Hey, do you need a crack pipe?


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
I don't understand the point you're making here. There have been free condoms available for decades. Free condoms are so widely available - even in Mississippi - that I'm not even sure why they're sold anymore. I think there are even free condoms in the vending machines that are the subject of this thread. The world hasn't "exploded" whatever that means.
Yeah, they give them for free. Having to see a free condom vending machine on the corner downtown where they can see it in front of their face every day would probably be a triggering point for some folks.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Yeah, they give them for free. Having to see a free condom vending machine on the corner downtown where they can see it in front of their face every day would probably be a triggering point for some folks.
Why would that trigger people? Are people triggered by free tampon dispensers in bathrooms?
This is just reproductive health and protection- everyone has hormones, everyone develops, and with the exception of angry incels and overwhelmed single parents, we are all having sex with some sort of frequency. <--Ill let others use this for a joke.

Reproductive health should not be shameful. Reproductive protection should not be shameful.
Nobody should be triggered by seeing reproductive health and protection products.

I swear- many in this country are so uptight when it comes to sex, they could shitout diamonds.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Why would that trigger people? Are people triggered by free tampon dispensers in bathrooms?
This is just reproductive health and protection- everyone has hormones, everyone develops, and with the exception of angry incels and overwhelmed single parents, we are all having sex with some sort of frequency. <--Ill let others use this for a joke.

Reproductive health should not be shameful. Reproductive protection should not be shameful.
Nobody should be triggered by seeing reproductive health and protection products.

I swear- many in this country are so uptight when it comes to sex, they could shitout diamonds.

You can tell I'm trying to be humorous, yet you're still acting like I'm trying to make some valid moral point.

The fact that you are arguing with me when I obviously almost agree with you on this subject but do not wholly agree with you is starting to sound like you're either looking for an internet argument or are an entitled know-it-all.

Either way once again, I'll let you have the last word as you most certainly will, I'm done.


Well-known member
May 1, 2006
Yeah, they give them for free. Having to see a free condom vending machine on the corner downtown where they can see it in front of their face every day would probably be a triggering point for some folks.
Glfr beat me to it but I'll expand on his post by adding another question... what do you think the people who are "triggered" are going to do? Do you think it's going to make people want to have sex? Because if that's your concern, I have some news for you about the entire history of human existence on this planet.

You mentioned the world exploding earlier. Do you think seeing condoms in public is going to cause people to be violent?

You can tell I'm trying to be humorous, yet you're still acting like I'm trying to make some valid moral point.

The fact that you are arguing with me when I obviously almost agree with you on this subject...
Well, I guess put me in the same boat. I though you were making moral arguments. You wouldn't be the only person in this thread doing that.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
You can tell I'm trying to be humorous, yet you're still acting like I'm trying to make some valid moral point.

The fact that you are arguing with me when I obviously almost agree with you on this subject but do not wholly agree with you is starting to sound like you're either looking for an internet argument or are an entitled know-it-all.

Either way once again, I'll let you have the last word as you most certainly will, I'm done.
Oh damn, nope I didnt pick up on you joking about people being triggered by that.
Bias showing on my side- apologies.

Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
We can keep telling people how bad crack is for them, but I dont think that will actually stop someone from smoking crack. I hear it, along with cocaine, is a helluva drug.
Nobody who smokes crack thinks its healthy. And they are very aware it can kill people.

Your suggestions are that we bring awareness when everyone is already aware. Addiction makes you not care enough to stop, in spite of the danger.

As for handing out condoms, dude- its 2023. Falwell's Moral Majorty died off in the late 80s and educating kids about reproductive health and safety is clearly the best way to ensure they are responsible and safe during their lives. Access to inexpensive and safe contraceptives has been shown to be a vital part of reducing STD/STIs and unwanted pregnancy.
Sex isnt a destructive behavior- 17 that. Good lord, how is this even something anyone is discussing at this point in time?
I'll try to break the cycle and make this my last post. Let's agree to disagree.

- You think making it easier for people to have access to drugs/drug paraphernalia is somehow good for them. I disagree, but am obviously not going to change your mind.

