Karen Read Trial


Feb 24, 2023
I convinced she's innocent. When you dig down into the facts, there is SO MUCH smoke around the folks at that party. People destroying their phones and sim cards in separate places. Re-housing, or likely killing, their dog. Re-flooring their basement. The lead investigator is basically best friends with the owners of the house and never even looked their way. Literally nothing presented in the trial confirms the prosecution's theory.
Yeah I agree


Feb 24, 2023
I convinced she's innocent. When you dig down into the facts, there is SO MUCH smoke around the folks at that party. People destroying their phones and sim cards in separate places. Re-housing, or likely killing, their dog. Re-flooring their basement. The lead investigator is basically best friends with the owners of the house and never even looked their way. Literally nothing presented in the trial confirms the prosecution's theory.


I'd be hesitant since it hits back. With SUV's.

Vehicle shows it went 24 mph in reverse for 60 feet with victim's blood and hair found on the broken tail light. Blunt force trauma to head and hypothermia the cause of death. She was out riding around looking for him after midnight and had her girlfriends helping in the search (no rescue intent). When women are on the prowl like that nothing good follows.
There’s a lot of details you’re leaving out. You must not be keeping up with the case. Thought she was guilty too at first.


Feb 24, 2023
I think she was drunk. Fighting with him. And ran over him. Maybe on accident but who backs up 24 mph.

I think we really need to do away with trial by a jury of your peers. We need to change trials to a jury of 3 judges.

There is so much evidence now with electronic devices and elements of the criminal statutes and jury instructions are complicated. It takes a legal experience to sift through the minutiae. Then there is so much misinformation with social media. People think reality is an episode of CSI. People will ignore direct evidence and focus on circumstantial defense theories that may or may not have anything to do with a case.

OJ did it. Flowers did it. This lady did it.
I always said if I was on trial for a crime I didn’t commit I would opt for a bench trial.


Feb 24, 2023
You reading what I'm reading? I was paraphrasing and went and checked it was hair DNA found on HER broken tail light AND pieces of said tail light found at crime scene. Sorry about the hair / blood thing.

The tail light was still intact when she was seen on surveillance looking for him well after the supposed incident. Interesting right?


Feb 24, 2023
I been saying the same stuff about OJ for decades…. Thing is, did you know while he was driving around in that FORD Bronco he hired a lawyer? Not for himself but for his son. He hired one for his son before he got one for himself. That make sense?

One other thing, his son had a history of violence and lots of other things. Did OJ do it or did he cover up his son doing it?
Please link to a credible source this info about OJ hiring a lawyer for his son while riding around in the Bronco because you’re lying.

She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
If it's true, how the 17 is a State Police detective who is clearly close to the family whose yard the dead guy was found in, allowed to be the lead detective on the case???
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Aug 13, 2009
If it was a frame job, it would have to include most of a police department. Come on.
The defense did a pretty good job of showing how they did exactly that.

Not to mention that same police department, unbeknownst to them until this trial, has been under FBI investigation for some time for corruption of this very nature.
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Aug 13, 2009
All on your perspective. People love a conspiracy over the facts.
I'm referencing the facts.

That PD had been under FBI investigation for corruption. Investigators deleted texts messages from the defendants phone. None of the experts including the prosecutions say that a vehicle made contact with the deceased. The dog bite marks don't align with a vehicle collision and the house where the party was had a dog and was rehomed elsewhere afterward. The concrete floor in that basement was jackhammered out and replaced with new concrete. The broken glass at the scene wasn't there until after they found out her vehicle backed into his. Owner of that house gave a gift to the lead investigator and he said give it to his wife instead so it looks less obvious.

Those are the facts feel free to enlighten me with your own bc blabbering "conspiracy theory" bs is not an argument on facts.


Aug 13, 2009
If they have proof of that then why are they at trial? And what's the explanation of going 20mph in reverse for 60 feet?
The investigators texted amongst themselves they were going to pin it on the woman, meaning the defendant. Investigators convinced the prosecution it was her, so charges were brought. The exculpatory evidence wasn't known until after charges were brought so the trial proceeds.
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Jan 4, 2024
The investigators texted amongst themselves they were going to pin it on the woman, meaning the defendant. Investigators convinced the prosecution it was her, so charges were brought. The exculpatory evidence wasn't known until after charges were brought so the trial proceeds.
I'm still trying to figger out the reverse schit that happened at 12:45 a.m. If she's acquitted, a new investigation needs to happen. We're they not living together? What's up with her dropping him off at his buddy's house? Who had a reason to off him?

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
If it's true, how the 17 is a State Police detective who is clearly close to the family whose yard the dead guy was found in, allowed to be the lead detective on the case???
Tell me you're new to police reform efforts, without telling me you're new to police reform efforts.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
Kids, let this be a lesson. When groups of low quality individuals come together, shít can go south quickly.

What a cluster. I don’t think she did it, but I’m 💯 she’s a steaming pile of shít. Like they all are.
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Not at all. You just seem to be someone who needs to be told they're acting like an azz, because it's clearly not as obvious to you as it is to basically everyone else here.
Dude, by internet standards, that wasn't much. And I assure you I am much nicer to people on this board than they are to me. Anyone who can't handle being wrong and thinks i'm the ahole for pointing it out, is not my problem.

She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Dude, by internet standards, that wasn't much. And I assure you I am much nicer to people on this board than they are to me. Anyone who can't handle being wrong and thinks i'm the ahole for pointing it out, is not my problem.

Gee, I wonder why people here aren't nice to you???🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
South Farm. Here we come!
Lets Go Start GIF

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Gee, I wonder why people here aren't nice to you???🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
But, I hear you. I could he nicer.....but, dude. I responded with "tell me you don't X without telling me you don't X". That's a 1 out of 10 for internet meanness. It's basically an internet hello. If you have a past complaint, you should have aired it then.

She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
But, I hear you. I could he nicer.....but, dude. I responded with "tell me you don't X without telling me you don't X". That's a 1 out of 10 for internet meanness. It's basically an internet hello. If you have a past complaint, you should have aired it then.

I've communicated what I felt the need to communicate. I'm quite sure it will have no effect on you, but I tried.