Lets honor TSUN BearHunter, with: Cool Interactions with Famous Athletes

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
Chatted with Deuce McAllister at a clothing store in Jxn. It was his 5th or 6th year with the Saints. Cool guy despite being a former bear. Sat beside Wayne Jones at a high school football game in '79, I was 14 y/o. Jerious Norwood used to go to the wild game suppers at FBC Brandon, and loved talking to him there....one of the coolest dudes on the planet.
Sep 15, 2009
Hard to believe by looking at him now but was in basketball camp back in 97 with Deuce McAllister(He was quite a baller.)

In a 3 on 3 scrimmage against his team, they stole the ball and went on a break and he jumped over my friend and slammed it. My friend said "All I saw was the bottom of his shoes!!"


New member
Aug 22, 2012
I had a phone conversation with Pat Dye when I was 15.

I'm 24, so this was about 9 years ago. Back when I was a giant Auburn fan and my grandfather was still actively involved in Auburn's program he had dinner with Pat Dye one night. Got a call from my grandfather, told me he had someone he wanted me to talk to. It was Pat Dye. We talked about the Auburn program and his plans for the program for a little bit and just kind of shot the **** as much as a 15 year can. It's not every day a teenager gets to have an extended conversation with a guy like Pat Dye.

I've also bagged and taken out the groceries for Tim Hudson, Kendall Simmons, Heath Evans, and Gene Chizik. Bagging groceries sucks in general, but it's way cooler when you do it for guys like that.
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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
I bought groceries behind Calipari. Also got coffee at the Starbucks Nicole Kidman frequents. I also drive the same interstate as a ton of music stars. I can almost tell you what a C chord sounds like.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2010
Once partied with Timmy Bowers and Brandon Vincent at Mugshots.

My girlfriend and I were hanging out and drinking with them. When I walked off to get some beer, they tried to get my girlfriend to go back to one of their apartments with them. Those guys were great!

i stopped and talked to Bowers at his complex by the pool one day when he checked his mail and received a letter from the NBA confirming their receipt of his draft paperwork.

I snuck onto Scott Field one morning at 3:00 with my girlfriend (same hoowah as above) and pissed on the 50 yard line. This was during the Croom disaster, hence my disgust for MSU football. I was gonna 17 her there, but we kept hearing things, and it would have taken a while....... I'm a muthah 17'in stud....
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Uncle Ruckus

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2011
Forgot to add one earlier...
I was beaned twice by Stephen Head in high school. Once in summer league and once during the season. Have to believe it was intentional...


Active member
Oct 6, 2009
Can't believe I forgot these...

But when Jackie Sherrill retired, I bumped into tony Dorset at Ricky's on Friday night. He was stumbling drunk.

i then saw him, Dan Marino, and several other of his former players Saturday night at the veranda. What I'm really trying to say, is that I played for Jackie sherrill.


New member
Dec 5, 2011
Seth Smith took me yard in High School summer league ball.....I was supposed to hit him for flipping his bat on his previous homerun, but I wasn't very accurate and left it over the plate. #PartiedWithSeth

*I just logged on for the first time today due to work, and you 17ers have really outdone yourselves with this thread....Bravo. I haven't read every post, but if this isn't SPS Remembers material, nothing is.

Bulldog Bruce

Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
My most hero worship moment was meeting Joe Namath after a Jets game at Shea when I was 8.

Talked with Mike Schmidt during pregame BP at Shea in 1981. Nice guy to chat with.

Almost killed Dave Marler when he walked into my girlfriends apartment about 1AM with an old man mask on as a joke (his girlfriend also lived there)

John Bond cost me $60 bucks because he peed in the cops car that broke up a party at my apartment. They took the kegs because of it.

I struck out against Frank Viola in a HS All Star game. (It was the only time I ever faced him). But I homered a few times off John Franco during Summer League. I faced his Ty Cobb team quite a few times.

Not gonna count the encounters with my contemporaries at McArthur Hall from all MSU sports.


Active member
Apr 28, 2010
Dontae Walker tackled me in high school football practice. (Bet I can outrun him now.)

Also ran into Croom around 2005 at Bulldog Deli. He looked exhausted.

And when I worked in Philly, My office was supposedly next to Allen Iverson's barber.
Dec 8, 2008
I bumped into Marcus Bullard..

On the dance floor at Cheers. We made eye contact. I am very close to his family now.


Active member
Mar 4, 2009
I once sat three seats down from Erick Dampier in Hamil's in Madison.

Erick Dampier's grandmother and mine were good friends. His grandmother would sit with and help my grandmother when her health began to decline.

Also ran into Erick at the McDonalds in Vicksburg.


