Jamon Hughes

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New member
Jan 23, 2007
See, I guess there is the rub. My guess is that we ARE going to put up with it. We are going to punish him, but in the end, he is going to be on the team.

But, handling the matter in private gives you more options and more lattitude, and you aren't subjected to media criticism about an issue regarding which everyone has limited information.

AND we wouldn't have the issue of this nifty new car hanging out there.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
Quote:_________________________________________________AND we wouldn't have the issue of this nifty new car hanging out there. _________________________________________________
That's my reason for keeping it quiet.


New member
Jan 23, 2007
drunk driving.

And although here probably isn't the place, but I could definitely argue that .05 shouldn't be labeled drunk driving.

But, the law says it is.

I think at .05 someone is fine to drive. The reason that the level is so low for people under 21 is that it is evidence that they have been consuming alchohol illegally period. It's really not the driving issue.


Jun 11, 2007
Starkville cops don't need a reason to give a breathilizer or search a car. Both have been done to me for no good reason. If you're young and it's late, that's all the reason they need because what the hell are you gonna do about it?

Bulldog Backer

New member
Jul 22, 2007
...from state to state. He would never have been cited in Louisiana because he is 20 and the minimum drinking laws are 19. He also wouldn't have been cited in about 40 other states, because they have a .08mg% minimum, most irrespective of age.

Also, before someone condemns him, we don't know the facts in this case. There is also a defense for being an "unwitting participant." He was at a party. Back when I was younger, I went to a lot of parties where there were two punch bowls, a "spiked bowl," and an "unspiked" bowl. Some joker would always pour a little vodka into the "unspiked" bowl when people weren't looking.

As for the car and registration, that is an issue that also deserves more time to discover facts.

The difficult thing with this whole scenario is that he was stopped with .05% in the first place. I suspect he was stopped because he was a young black male driving a 2008 Lincoln Town Car. I doubt Wes Carroll would have ever been stopped.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
Actually, in most states he would've been cited, because most states are like Mississippi in that they have an extremely low BAC requirement if you are under drinking age. In Tennessee, the legal limit is 0.08 if you are 21 or older, but it's either 0.01 or 0.02 if you are under 21. It's that way in most states. The legal limit used to be 0.10 in most states for those of drinking age, but most states dropped it to 0.08.

And most states have a much lower limit for under age drinkers. I don't think the legal drinking age is 19 in Louisiana either. I'm pretty sure that nationally it's 21. In Canada it's 19, so maybe he'd have been OK in Canada.

Backer, you are very predictable. When it's an MSU player, we don't know the facts, and we shouldn't condemn. If it's an Ole Miss, LSU, or Alabama player, they are guilty as charged.

Here is a link to Louisiana law. The drinking age is 21:

Edited to add: And here is a link to the Louisiana laws for minors citing a 0.02 BAC for DWI/DUI for underage drinkers (on page 3):

Honestly, I don't care that he got in trouble. It happens everywhere, but don't come trying to defend his actions by making things up. Being 20 and having a 0.05 BAC will get you a DUI in more states than not. And honestly, I would bet that it would get you a DUI in all 50 states.

Edited again for more info: The national drinking age is 21 for all states:

And I know this is from wiki, but in this case wiki is being cited by a legit source for info on American DUI laws. The legal limit in all 50 states is now 0.08 BAC for those over 21. And for those under 21, the BAC is either 0.01 or 0.02 in all states:

So, yes Jamon would've been cited for DUI in ALL 50 states with a BAC of 0.05, being only 20 years old.

If you want to do your own research, here is a link that has links to laws for all 50 states. I doubt you'll find a state where a 20 year old can drive with a 0.05 BAC and not get a DUI:


New member
May 24, 2006
You are just <rule 17>ing ridiculous.

Jamon made a bad decision. Our players at OM do the same thing. This isn't a pissing match/flaming post. I fully recognize that we have players who drink & drive, smoke pot, and steal.

Most of the posters here, except for you and a few others, make very reasonable post on this subject. They don't over react or tryto make light of it.

You, on the other hand, are a <rule 17>ing idiot.

Had this guy gone to Bama or OM, you'd be over at GP's discussing how it was disgraceful for anyone to drink & drive and about he could have killed someone. However, since it is your guy, throw out these wild theories about a damn punch bowl.

I haven't seen a punch bowl at a party since my 6th birthday. What time was this punch party that he accidently drank at? You saying he accidently got his punch spiked at a party before 5:20pm.

Most likely, he kicked back with a 40 oz after practice and was unfortunately pulled over.

Profiling my ***. It always amazing to me how sports fans will throw the profiling card when one of their own is in trouble. However, if it were anyone other than an athlete, you would say profiling is ********...maybe even condone it in certain situations.

Just the usual hypocrisy from you.


Jun 11, 2007
Fair enough. I wasn't strictly talking about this situation, just taking exception to the sentiment that if the cop tested him, then he must have smelled like alcohol. I know for a fact that that isn't the case in Starkville.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
Punch bowls? Are you serious? I dont think I have ever been to a party where there was a spiked punch bowl and an unspiked punch bow. And yes this kid deserves what he gets for making a dumbass move

Bulldog Backer

New member
Jul 22, 2007
I had been under the impression that Louisiana had lowered the legal age to drinking to 19. Was that a recent change?

Goat Holder

while trying to give us all a law lesson. Dumbass. 19 for drinking???


New member
May 23, 2006
All of this crap about being pulled over because he was black is ridiculous. When I was at state, I got pulled over countless time for little BS things (one headlight, expired inspection, no tag light) just to name a few. I had an old ragged hunting truck and seemed to get pulled over for something every time I drove into town in it. To top it all off, I am white, so by your logic it is astounding that I was pulled over for these minor violations. If you drive with an expired tag, you will get pulled over.

Goat Holder

And are you serious about the @#%$ "punch" bowls???? WTF you are some kind of loser. You were the one who got "fooled" weren't you?


New member
May 24, 2006
Backer thinks parties still look like this...


Goat Holder

Backer is the tall guy that's looking too hard at all the "flappers".....


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
No state will ever lower its drinking age. The reason states lowered the legal level to .08 and raised the drinking age to 21 was because the Federal DOT said it was going to cut off all Federal highway funds from states with a drinking age lower than 21 or a legal level above .08.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
And to be clear, I really don't care that the guy got arrested. We have idiots that do the same thing. And we'll have idiots on the police blotter again in the near future. It's only a matter of time, and I'll care as much then as I do about this, meaning not at all.

The only thing I care about is whether they are a distraction to my team and whether they can play on Saturdays. That's just being honest.

The reason I posted all that was to call Backer out for making stuff up. Bottom line, he probably had a couple beers in the afternoon and was probably headed to have a few more with friends when he got pulled over. It's something 20 year olds in college do every day. He just got caught. It doesn't make it right, but don't try to defend him by trying to make up some far fetched excuses. He did something that is illegal in all 50 states. Unfortunately for him, he just got caught, end of story.

Edited to add: I could've been pulled over for the same thing on multiple occasions, sometimes for having an even worse BAC than 0.05, so I'm not going to judge. It doesn't make it right, and I don't do it anymore, but I'm not going to pretend Jamon is some kind of awful person for making a mistake and getting caught.
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