How hip is the Pack?

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
There’s got to be a point where the 99% of us who aren’t psychopaths just start interrupting folks using this made up language and say “that’s cool and all, but nobody gives a 17 about your pronouns or who you 17, just make your point”

Don't piss off the pronoun police or possibly face the same fate as Gina Carano and have your livelihood taken away for joking that your pronouns are beep/bop/boop.

The #FireGinaCarano movement on Twitter went viral last year after Carano appeared to mock transgender pronouns by putting “Beep/bop/boop” in her profile bio. Carano said Lucasfilm pushed her to release a company-written apology statement over the matter, but she refused.
“Earlier on last year before ‘The Mandalorian’ came out, they wanted me to use their exact wording for an apology over pronoun usage,” Carano said. “I declined and offered a statement in my own words. I made clear I wanted nothing to do with mocking the transgender community, and was just drawing attention to the abuse of the mob in forcing people to put pronouns in their bio.”

Junction John

New member
Oct 22, 2014
I have followed the lead of my director each time they initiated it during introductions because they are trans.

It's a separate (and less important) issue, but this new supposedly gender-affirming language is also just downright confusing in the context of the English language. Do you have just one trans director, or multiple?

I'm not hating on him/her or them, but you can see how that's a confusing sentence. This is a small example, but either you made a typo or it makes no sense.


New member
Oct 11, 2012
Good. "experiencing homelessness", "homeless people", "housing compromised". I don't know what's considered morally proper and it can change weekly. You seem to be in that age group where you're likely center left, a good place to be, and some in the younger generation are intent on dismantling oppression by making up crazy ideas about America and reupholstering the language on a regular basis according to their just invented moral absolutes (some of that stuff goes back to my grad school days but it was only pushed by the "studies" peeps" during dorm bull sessions). On the right we have some equally crazy MAGA types (you should listen to this guy who sells pillows. He knows the truth). Those hovering around the middle, center left and center right (me) find ourselves agreeing with our team and then having to hear some go off in a crazy direction. Path of least resistance says let some announce their b.s. to keep the peace and organization functioning, but don't let them get away with too much and damage morale. Anyway, I can predict someone's pronouns with about 99.9% accuracy. If a transperson has pronouns they prefer, I'll use them. I've run into only two and both were fine, and one was pretty cool. Good conversations and not at all like the irritating trans activists making tik tiks and morally denouncing others as transphobes.
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Hot Rock

Active member
Jan 2, 2010
People really have these things come up? I have never noticed a trans in my life but I guess they were there and I just didn't care. If someone wants to be called he or she why do I care? Are people so insecure that they need to be called a certain thing? Yes and it's not weird. I have seen people get fighting mad over a bad nickname. Everyone called this one dude "RED" at work. I didn't. I used his name. The week he retired he thanked me for that very thing after working with him for 23 years. He then told me a lot of things about that name that is messed up. People are damaged and it comes from a real place.

I ask what someone wants to be called and do it. It's called respect. Are they messed up in the head? Yes, but we all are to some extent.

I have hired hundreds over the years and I promise you the last thing on my mind when hiring them is their political belief, sexual orientation or favorite football team. I just don't care, I care if they can do the work and I hope my pay and benefits measure up to keep them if they are good without breaking the bank.

I think the guys afraid wear pink or use are the ones the most messed up in the head. They are always condemning others for who or what others chose to be. **** those guys. I am not gay and wearing pink or calling someone what they want to be called won't change that, besides I look damn good in pink or used to before I got old.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Yep. Less than 1 percent worldwide.

But according to Pew Research earlier this year, around 5 percent of US young adults think of themselves as either transgender or non-binary.

And the percentage of them thinking of themselves as transgender is higher the younger they are.

Folks our age may not know any or many transgender folks but our children and nieces and nephews know several.

Link to Pew Survey: Here.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
You are correct, it isnt a big deal to participate in this when introductions are made in a meeting.
Since it isn't a big deal, as you said, I do it.

Well, it's submitting to bullying. If they control the purse strings (or have the ear of someone who does) and the way they want to exercise their power is to force people to submit to their made up language, then whatever. Lots of people are *** holes if they have any power; I'm not going around trying to push back against all of them and I generally don't spend anytime thinking about them. But if I were them, that's not the way I'd want to spend my efforts. Aside from just not understanding the desire (I'm not going to start meetings requiring that everybody agree that a Georgian land value tax is the ideal land tax and should be the foundation of our tax system, even if I do control their paycheck somehow; I don't need the validation or get a thrill from making people say something they don't believe), I also recognize that power dynamics are fluid and there may be a time when I'm on the other side, and I would like people to think of me as somebody that gives people respect whatever their position, and not somebody that only provides respect when I don't have the power.

Junction John

New member
Oct 22, 2014
You mean our children may know several who think they are...

My son thought he was a wiener dog for about a month when he was 3.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
Now, you raise a valid point. Letting trannies play women's sports could finally make it watchable. Interesting.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I heard an argument the other day that nobody ever gives up religion. No matter where they stand they will find themselves with some idea of right and wrong and they will be quick to decide who is OK and who should be reprimanded(or worse) for not toeing the line.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I heard an argument the other day that nobody ever gives up religion. No matter where they stand they will find themselves with some idea of right and wrong and they will be quick to decide who is OK and who should be reprimanded(or worse) for not toeing the line.

Yup. People have a need for it. Doesn't mean everybody has to be fanatical about it, but you do see a lot of fanatics. Politics, Environmentalism, Social Justice, whatever the religion is, you are going to have people that are mildly religious and people that are ready to cast heretics out of polite society.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
No question this is being pushed on our children. We're setting a generation up for increased mental illness problems as they grow older.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
locked - it's game week

Can you define the word Cishet?

I was reading an Athletic article on the SDSU/Bill's punter rape allegations and in the comments section I saw the line ... "as a cishet woman" and honestly thought it was a religion/group/ cult I'd never heard of that must have some "unique view" on rape/gang rape. Quick use of the Google machine let me know she was simply letting us all know that 1) she was a person with female parts and was cool with it 2) if she were to have sex it would be with person containing male parts. While gay or straight used to suffice it makes sense that you now must first clarify what direction you're coming from (no pun intended) and thus we now have Cishet. I have to admit it is an efficient way to describe all of that and you do indeed learn something new everyday.

Merry football season to us all, we're off and running with a little Peay and Western KY!
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