A short time ago, Tomi Lahren was on twitter spewing her usual awful, hateful inhuman bile. She wrongfully try to paint a picture of voter fraud (trying to profit off yet another crazy conspiracy). Except the LA County Registrar actually chimed in and explained to her how she was entirely incorrect about how things work. Ziegler then chimed in and tried to tell the Registrar that they were wrong, and they didn't understand how voting procedures work. Because he's effing nuts, and just a bad guy (or just incredibly stupid ... you choose). He was, of course, corrected.
The point being, if you align yourself with crazy conspiracy guys, and you present what very much appears to be a crazy conspiracy, it's going to be VERY VERY hard to convince reasonable people to give you a listen. Sure, it's the internet, so there's a pocket full of crazies to be found on every topic, and it's en vogue today to say anything that happens didn't really happen, or is the plot of some powerful masterminds, so you'll get a cult following on just about anything ... but I'm talking about getting REAL people to listen to what you have to say.
If you're aligning yourself with Ziegler, you might as well just hold a press conference at Four Seasons Landscaping with Giuliani as your mouthpiece, and have caged monkeys throwing feces at the audience while giving everyone shrooms so they can enjoy the crazy trip you're about to send them on.