win/win for fans if ....and only if.... Cohen is able to get more out of Raffo with recruiting and coaching. you never know, a new head coach with some fire may actually work out for raffo. i don't personally think Tommy is incompetent. i think he worked in the system that he was given and unfortunately it was a "that's baseball" system. polk has made it completely clear in the last week that he and he alone was the boss. i am not sure how much latitude raffo was really given to try new things or even deviate from old things during his tenure with polk. and i think this is yet another reason why he didn't get the job....because he was mainly doing what he was told.

edit to say: i dont' know if he is 100% sure he is fired. i haven't been reading the papers or watched the press conference. Has Cohen said he is getting rid of all of the staff?


New member
Jun 4, 2007
Raffos, it is time for them to move on.

Keeping him on would only encourage dissension on the team. Everytime Cohen gets in thier face, they'll run to Tommy. Cohen doesn't have a choice, really. Polk saw to that. He's got to clean house.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
and I think everyone knows that. He was a candidate for the job, publicly endorsed by Polk and the person Polk's whole meltdown was about. He needs to make it clear that he's not harboring any grudges against MSU (or at least not any public grudges).


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
don't get me wrong...i think he should leave too. it was just saying that hypothetically if i was raffo i would make sure that i was fired prior to saying thanks "publicly." and i also realize that the scenario that i painted in my post isn't likely to happen and if it did it would be difficult at best to work out. just a thought though.

question: remember the Director of Baseball Operations rumor a few weeks ago? I don't know the validity of that rumor but if it were something that was in the works...I bet it isn't anymore after Polk's ******** (the only thing good from Polk's rant if so)


New member
Mar 1, 2008
In what way does Byrne need to be helped? I was so sick of watching our players go down to third called strikes I think there should have been a change at hitting coach anyway. Tommy was going to be Ron's puppet anyway.


New member
Jun 4, 2007
will amount to is a glorified Staff Assistant. Somebody to make hotel reservations and line up the food for road trips.


Active member
Apr 24, 2006
Whether Raffo approves or not, will it change anybody's opinion about the job Byrne did and about Cohen?

He doesn't need to explain anything. Maybe he does hold a grudge. He might HATE Cohen now. If he does, to expect him to come out and make a statement to in support of a program that didn't even hire him, just to smooth things over, would be foolish. If he has no ill will, again, what does it matter if he says something publicly? We don't need his approval, he doesn't owe us anything either.

I've also gotten the feeling that Raffo never was seriously considered. He may have been interviewed just to control Polk as much as possible during the search, which didn't seem to work out to well as evidenced by the fact he tried to strong arm candidates away from the job.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
exactly why it is unnecessary and dumb for a former assistant / head coach candidate to do.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
maybe a ton was a bit of an exaggeration. i was meaning that the shutting up of the little gnome may be helpful right now. considering that our most storied coach in the baseball program is intentionally trying to sabbotage our new AD prior to him officially taking office....i think it would help. just my opinion.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
than for MSU/Byrne/Cohen's. You're right that we don't need his approval. But he does need to distance himself from Polk's comments. By keeping silent, he implies that he agrees with them and that can't be good for him or his career. Not to mention that he really doesn't need to be burning any bridges with MSU or Cohen. Right now, Cohen would be a much better reference on his resume than Polk would be.