- I don't know who you're comparing to Jerry Falwell, but brother I can assure you I enjoy sex and think it's a wonderful thing inside the boundaries of a consensual adult relationship. I don't want my kids having sex in middle school or high school (or anytime outside marriage in fact, in a perfect world), and I'm NOT going to tell them it's okay. I train them to make good decisions, put protections around them as best I can, and hope they make the right decisions. That's all I can do. So I certainly don't want their school to tell them it's okay, or to make it free and easy for them. You are apparently fine with your kids' school giving away condoms. Good luck with that, but you aren't going to change my mind about how best to try to guide and protect my kids. I don't want them to make the same mistakes lots of other people (including me) have made.

Lastly, underage sex isn't a destructive behavior??? Okay, that's one theory I guess.

Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I really dont think that vending machine says 'do smoke crack'. I also dont think the vending machine says 'dont smoke crack'.
I think the existence of the vending machine is due to people recognizing that the way society, police, and cities have tried to combat hard drug use has not worked, so maybe something different will work.

If there is such a crack problem BEFORE the vending machine exists that people think a vending machine with narcan and clean pipes will help reduce ODing, then it should be clear that the old way wasnt working. The old way got us to where we are now- a lost war with endless money being wasted.

I have no idea if this vending machine idea is will work or wont work. I do know that the problem was already so bad that people thought it would be good to try this, so that should say something about how not offering free narcan and pipes has worked.

This is a really sad reality to even discuss. Truly, its crazy that this is being discussed at all and I hope we as a society continue to try to find effective ways to reduce destructive drug dependence and the awful effects that follow.
I agree with you on this one. And if we find out later that putting those machines out somehow helped - that will shock me, but it will be good news. I'm not against trying to help people at all. We just disagree on how to do it on a large scale I guess.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I'll try to break the cycle and make this my last post. Let's agree to disagree.

- You think making it easier for people to have access to drugs/drug paraphernalia is somehow good for them. I disagree, but am obviously not going to change your mind.

- I don't know who you're comparing to Jerry Falwell, but brother I can assure you I enjoy sex and think it's a wonderful thing inside the boundaries of a consensual adult relationship. I don't want my kids having sex in middle school or high school (or anytime outside marriage in fact, in a perfect world), and I'm NOT going to tell them it's okay. I train them to make good decisions, put protections around them as best I can, and hope they make the right decisions. That's all I can do. So I certainly don't want their school to tell them it's okay, or to make it free and easy for them. You are apparently fine with your kids' school giving away condoms. Good luck with that, but you aren't going to change my mind about how best to try to guide and protect my kids. I don't want them to make the same mistakes lots of other people (including me) have made.

Lastly, underage sex isn't a destructive behavior??? Okay, that's one theory I guess.
I genuinely dont think we are far apart on views.

- I have no idea if this vending machine thing is beneficial to individuals or society. I just see what hasnt worked for decades and dont think we should keep trying the same things that havent worked. Definition of insanity and whatnot. Frankly, I see crackpipes in a vending machine and cock my head in confusion. Seems straight up odd. But I also know that I am far from an expert on this and assume there was some basis for trying this out(a study, experts, etc etc). I do think easier access to narcan is good. There is no downside at all to having abundant access to an inexpensive medication that can save lives.
I have read articles about cities with needle exchanges, safe crackhouse locations, etc. It is all so foreign to me(thankfully) that I struggle to align it with what I learned growing up with is 'drugs are bad, mmkay?' and little more. I am from the generation where Rachel Leigh Cook smashes an egg with a frying pan and 17ing destroys a kitchen to simulate snorting coke so yeah, when a vending machine has crack pipes for free, that is a helluva 180 for me to wrap my mind around and get behind.
But I keep coming back to the reality that what we have tried(shaming people, educating people, not helping people, criminalizing people) sure hasnt worked, so maybe its time to try some radically different approaches.

- Condoms arent just available to underage kids. Reproductive health clinics have handed out condoms by the bowl full to adults for decades. Not sure why you are only considering the youth side of things. I did mention educating kids about reproductive health and safety, but that wasnt meant to only suggest free condoms benefit kids. The education of kids on reproductive health and safety was more me referencing the oppressive and detrimental argument that abstinence only education is best.
From an individual perspective, how you parent sounds great. You seem involved and try to help them learn to manage situations which are new to them. Maybe your kids therefore dont need access to condoms. Meanwhile, there are a bunch of other kids who have crap parents and have not had the support or structure you have given your children. If those kids are in physical relationships, statistically they are less likely to fully understand reproductive health and less likely to practice safe habits. Given them access to a simple to use and inexpensive birth control helps ensure they stay safe and not pregnant. They are going to have sex regardless, may as well help ensure they do so in a safe and healthy way.

