I have been saying that Satt does not appear to have a flow of the game ... then I read his comment, "You try to have a feel for how the game is gonna go". He has no clue DURING the game or DURING a series ... I am not a Brett Favre fan but I remember one game, when he was with the Vikings, they were moving the ball and has a few strong plays and quickly down to the goal line .. he is sprinting down and looking at the sideline and motioning to go NOW ... the coaches bring in a jumbo package, Favre is visibly upset, they hand off between the A gaps, and of course, lose yardage ... the next time that happened in that game, the coaches left the unit in and went with the flow and they scored immediately ... understanding the flow and dictating tempo is key ... absolutely and Satt does not get it ... I have said this for weeks and am convinced he goes off a chart all game long ... how in the world could you NOT use Bell (and I have been saying this all year long) ... CSB is in a precarious position. You want your coaches to be loyal to you and you must be loyal to your coaches, thus, his coach speak a lot. Besides, what assistant would want to come here if CSB throws coaches under the bus (Spurrier could do that due to his track record - not recommended, but he could do that). But when it gets to this point where one day we are hearing he was not in because of packages, well goodness, a good coach involves these playmakers in the majority of packages ... this is ridiculous ... if I am an offensive recruit and I am seeing this, do I want to come and play for USC with this? Talking about how great you are, how we need you, and how we will use you and then this?!?!?! People are not stupid ... I understand CSB not firing the OC during the season .. I get that, but he is very close to losing the fan base with empty words ... we know the buck stops with you ... we understand there are different packages, but get the BEST players in their the majority of the time ... could you imagine a coach not using Lattimore, Jeffrey, Shaw, Ellington, Ingram, Clowney, Gilmore, etc. We have seen enough ... and please do NOT hand the ball off to Bell on a jet sweep and feel like you are now including him ... get that man downfield in mismatches ... forget these overused plays on the perimeters and quick hitters ... ATTACK DOWN FIELD!
OK, I feel better ... I bleed Gamecock colors ... you understand!