Last OT thread: What's up with the Nord Stream problem?

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2009
What are all the angles on this deal?

Danish prime minister says its deliberate.

Ex Polish defense minister is thanking the US for it.

In February, Biden said "If Russia invades... then there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. Followed by, "We will bring an end to it."

Who benefits from what with this disaster occurring?


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
My small brain can't figure this out either. Was this an attempt to hurt Russia's funding? Wasn't there a European Energy Crisis already, though?

Ralph Cramden

New member
Jan 7, 2020
Someone sent drones over and dropped explosives and detonated them. My guess is the US. Putin would not destroy his main money maker and influence leverage. European countries need it this winter to survive so they would not. Sounds too complicated for an environmental extremist plus the fact it is a major release of methane into the atmosphere. Plus the fact that it is not the number one news story makes me think it was the US also. It should be 24 hour coverage.
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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2009
One angle that I'm seeing is this forces Germany hand on making a decision regarding the importation of Russian fossil fuels. That theory still doesn't mean much to me.

Unlike 99% of the board, I'm not a foreign trade policy expert.


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
The Russians had all but stopped the gas flow through that pipeline anyway.

I’m not doubting you here but if that’s the case why did so much gas leak out yesterday?

Honest question coming from someone who didn’t even know this pipeline was a thing until yesterday.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
I had one of their exercise things that simulates cross country skiing. It was alright but a stationary bike will hold more clothes.
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Aug 22, 2012
The same people who were confident that Bush did 9/11 will be shocked and appalled that someone might insinuate Biden did this. Even though he's on the record saying he would.

Everything the left claimed about the Trump admin is actually true of Biden's admin. Every single thing. It's almost like the hypocrisy is the point.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Could be Gazprom

With Russia cutting off lines they get exposed to defaulting on high dollar contracts. A blown up pipeline could provide an out.

Plus, Baltic pipeline opened yesterday (Norway - Poland). If Russia is playing the long game and committed to cutting that line permanently, it's a warning shot to others..."look at what we can do to your infrastructure".

Anyhow, you could probably make up a story on several angles benefiting either west or Russia.


Active member
Aug 26, 2012
I thought Putin and Russia had been stockpiling monies for years preparing for the sanctions that would follow the takeover of Ukraine. He has no regard for his own people, let alone the evil western devils.

I don't think he would have any issue cutting Europe off from Russian gas with an exceptionally harsh winter expected.

Not saying it wasn't the US. It just wasn't my first thought. I thought if not Russia, maybe a Ukraine Psy-op.

Interesting theory, Marty


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I’m not doubting you here but if that’s the case why did so much gas leak out yesterday?

Honest question coming from someone who didn’t even know this pipeline was a thing until yesterday.
The line is 200 feet down. They have to keep gas in the line to keep the water pressure from crushing the line down that deep. Gas IN the line doesn’t mean gas was flowing to it’s destination and being pulled out. Also the detonations occurred at strategic points in the lines, indicating the explosives may have been placed at the location by very talented divers. The Oligarchs who own the gas and the private entities who own the lines are the ones hurt by Putin’s war and controlling of the flow and sale, and may have been deliberately set to try to get them to get help from the military to overthrow Putin and he may have found out and said I’ll show them who’s boss. Any number of possibilities but this one is making the rounds.

Bill Shankly

New member
Nov 27, 2020
I’m not doubting you here but if that’s the case why did so much gas leak out yesterday?

Honest question coming from someone who didn’t even know this pipeline was a thing until yesterday.
There was still gas in the pipeline. It just wasn't moving. That was on the news yesterday. They said it would continue to leak out till the line is empty.


Active member
Aug 15, 2006
Russian sabotage

Add sabotage to their war crimes. Anybody that is blaming Biden (F*cker carlson/fox/other treasonous platforms) should STFU/leave the country.

More untainted news:
"Some speculated that Russia was behind t"he attack on its own pipelines. The attack was “probably premeditated and planned for” several weeks before it occurred, an anonymous British military official told The Times of London. “This is not some casual terrorist act, it has to be a government,” said Michael Clarke, a British military expert. “Privately, everyone is convinced this is a Kremlin-inspired piece of sabotage.” Spokespersons for the governments of Ukraine and Poland agreed that Russia was behind the attack.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
This is quite a word salad

The same people who were confident that Bush did 9/11 will be shocked and appalled that someone might insinuate Biden did this. Even though he's on the record saying he would.