- I dont know if the school district I work at and my kids attend gives out condoms. I have an 11th and 7th grader, so Im pretty sure if the district does supply them, only one would have access. Like you though, we are involved, talk with her about choices and consequences, and have educated her on safe reproductive practices and reproductive health. You do what you can at an individual level, but its still important to remember that what is best at the individual level often isnt what is best at a societal level.


Active member
Feb 23, 2008
I really dont think that vending machine says 'do smoke crack'. I also dont think the vending machine says 'dont smoke crack'.
I think the existence of the vending machine is due to people recognizing that the way society, police, and cities have tried to combat hard drug use has not worked, so maybe something different will work.

If there is such a crack problem BEFORE the vending machine exists that people think a vending machine with narcan and clean pipes will help reduce ODing, then it should be clear that the old way wasnt working. The old way got us to where we are now- a lost war with endless money being wasted.

I have no idea if this vending machine idea is will work or wont work. I do know that the problem was already so bad that people thought it would be good to try this, so that should say something about how not offering free narcan and pipes has worked.

This is a really sad reality to even discuss. Truly, its crazy that this is being discussed at all and I hope we as a society continue to try to find effective ways to reduce destructive drug dependence and the awful effects that follow.
And this is without even acknowledging the fact that our already overstressed, underpaid and understaffed first responders - mostly cops and firemen - have an inordinate amount of their time and energy devoted to administering narcan to overdose victims. I'm sure they'd be perfectly happy allowing them to administer narcan to each other so they can put out fires and arrest murderers and whatnot.
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Well-known member
May 1, 2006
- You think making it easier for people to have access to drugs/drug paraphernalia is somehow good for them. I disagree, but am obviously not going to change your mind.
Not to repeat myself (even though I love to repeat myself) but just saying "making it easier for people to have access to drugs/drug paraphernalia" is missing a whole lot of context. And not even entirely accurate because the vending machines aren't dispensing drugs.

The people who are accessing these vending machines already have drugs and drug paraphernalia. What's available in the machines are items that making doing these drugs a little safer so there's less of a likelihood that they'll die from an overdose.

As others have said, our Just Say No approach doesn't work. Maybe this won't work either but I don't think it's unreasonable to give it some time to see if it will.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Let me help you with a much better solution.

Slow down illegal immigration and protect our border.
Let me help you with an even better solution. Streamline legal immigration so that we can get the workers we need, thus reducing those that are actually coming in illegal. Heck, I'd even say it's a bad idea as a decent human, and even from a legal perspective, to trick people legally seeking asylum onto a bus only to drop them off in the middle of very cold weather in a neighborhood several states away. Even if it is done for so worthy of a cause as owning the libs in support of a planned presidential run.

I wish something as wise as the Bible could give us some guidance on this front...

Leviticus 23:22 NIV
“ ‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you. I am the LORD your God.’ ”
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Let me help you with an even better solution. Streamline legal immigration so that we can get the workers we need, thus reducing those that are actually coming in illegal. Heck, I'd even say it's a bad idea as a decent human, and even from a legal perspective, to trick people legally seeking asylum onto a bus only to drop them off in the middle of very cold weather in a neighborhood several states away. Even if it is done for so worthy of a cause as owning the libs in support of a planned presidential run.
This country's immigration policies(legal and illegal immigration) will go down as the most inexplicable thing that I have experienced at the federal level in my lifetime. Dont care that half a life is still left to live, I am confident nothing will come up that is more inexplicable.
BOTH sides have done nothing of substance to fundamentally fix what is, by all accounts, a woefully broken system.

For decades, both political parties have pointed the finger and blamed the other side of failings.
For decades, both political parties have held control of the Executive and Legislative branches and not fixed it(whatever 'fixed' means to each side).
For decades, both political parties have made tiny changes, claimed they are huge, and patted themselves on the back while the system stays broken.

Neither side actually does anything that will move the needle in whatever direction they are hoping for it to move. Neither side.
And this is why it will go down as the most inexplicable thing. Countless opportunities, and nothing comes from it each and every time. Its totally wild- they just dont fix it, even when they have the power to.

