Wish you guys would cut the kid a little slack.
None of you guys would be complaining about him if he was more productive on offense.
We need him to grow up and continue to improve, but you have to appreciate his passion for the game.
He hasnt thrown out a runner all season either..... Being a smartass...
But seriously: I appreciate passion.
Two issues I have problems with:
1) Stomping on home plate and staring into the ole miss dugout is NOT passion. It isnt caught up the moment either. Hes got a full trot there. He doesnt have to stomp or do that. That to be isnt passion. The bat flip. I give a pass on
and 2) I gave a pass the UGA weekend. His behavior was way out of line. It costed us 1 game and could have another. He had a chance to show/grow/learn-- he didnt and hasnt. Same look at me behavior this week... And it clearly lit a fire under the ole miss team.
I appreciate the fire. But I cant let it outweigh the bush league behavior two weekends in a row. At some point, have to acknowledge this isnt the way we are going to act, and grab a seat on the bench for a while. So that maybe next time, you'll learn.