Everything the left claimed about the Trump admin is actually true of Biden's admin. Every single thing. It's almost like the hypocrisy is the point.

Are you saying the left said Trump wanted to blow up NS 2 and anger Russian? Missed that one...


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2015
I’ve been thinking about this, and the simplest explanation is probably the correct one. The Russians blew their own pipeline. Putin is willing to make Russians and Europeans suffer, and he’s banking on European will breaking first due to a harsh winter. Also, Norway has supplanted Russia as Europe’s leading natural gas provider. It’s possible that this is also meant to be a warning to the Norwegians.

I wouldn’t speculate too much on how this occurred, but the way that the damage occurred strongly suggests that it was a state attack, not some rogue third party. Confuse, misdirect, and deflect. It’s right out of the old KGB playbook.


Active member
Sep 8, 2018
2 different people in the current administration openly talked about stopping the pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine. (including the Big Guy)

If they orchestrated this, it goes against every climate change argument they have ever had, because gas is being introduced into the atmosphere from that busted pipeline by the buttloads.

This should kill every climate change push. It's nothing but a grift by the powers that be. And if climate change was really a threat, it is a global thing, and CHina and India are never going to reduce their carbon emissions.

Lucifer Morningstar

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2022
Got to love you humans when politics come up. Two people shouting at each other "No you believe the crazy ****". I must give my dad a round of applause for making America the greatest country on earth then having the idea to divide Americans so that potential could never be fully realized. Sorry if my sense of humor is a little warped but I will return to reading and laughing now.

Ralph Cramden

New member
Jan 7, 2020
Putin controls the flow so he could have closed it off. And anyone who thinks the US doesn't commit terrorist acts all over the world, including at home must be 13 or just stupid


Aug 25, 2012
Hmm, you read the NY Times and believe what you read to be fact.

Let me watch MSNBC too. Nothing but Democrat and Globalist propaganda


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
I’ve been thinking about this, and the simplest explanation is probably the correct one. The Russians blew their own pipeline. Putin is willing to make Russians and Europeans suffer, and he’s banking on European will breaking first due to a harsh winter. Also, Norway has supplanted Russia as Europe’s leading natural gas provider. It’s possible that this is also meant to be a warning to the Norwegians.
This is BY FAR the most likely scenario of what happened. To the extent I can't believe anyone is seriously promoting other theories.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Dude is full on cult, like about 40% of Republicans who are all MAGA all the time. I am in disbelief at what the Republican Party has become; worshipping at the throne of a man that, steals codeword level national security documents, praises Putin and Xi, wanting to defund the police, anti-democracy. It is really like being in some kind of implausible movie script but here we are.


New member
May 22, 2006
Dude is full on cult, like about 40% of Republicans who are all MAGA all the time. I am in disbelief at what the Republican Party has become; worshipping at the throne of a man that, steals codeword level national security documents, praises Putin and Xi, wanting to defund the police, anti-democracy. It is really like being in some kind of implausible movie script but here we are.

This has to be the most ignorant take I've ever read on here. Full-on retard.


Aug 25, 2012
You have gone cray cray...

Dude is full on cult, like about 40% of Republicans who are all MAGA all the time. I am in disbelief at what the Republican Party has become; worshipping at the throne of a man that, steals codeword level national security documents, praises Putin and Xi, wanting to defund the police, anti-democracy. It is really like being in some kind of implausible movie script but here we are.

...are you for real, or being sarcastic? "wanting to defund the police"? You can't be a leftist lib and believe that was a Republican movement, right? "anti-democracy"? It is the leftist libs that are so angry and aggressive not tolerating any contrary views, ideas, opinions, etc. You must believe the Russian collusion as well? Jan 6? MAGA is the greatest threat to America? Thank God citizens of other countries like Italy are demanding a change from the globalist movement. I can only have hope for USA


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2015
Woody McCorvey did this crazy ****.

Seriously, the potential fallout to the US if they did this defies any cost/benefit ratio. Why do something like this when Putin could do something far dumber if given time? Longshot crazy, but not impossible. Let’s not fool ourselves. The CIA has some history.