Most recently...
2016-2018 - Republicans held the House, Senate, and POTUS. What did they do?...spent insane amounts of money on building segments of a wall that almost immediately started breaking, claimed Mexico would pay for immigration, banned people from a bunch of countries, and separated kids from parents at the border. They had the chance to actually address immigration and fundamentally change it so we can thrive as a country, but nope.

Obama didnt fix it. Biden hasnt fixed it. Heck, Biden has not even fulfilled some of the things he promised to change and actually has the power to change. Not that there would be a fundamental fix, but at least change what you campaigned on and have the power to change.



Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
I think the answer to this problem, and all others in this country, is to draw a line in the sand and then yell at and make fun of the people on the other side.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
We can keep telling people how bad crack is for them, but I dont think that will actually stop someone from smoking crack. I hear it, along with cocaine, is a helluva drug.
Nobody who smokes crack thinks its healthy. And they are very aware it can kill people.

Your suggestions are that we bring awareness when everyone is already aware. Addiction makes you not care enough to stop, in spite of the danger.

As for handing out condoms, dude- its 2023. Falwell's Moral Majorty died off in the late 80s and educating kids about reproductive health and safety is clearly the best way to ensure they are responsible and safe during their lives. Access to inexpensive and safe contraceptives has been shown to be a vital part of reducing STD/STIs and unwanted pregnancy.
Sex isnt a destructive behavior- 17 that. Good lord, how is this even something anyone is discussing at this point in time?
Clearly educating them about sex changes is important too.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Let me help you with an even better solution. Streamline legal immigration so that we can get the workers we need, thus reducing those that are actually coming in illegal. Heck, I'd even say it's a bad idea as a decent human, and even from a legal perspective, to trick people legally seeking asylum onto a bus only to drop them off in the middle of very cold weather in a neighborhood several states away. Even if it is done for so worthy of a cause as owning the libs in support of a planned presidential run.

I wish something as wise as the Bible could give us some guidance on this front...

Leviticus 23:22 NIV
“ ‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you. I am the LORD your God.’ ”
Now do homosexuality


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Clearly educating them about sex changes is important too.
Gender and biological sex would obviously be part of a reproductive health class.

I don't think educating everyone specifically on sex changes(gender affirming surgery?) would be needed. At least not beyond acknowledging that some people choose GAS.

Once more, it must be exhausting to be so outraged and constantly try to tie things back to a few culture war outrage issues.
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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Gender and biological sex would obviously be part of a reproductive health class.

I don't think educating everyone specifically on sex changes(gender affirming surgery?) would be needed. At least not beyond acknowledging that some people choose GAS.

Once more, it must be exhausting to be so outraged and constantly try to tie things back to a few culture war outrage issues.
I’ve just decided to constantly play yalls game


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I’ve just decided to constantly play yalls game
I am playing a game? I certainly didn't think I was.

You responded to my post about drug use with a non-sequiter so I took time to respectfully respond.
If you are playing a game, it's a solo effort.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
I am playing a game? I certainly didn't think I was.

You responded to my post about drug use with a non-sequiter so I took time to respectfully respond.
If you are playing a game, it's a solo effort.
👆 doesnt understand an analogy


Active member
Jan 25, 2015
Harm reduction is an extremely important link in the path to reducing the 100,000+ overdose deaths we have in our country. I'm not sure why anyone would oppose this unless they somehow believe addiction should be a death sentence.
I'd be willing to bet that the harm reduction from this will equal exactly zero. This will just encourage more drug use at the very least.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Dont have time to stomp out ignorance.
It would take you less than a minute to type out the explanation.

The real reason you wont is because you dont actually know what an analogy is and you are concerned you wont be able to logically turn your comment into an analogy.
Its ok, we are in a trust tree here, you can admit you dont know what you are saying.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
It would take you less than a minute to type out the explanation.

The real reason you wont is because you dont actually know what an analogy is and you are concerned you wont be able to logically turn your comment into an analogy.
Its ok, we are in a trust tree here, you can admit you dont know what you are saying.
I admit that you spout on some of the most ignorant and least logical nonsense some of us have ever heard.

"a drug kit vending machine says 'doing drugs is bad' more than its says 'doing drugs is ok'"

and yes we all know you didn't say that in one sentence but thats what you said over the course of a conversation.

