Holy ****. Did you really think this is going to be hard? Or are you going to hang your hat on not knowing the individual anmes of the employees?
Here is a statement from Jimmy Johns:
"Jimmy John’s in a statement said it took steps to rescind non-compete agreements even before Madigan’s office first contacted the company last year. The attorney general had no evidence that Jimmy John’s ever enforced a non-compete agreement against an hourly worker, the company said.
In other words, yes, they were requiring hourly employees to sign non-compete agreements but claim they never enforced them against hourly employees.
Fast-food franchise Jimmy John's has agreed not to enforce a prohibition on workers at its sandwich shops from taking jobs with competitors in order to settle a lawsuit claiming the agreements were illegal, the attorney general of Illinois said on Wednesday.
But of course these are the non-competes that aren't really that harmful, because it's not a big problem for a low wage worker to be prohibited from working at a sandwich shop when they can work at other restaurants and it's not like it's going to be easy for employers to even figure out where the employee goes in most of those instances. But there are situations where they're harmful and they don't protect any legitimate interest of the employer, they just exist to make it hard for employees to leave.