Look at a map. Ukraine pulling this off strategically, logistically and militarily is laughable, given they are still begging for outdated surplus weapons from the West. They need NATO and the EU united in their corner to survive. Their fingerprints on this would be the last thing they want now.

I think a rouge Russian general, Putin himself, or Gazprom oligarchs framing Putin are the obvious suspects.

The oligarchs know their country is doomed. Perhaps they wanted to hasten the unification of NATO to end the Putin regime while they might still have some position to provide gas by tankers and/or re-negotiate with another pipeline and salvage a position on the winning side.


Active member
Feb 29, 2008
You forgot INSURRECTIONIST. How could you forget the worst day in American history since 9/11???************
Feb 23, 2008
Yeah I mean why should we put America first? Why shouldn't we pay higher taxes?

Why should we care about our right to bear arms? Who cares if open borders are allowing Fentanyl in? It's not like it's going to hurt anyone or something. Who cares about a Constitution? It's just some old document written a long time ago. Doesn't mean anything. Why shouldn't boys play girls sports? If they can't beat the boys then they should toughen up. Who cares about a strong national security and strong police? It's not like anything's ever going to happen. Who cares about job creation? I mean most people don't want to work anyway. Why make them? Who cares about rising crime in major U.S. cities? The victims need to stop being at the right place at the right time.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007

Dude is full on cult, like about 40% of Republicans who are all MAGA all the time. I am in disbelief at what the Republican Party has become; worshipping at the throne of a man that, steals codeword level national security documents, praises Putin and Xi, wanting to defund the police, anti-democracy. It is really like being in some kind of implausible movie script but here we are.

The 60-70% of the GOP that wants to move on from the insane 30-40% contingent is held hostage by the likelihood that Don goes petty and starts his own ticket out of spite - basically dooming republicans in national races. You see it happening to an extent already within the party, but he'll blow it all up if he has to. That's the kind of guy he is. If he ain't winning, nobody is. Shameful really - we need two healthy parties for effective governing. Now we have a party held hostage by a cultish clown show of culture grievance and worship of a man that makes Biff Tannen look like a saint and the other that thinks they can solve any problem with printing more money, adding more regulation, or placing an x at the end of perfectly good words.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Fundamental issue with the insane 40%. You can't reason with them or even have them consider reality. “It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2009
The "I'm 100% with Trump" crowd is as bad as the "Anyone but trump" crowd. They are the same person.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I sincerely wish we were in times that we could just argue about policy. My fear is that too many of the 60% of Republicans who recognize Trump as a terrible human unfit to lead, don't really grasp the threat that he (and his ilk) is/are to our republic and they may vote for MAGA candidates just under the guise of "lesser of two evils". Problem is, that isn't true right now. My bigger fear is that all the Democrats who have been fed lies that all GOP are terrible humans for years and years just see Trump as more of the same and don't recognize the threat that he (and his ilk) is/are to our republic and they may NOT get out and vote to ensure that MAGA loses. We can get back to fighting conservative vs liberal once we are sure we still have a free Republic to fight for and know that the threat of Trumpists is dead.
Aug 15, 2011
Haven't seen it mentioned, but I am now seriously worried about Germany....

Their energy supplies are going to be extremely tight to not enough for the winter. Cold and hungry people tend to get desperate, and certain men rise to power when people are cold and hungry. I heard someone say one time that Germany is either kissing your boots or at your neck trying to kill you.

Oh, and apparently the pipelines are unrepairable. The news said once the seawater gets in, the corrosion starts and affects the entire pipeline.

What are all the angles on this deal?

Danish prime minister says its deliberate.

Ex Polish defense minister is thanking the US for it.

In February, Biden said "If Russia invades... then there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. Followed by, "We will bring an end to it."

Who benefits from what with this disaster occurring?


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
You tell me MAGA hasn't been calling to defund the FBI? You tell me Trump didn't just say that he supported candidates like Oz so that if he loses again in 2024, they will fight for him? You tell me you can listen, really listen to what Trump is saying and not hear enough fascism to really concern you? If you tell me all those things, all I can tell you is you are head in the sand MAGA and MAGA makes up 40% of Republicans now. It is not an inconsequential percentage.
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