Sadly, I don’t see our State improving in the future. If you look at the changes in our population make up over the last 30 years and project that same trend over the next 30 years, things don’t look very encouraging. Poor to terrible local government, uneducated work force, not that many actually want to work, increasing crime, shocking drug problems, etc, etc. if you want to hire someone to leave the fries out of your bag, then we are the cats meow. If you ran a company with operations that require a skilled workforce, would you locate here? If you ran a company here and were looking at a big investment into long term expansion, would you be strongly considering other states? I was born here and am a life long resident. It’s home. We have some hunting land that I always envisioned being passed down from generation to generation. Sadly I have come to realize that home is not in the best interest of my family long term. I have told my children that the grandkids need to leave here when they get grown. It hurts me to say this but that’s just facing reality. Growing up I played little league in the local park and it was a wonderful part of life. Eventually my kids came along and I coached baseball for 13 years in that same park. It was still fine but you could see changes happening that were concerning. Now, my grandkids are little league age and I would not want them in that park for anything. Not even wearing a Kevlar vest. It is nowhere close to being a safe place. A couple of years ago the local gangs decided to shoot at each other in the park while it was full of people having ball games. That’s just example. Watch the local news. Every single night, the first 15 minutes is nothing but shootings, assaults, robberies, etc. our town is no different than pretty much any other town around here. That’s just the way it is and I don’t see anything that’s going to make it any better. most of the other southeastern states are right behind us. My career had me traveling our country for one end to the other for over 40 years. I have pretty much seen it all. Certainly there are places that I would say are significantly worse, but there are now so many places that can now offer so much more. Much of Jackson and south Memphis are what I see for the whole state in not too many years down the road. I sincerely wish that I didn’t feel this way, but I do.