How would you say one gets to heaven? I am especially interested in your response if you have an unchurched background. Thanks.
Based on the answers that I see here, the first place to start would be to crack the bible open and make keeping it open and reading it for yourselves a priority.
I have not seen the correct response yet.
The way is straight and narrow. FEW be that find it.
Hint: The answers that I see on this board fit the belief of over 50% of the world's belief. That's not few, that's the majority.
The world is Deceived.
Our Messiah says that many will say in that day, I did this and that in your name and HE will say depart from ME. I never knew you, ye that practice Iniquity (HINT: Iniquity = LAWLESSNESS. Your daily practice does not include keeping the law).
Don't let anyone lie to you about there being one set of rules for Jews and another set for Gentiles. ONLY ONE FAMILY
Don't let anyone confuse you with the 2 laws as replacement requirements. THOSE TWO ARE THE FOUNDATION FOR EVERYTHING.
Hint 2: Our messiah is not European. That picture that you have hanging in your churches is the son of the Pope Alexander VI. He hired Michale Angelo to paint his son Cesare Borgia. That image was used to destroy a lot of people.
If you struggle to love people that don't look like you, I would advise working on that.
Hint 3: If you don't understand the old testament and the teachings of the disciples/ apostles, do not try to interpret Paul's writings. As Peter (I believe) said, Paul is intelligent but easily to be confused.
Hint 3: If you think that Paul's doctrine to the gentles lays out one thing, but what Messiah and literally everyone else says goes in a different direction, the obvious possibilities are: a. Paul is wrong b. Your understanding of what Pauls is saying is wrong.
Ans: I help you out on this one. If you believe that you just have to believe and all is well, you don't understand Pauls writings.
The demons in hell believe more than anyone on this board.
Hint 4: The letter J did not exist in the english alphabet 500 years ago. Our Messiah's name is NOT Jesus nor is the Father's name Jehovah.
Proverbs 30:4 = what is his name (Father) and what is His Son's name?
You can't call on the name to be saved, if you do not know the name to begin with.
If you believe that there was no harm intended when they changed the names, you may want to do some research on your source itself.
Hint 5: It was not a name translation. It was a name re-write.
Hint 6. You are saved by Grace through Faith.
a. Grace is not: God's unmerited favor.
b. Grace is not: God's riches at Christ's expense
c. Grace may be: The lil old lady that bakes the wonderful cookies down the street, but that has nothing to do with this subject.
I could go on and on, but I've probably done enough to get kicked off the board as is, so.
I am the son of a preacher. I was taught one way, then realized that I was heading in the totally wrong direction.
I would suspect that nearly 100% of the people on this board will hate this response.
I'm ok with that. That would put me in the the FEW category. Since FEW be that find it, at least I am not dead in the water right off the bat.
You must seek HIM. Good luck on your search.
Y'all have a blessed day!!!