Clemson fans don't hate you at all ; we just feel sorry for you because of the sad teams you put out there, and especially for your brainwashed fans that embarrass the entire state! By the way, how many FB championships have you won? Division championships? SEC or ACC championships? Good luck this Saturday; bring a lot of crying towels! LOL
Go play with your toys little boy. You must have been born yesterday. Probably not even in your mother's womb when we were beating that a$$ 5 years in a row.
I'm sure your team will come to play, because your team is underachievers.
All that talent on paper and you can't even play for a Conference Title. FL State is back.
You lost to an average Miami Team.
You got beat by Duke in football. LMAO
How does one lose to Duke in football??
What a freakin embarrassment. You better watch this game because the Palmetto Bowl is the only Championship your team will be competing for.
You beat UNC at home. Not the same team we played on a neutral field at the beginning of the season.