How bad of a tail whoopin' would your parents given you if you'd tried this as a child!


Active member
Jan 23, 2022
Damn facebook, girl (about 6 years old) records herself putting the keys in the ignition of her mom's car, putting it in drive and accelerating, while her mom is in another part of the yard gardening.

The Reel Ess

Joined Feb 3, 2005
Jan 31, 2022
When I was wee lad, my dad took me out to the 1970 Ford Galaxie to crank it and let it warm up. He went back in the house for some reason and left me in the car. I slid over and held the accelerator to the floor for a while. This was in the days before car seats were even considered. It bent a couple of push rods. I probably got some discipline, but nothing too harsh. I was not of the age of accountability. Whose fault was it really? I can't remember this and I only know about it because my parents told the story often.

I'm so glad my daughter didn't get the stupid ideas as a kid that I did. She's almost 18 and doesn't really like to drive.


Joined Jan 10, 2019
Jan 28, 2022
When I was 13, my grandfather let me drive half of the trip from Ft. Worth to Florence on I-20 and continued letting me drive around Florence that week while he was visiting. My mom fussed at him and told him he shouldn't be doing that but didn't matter to him. It was a different world in 1983.
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