I'm hearing Showalter is the frontrunner............


New member
May 1, 2006
I was comparing him to Polk. Ron has long sat back and recruiting with his well known name.

Also, I've never stated that high school kids don't know who Showalter is. I'm sure they do if they've watched ESPN. However, I don't think name recruits anymore. A good recruiter is one who is passionate about recruiting and makes the recruit feel wanted. It's one who can sell his product above himself. Does anyone outside of college baseball know who Cohen is? How about Corbin? Those guys can recruit like crazy though. I don't want a coach who relies on his name and pro career to recruit for him. There has long been a notion, which I think is false, that the pro guy can come down and convince high school players he can get them to the pros. How many times has it actually materialized?


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
would be a good recruiter. He's never done it before. But I really don't think his reputation is that he sits back and coasts in anything he does. If anything, he works as hard or harder than anyone at what he does. If he turns out not to be a good recruiter, I don't think it will be because he tried to sit back and rely on his name to bring the recruits in.


Active member
Nov 17, 2006
...The more I think Showalter would be a good fit. He might not be able to recruit well on Day 1, but he can obviously coach, and it's not like recruiting is rocket science. Besides, he's starting off being able to say something no one else in college baseball can say: "I am a two time AL Manager of the Year. I know what it takes to make it to the major leagues and be successful."

The thing that concerns me more than his lack of recruiting experience is his age. I'd rather have a coach in his late 30's or 40's.


New member
May 23, 2006
The more a read up on him, the better I like him. Also, regarding his age, I'll take a couple of CWS championships in the next 13 or so years. It's very possible. Then you still have the pick of the crop when he retires.


New member
May 28, 2007
...the book on Buck is that he is a hardass, and believes in discipline and things like curfews, etc. I am definitely not opposed to that after this regime, and that is more suited for college. He's not my first choice, but I wouldn't hate it. I think you make some good points.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
patdog said:
You came up with exactly ONE name of a proven major league manager who has ever taken the step from the majors to college baseball.</p>

</p>What do you want me to do? Make up stuff?


New member
Nov 11, 2007
I like the vandy and KY coach as well...</p>


let's hope for the best so we can get back to where we belong ...and fast....</p>


you have to admit though...an ex-Yankee skipper at the Bulldog helm sounds pretty damn sweet...</p>