Wow, good work Barry! They are indeed trying to hide something. I suspect you're going to need more than the $10k you've collected. Perhaps you should consider increasing the goal in your gofundme?
Absofreaking - lutely!I have little or no knowledge about the issues involving the governance of Penn State.
I do know a thing or two about people. When someone wants to limit information they are trying to hide something.
A public institution receiving hundreds of millions of tax dollars should have full and complete disclosure. I once served on a Regional transportation committee and I practically had to provide a colonoscopy to do so. All of our work product was public record and open to review. Why is Penn State different? What excuse do they have?
Should be a soap opera.
How predictable was that? Stay tuned as Barry fights the good fight. Will this be resolved prior to the end of his term? Stay tuned.
Are there any adults left to take Schuyler on a long walk to a steep cliff and gently convince him now is a great time to jump? That having this dumb a$$ move splashed all over the news before the WVU game is just not the look Penn State is going for? I wonder if Ken Frasier is speed dialing his BFF's Tracy and Rick Riegel and telling them to shut this crap down NOW.
To any Alumni still paying attention, this screams of the BOT Leadership being blind and deaf and completely indifferent to the optics/perception of anyone looking in from the outside. The no social activities ban, now the no in-person mtg ban... good grief, Charlie Brown. Surely some of the other 35 BOT members are at least quietly questioning this. Beyond the Alumni-elected ones, even.
Definitely not Brandon Short though... he's got this.To any Alumni still paying attention, this screams of the BOT Leadership being blind and deaf and completely indifferent to the optics/perception of anyone looking in from the outside. The no social activities ban, now the no in-person mtg ban... good grief, Charlie Brown. Surely some of the other 35 BOT members are at least quietly questioning this. Beyond the Alumni-elected ones, even.
I guess I don't get it - I don't see why the questions you ask are an issue so monumental to those in charge that they have to banish you to Happy Valley Siberia when it comes to the Board you were elected to by interested Alumni. I want to believe that the majority of the BOT members have very good intentions and ethics. But figuring out how to be upset by asking rational questions, and drawing multiple iron curtains around the answers to those questions, makes me wonder if that rational majority aren't simply going along to get along with the few who have climbed to the real power here and are heavily influenced by those who may be in it for themselves first and foremost.
For a huge organization that prides itself on inclusiveness of background, diversity of opinion and experience, etc., this flies directly in the face of that, imo. I don't see how finding the self-described "right" kind of BOT members by what appears to be a very narrow set of unpublished criteria supports such an effort.
To any Alumni still paying attention, this screams of the BOT Leadership being blind and deaf and completely indifferent to the optics/perception of anyone looking in from the outside. The no social activities ban, now the no in-person mtg ban... good grief, Charlie Brown. Surely some of the other 35 BOT members are at least quietly questioning this. Beyond the Alumni-elected ones, even.
I guess I don't get it - I don't see why the questions you ask are an issue so monumental to those in charge that they have to banish you to Happy Valley Siberia when it comes to the Board you were elected to by interested Alumni. I want to believe that the majority of the BOT members have very good intentions and ethics. But figuring out how to be upset by asking rational questions, and drawing multiple iron curtains around the answers to those questions, makes me wonder if that rational majority aren't simply going along to get along with the few who have climbed to the real power here and are heavily influenced by those who may be in it for themselves first and foremost.
For a huge organization that prides itself on inclusiveness of background, diversity of opinion and experience, etc., this flies directly in the face of that, imo. I don't see how finding the self-described "right" kind of BOT members by what appears to be a very narrow set of unpublished criteria supports such an effort.
And they have the Seedy Tea in their back pocketSome time read about what happened at the Columbus Zoo a few years back. This sounds similar, though the BOT may be better at hiding things.