I'll try to break the cycle and make this my last post. Let's agree to disagree.
- You think making it easier for people to have access to drugs/drug paraphernalia is somehow good for them. I disagree, but am obviously not going to change your mind.
- I don't know who you're comparing to Jerry Falwell, but brother I can assure you I enjoy sex and think it's a wonderful thing inside the boundaries of a consensual adult relationship. I don't want my kids having sex in middle school or high school (or anytime outside marriage in fact, in a perfect world), and I'm NOT going to tell them it's okay. I train them to make good decisions, put protections around them as best I can, and hope they make the right decisions. That's all I can do. So I certainly don't want their school to tell them it's okay, or to make it free and easy for them. You are apparently fine with your kids' school giving away condoms. Good luck with that, but you aren't going to change my mind about how best to try to guide and protect my kids. I don't want them to make the same mistakes lots of other people (including me) have made.
Lastly, underage sex isn't a destructive behavior??? Okay, that's one theory I guess.
I genuinely dont think we are far apart on views.
- I have no idea if this vending machine thing is beneficial to individuals or society. I just see what hasnt worked for decades and dont think we should keep trying the same things that havent worked. Definition of insanity and whatnot. Frankly, I see crackpipes in a vending machine and cock my head in confusion. Seems straight up odd. But I also know that I am far from an expert on this and assume there was some basis for trying this out(a study, experts, etc etc). I do think easier access to narcan is good. There is no downside at all to having abundant access to an inexpensive medication that can save lives.
I have read articles about cities with needle exchanges, safe crackhouse locations, etc. It is all so foreign to me(thankfully) that I struggle to align it with what I learned growing up with is 'drugs are bad, mmkay?' and little more. I am from the generation where Rachel Leigh Cook smashes an egg with a frying pan and 17ing destroys a kitchen to simulate snorting coke so yeah, when a vending machine has crack pipes for free, that is a helluva 180 for me to wrap my mind around and get behind.
But I keep coming back to the reality that what we have tried(shaming people, educating people, not helping people, criminalizing people) sure hasnt worked, so maybe its time to try some radically different approaches.
- Condoms arent just available to underage kids. Reproductive health clinics have handed out condoms by the bowl full to adults for decades. Not sure why you are only considering the youth side of things. I did mention educating kids about reproductive health and safety, but that wasnt meant to only suggest free condoms benefit kids. The education of kids on reproductive health and safety was more me referencing the oppressive and detrimental argument that abstinence only education is best.
From an individual perspective, how you parent sounds great. You seem involved and try to help them learn to manage situations which are new to them. Maybe your kids therefore dont need access to condoms. Meanwhile, there are a bunch of other kids who have crap parents and have not had the support or structure you have given your children. If those kids are in physical relationships, statistically they are less likely to fully understand reproductive health and less likely to practice safe habits. Given them access to a simple to use and inexpensive birth control helps ensure they stay safe and not pregnant. They are going to have sex regardless, may as well help ensure they do so in a safe and healthy way.
- I dont know if the school district I work at and my kids attend gives out condoms. I have an 11th and 7th grader, so Im pretty sure if the district does supply them, only one would have access. Like you though, we are involved, talk with her about choices and consequences, and have educated her on safe reproductive practices and reproductive health. You do what you can at an individual level, but its still important to remember that what is best at the individual level often isnt what is best at a societal level.