Active member
Nov 16, 2005
Frank Sweet Music Viola

My most hero worship moment was meeting Joe Namath after a Jets game at Shea when I was 8.

Talked with Mike Schmidt during pregame BP at Shea in 1981. Nice guy to chat with.

Almost killed Dave Marler when he walked into my girlfriends apartment about 1AM with an old man mask on as a joke (his girlfriend also lived there)

John Bond cost me $60 bucks because he peed in the cops car that broke up a party at my apartment. They took the kegs because of it.

I struck out against Frank Viola in a HS All Star game. (It was the only time I ever faced him). But I homered a few times off John Franco during Summer League. I faced his Ty Cobb team quite a few times.

Not gonna count the encounters with my contemporaries at McArthur Hall from all MSU sports.

Twins pitcher absolutely dominated my Cards in the 87 WS


Active member
Apr 8, 2003
You got to be kidding me, the quarterback and the all American baseball player had problems with the cops. What kind of college town is this?


Active member
Mar 4, 2009
Not that he's famous really, but I once gunned down Arnil Stallworth as he was trying to steal 2nd base in SLOW-pitch softball during summer intramurals. Our team of fat, non-athletic white boys beat his team for the intramural championship. De'Mon Glanton and several othe backup Croom scrubs were on that team too.

True story.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
My brushes with all-time great athletes....

-Sat next to Ermon Green in Physics III class with Dr. Jones. Was very smart and nice. Looking at his notes and asking his help got me a "B".

-Sat next to Gary Caveness in Econ II. We knew the game was over when Gary would get into the game. However, he was an intramural demon.

-Was in Clay Peacher's Statics class with Dr. Ziebarth.

-Once got into a conversation with Ole Miss pitcher Skipper Wright at the grill at Ole Miss before the MSU-OM doubleheader. Nice guy.

-Stayed at the Marriott in New Orleans the night before a Saints-Dallas Cowboys game...and the Cowboys were staying there. Got autographs from: Lee Roy Jordan, Mel Renfro, Hollywood Henderson, Drew Pearson, Blaine Nye, Rayfield Wright, Ernie Stautner (coach at the time), and others.

-Once held Tony Robinson scoreless in a church league basketball game. Was working at Lake Junaluska in 1987, and T-Rob was working there as well. He was on the "Services" team, which the head of that department had loaded up with Div. II and III basketball players. Of course, I was only on him for about five minutes, and their team creamed ours. However, he was VERY weak and I could push him outside his comfort zone...which was about 5' from the rim (he claimed he could only bench 125 lbs).

- Worked with Scott Westerfield while I was at MDOT.

-Played against Eddie Hornback in intramural soccer. Very nice guy, but was wicked fast as a goalie.

-Once got Rob Jay out in an over-30 League baseball game. 3-2 count, threw him my wicked 40 mph slider, and he bounced it to me on the pitcher's mound.
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Jan 1, 2013
I drank a couple of beers with the "Superstar" Bill Dundee at Classix

in Columbus one night. Also sat next to Mike Wilbonn on a shuttle bus in Detroit. Really nice guy. Saw Mike Tyson in the airport in Memphis but he had his posse with him so I couldn't get close enough to him to test him.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
Jackie Slater coached us in Spring Practice two years. He married a girl from Meridian, and he was completing his degree work at Meridian High. He could dunk a basketball flat-footed, beat our wide receivers in the 220 yard sprint, and bench-pressed 290 lbs. like they were tooth picks. When he was named speaker for our postseason banquet, we thought they were rippipng us off. At the time, he wasn't an all-time great lineman who played 20 years, first-ballot Hall of Famer, on the 75 year all-NFL team, and re-defined the Offensive Tackle position (from polite guys who said "yes sir, no sir" to nasty mean brutish monsters who protected the QB's blindside)....he was just a backup lineman on a mediocre team.
Aug 24, 2012
was standing by a guy in Landing parking lot and Sleepy rolls up in

Wiliiam Prince's Trans Am and runs right over the guy's foot. if it weren't for Prince and Trenell Edwards being there, Sleepy, who was drunkest man in3 states that night, probably would have ended up with "Moultrie knee"


Active member
May 28, 2007
I stood in line and talked with Joe Theismann at the grocery store a couple of times back when he lived in Germantown.


Nov 1, 2010
Mid 80's I was in line at the ticket counter in Atlanta airport behind a bunch of hard-bodied hot-looking chicks.

they had on jackets with "GLOW" in sequins on the back.

"Georgeous Ladies of Wrestling"


Active member
Apr 28, 2010
Peter Dinklage was in line ahead of me at a parking garage in Philadelphia. To make it sports related--midget wrestling?


Active member
Apr 8, 2003
Six Pack Remembers, great work guys. We are all Deshea Townsend's friends.
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