If you didn't say that, then say it now. "A drug vending machine creates a perception that 'doing drugs is ok' more than it does that "doing drugs is bad".


Active member
Mar 13, 2019
I admit that you spout on some of the most ignorant and least logical nonsense some of us have ever heard.

"a drug kit vending machine says 'doing drugs is bad' more than its says 'doing drugs is ok'"

and yes we all know you didn't say that in one sentence but thats what you said over the course of a conversation.

If you didn't say that, then say it now. "A drug vending machine creates a perception that 'doing drugs is ok' more than it does that "doing drugs is bad".
I think everyone even most drug users would agree that "doing drugs is bad" you are not seing past the surface level of the vending machine. The NY governments and police departments have spent the last 60 years in a losing war against drugs where going out and telling people "doing drugs is bad" didn't do much of anything to prevent drug use and inevitably abuse/OD's. This is an attempt to try and help the people the drug users prevent OD by supplying them with cleaner/healthier supplies and providing the medicine to save people suffering from an overdose.

Nobody in their right mind is saying "doing drugs is ok"
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I admit that you spout on some of the most ignorant and least logical nonsense some of us have ever heard.

"a drug kit vending machine says 'doing drugs is bad' more than its says 'doing drugs is ok'"

and yes we all know you didn't say that in one sentence but thats what you said over the course of a conversation.

If you didn't say that, then say it now. "A drug vending machine creates a perception that 'doing drugs is ok' more than it does that "doing drugs is bad".
You dont have time to explain the analogy, but you have time to post this?
Come on, explain the analogy! Lets hear what game you are referring to and the analogy I dont understand.


Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
The people who are accessing these vending machines already have drugs and drug paraphernalia. What's available in the machines are items that making doing these drugs a little safer so there's less of a likelihood that they'll die from an overdose.
What's your take on gun restriction laws? (We are already deep in it, so might as well hit all the hot button topics**)

The people who will/would commit crimes with guns already have guns and ammo. Law abiding citizens having guns doesn't prevent that, but me having free and easy access to my guns certainly makes my world a little safer. There's less likelihood that a crime will be committed around me or my property.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
This country's immigration policies(legal and illegal immigration) will go down as the most inexplicable thing that I have experienced at the federal level in my lifetime. Dont care that half a life is still left to live, I am confident nothing will come up that is more inexplicable.
BOTH sides have done nothing of substance to fundamentally fix what is, by all accounts, a woefully broken system.

For decades, both political parties have pointed the finger and blamed the other side of failings.
For decades, both political parties have held control of the Executive and Legislative branches and not fixed it(whatever 'fixed' means to each side).
For decades, both political parties have made tiny changes, claimed they are huge, and patted themselves on the back while the system stays broken.

Neither side actually does anything that will move the needle in whatever direction they are hoping for it to move. Neither side.
And this is why it will go down as the most inexplicable thing. Countless opportunities, and nothing comes from it each and every time. Its totally wild- they just dont fix it, even when they have the power to.

Most recently...
2016-2018 - Republicans held the House, Senate, and POTUS. What did they do?...spent insane amounts of money on building segments of a wall that almost immediately started breaking, claimed Mexico would pay for immigration, banned people from a bunch of countries, and separated kids from parents at the border. They had the chance to actually address immigration and fundamentally change it so we can thrive as a country, but nope.

Obama didnt fix it. Biden hasnt fixed it. Heck, Biden has not even fulfilled some of the things he promised to change and actually has the power to change. Not that there would be a fundamental fix, but at least change what you campaigned on and have the power to change.

It's not inexplicable at all. Corporate donors on each side of the aisle wanted cheaper labor. Voters on both side of the wall wanted controlled immigration. So for a couple of decades politicians on both sides of the aisle railed against illegal immigration while making sure it wasn't stopped. At some point, a lot of democrats decided that pushing more illegal immigration was a winning political issue, so you started seeing their words actually matching their actions except for ones in more conservative areas (although conservative is not really a good divider on this issue; it's more aligned by whether you have to compete with immigrants for work or are largely just benefitting from illegal immigrants).

Trump legitimately tried it's just he didn't know how to work within government and the bureaucracy was even more brazen about openly defying his policy than they have been in the past. I don't think there is the political will to actually stop it, even within the republican party, so it's going to take a very skilled anti-illegal immigration president to make any progress on it until the political dynamics change.
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