Lets honor TSUN BearHunter, with: Cool Interactions with Famous Athletes

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
I almost ran over Scott Stricklin in front of First Baptist Madison after a Christmas Eve service.

Bart Hyche was my waiter at the Boars Butt in Winfield, Alabama when he was in high school.

Once saw Vince Young in the Cheesecake Factory in Nashville. No lie, he had 30 people with him that he was buying food and drink for. Then it comes out a couple years ago that he was spending $5,000/week at Cheesecake Factory.


Dec 2, 2008
Paps tried to catface my friend and shave his head while he was passed out.

Unfortunately we talked him out of it. Would have been a better story if we let him.


Jun 7, 2009
I got 3 run ins...bitches

I bagged and carried to the car Jim Mora Sr's groceries after he was fired from the saints and before he was hired by Indy.

Sat next to Pig in biology, had to wake him up when the teacher gave us a test.

Smoked a blunt with a member of our bad *** D from the 1999-2000

Uncle Ruckus

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2011
Met Chase Landry back some time last year and have become decent friends. Saw him on new years and he's got us a fishing trip lined up for us after deer season.
Had dinner with Jeff Brantley at Anthony's and Hooters in Omaha one of the times I went to the CWS.
Went on a few dates with the season one winner of top chef.
Met Brandon McRae thru a friend and met up with him during SBW. After the bar closed Anthony Dixon shows up with about 5 girls and his entourage. To make a long story short he and his minions take my spot and I walk home. He's been my sworn enemy ever since.
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Active member
Oct 6, 2009
What a great thread topic...

In Calgary on a work trip, I was going through customs/security at the same time as Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

In Houston, I saw Mankind in the airport.

I'm practically a pro-wrestler because of these two encounters.

And yes, pro-wrestling is definitely a sport.

I also gaurded future first overall draft pick in the WNBA LaToya Thomas in a Sanderson Center pick-up. Held her to 1 for 7 shooting, which equates me to being the best WNBA player in the history of basketball.

I also beat Kevin Fant in poker on a few occassions. Those coast boys just don't know when to fold'em.

I've also next to Van Chancellor at the Silverstar during a poker tournament. Didn't even recognize him... but noticed his rings and made the connection. Had a great conversation with him. He mentioned, more than once, about how he always wanted to coach guys but it just never worked out for him to do so.

Johnathan Papelbon has also smahed a volleyball into my face while playing water volleyball at the Avalon Apartments behind Wal-Mart back in 2001. We're each others' nemesis'... in a friendly way though.

I was once reading the USA Today waiting on Glen Young's Referee'ing football and basketball class to start. I came to the sports page and read about Keith Fitzhugh getting in trouble at that fight. I lowered my newspaper to confirm that Keith was in class that morning. He didn't look very happy.
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Aug 30, 2006
Don't usually post, but had to jump in on this one

I have hung out with Matt Cain, pitcher for the SF Giants. He used to date my sister. I have been pheasant hunting with him, drank beer and smoked cigars with him, and he has stayed in my house on more than one occasion and slept on my couch.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
I played Richie Brown in beer pong...

In Hattiesburg at a house party (I didn't see him drink) and I won the tournament, really nice guy told me he was redshirting before it was common knowledge- yeah I know right! I have touched Bruce Springsteens *** unintentionally. I grew up hanging out at Jerry Clower's house as a kid near East Fork, MS he was a deacon at the church my dad pastored.


New member
Aug 5, 2011
I sat next to several Jacksonville Jaguar football...

players at a sports bar as I drank a few beers and watched the cowboys v redskins game.


Active member
Nov 16, 2005
So far, the Show-Me-State got the winnuh

In Calgary on a work trip, I was going through customs/security at the same time as Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

In Houston, I saw Mankind in the airport.

I'm practically a pro-wrestler because of these two encounters.

And yes, pro-wrestling is definitely a sport.

I also gaurded future first overall draft pick in the WNBA LaToya Thomas in a Sanderson Center pick-up. Held her to 1 for 7 shooting, which equates me to being the best WNBA player in the history of basketball.

I also beat Kevin Fant in poker on a few occassions. Those coast boys just don't know when to fold'em.

I've also next to Van Chancellor at the Silverstar during a poker tournament. Didn't even recognize him... but noticed his rings and made the connection. Had a great conversation with him. He mentioned, more than once, about how he always wanted to coach guys but it just never worked out for him to do so.

Johnathan Papelbon has also smahed a volleyball into my face while playing water volleyball at the Avalon Apartments behind Wal-Mart back in 2001. We're each others' nemesis'... in a friendly way though.

I was once reading the USA Today waiting on Glen Young's Referee'ing football and basketball class to start. I came to the sports page and read about Keith Fitzhugh getting in trouble at that fight. I lowered my newspaper to confirm that Keith was in class that morning. He didn't look very happy.

Paps story=too cool
Aug 30, 2006
Oh yea, I'm tight with Mario Lopez

He was an athlete on Saved by the Bell, so that counts.

I was on a Saturday morning flight out of Burbank last year. I was about 3 rows into coach and he was in the last row of first class. There was a warning light that they couldn't explain and they were having trouble getting a mechanic there to look at it since it was 7:00am (if you have ever flown out of Burbank, you know it is a small airport). After about 45 minutes, the pilot announced that they weren't sure how much longer it would take and that FAA regs state that they had to allow us to get off the plane if we wanted to. Byt this point, me and the passengers were kind of loopy since it was early in the morning. Anyway, after the pilot made the announcement, Mario Lopez got up and started to get his bag out of the overhead bin. I looked up and said, "Oh no, don't give up on us now Mario Lopez!" I said it louder than I realized. He looked down the aisle at me and laughed. So, me and Mario are tight now.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Athletes list is short but I got to hang out one weekend with Bo Jackson and

Coach Dye. Bo is still my favorite "celeb" I have meet. Really one of the guys.

Got to shake hands and talk with Walter and Eddie Payton right before Walter found out he had cancer.

Actually spent more than a passing moment with JWS and Croom. Sherrill was a fantastic guy and always remembered my name when I ran into him after. Croom was nice but also came off a bit aloof to me.

Spent more time hanging out with musical celebs like Ted Nugent, Tracy Byrd, Aaron Tippin, Blake Shelton, etc.. Just have been more lucky to get time with these guys.

Uncle Ted is still one of the most intellectual people I have ever met. An opinionated *** at times, but smart.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I believe you cause I partied in the same bar about 20 feet from a table full of those guys....so...I got that going for me....oh..oh..oh... and back when I worked as a retail manager in Athens, Herschel came in a bought a basketball from me. He never knew a real live store manager so he got me to autograph it for him in exchange for his autograph....on the check.


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Card carring Meat Head!

My roommate and I had a late night dorm altercation with him and his drinking buddy.

Hope he grew up.

carring = carrying.
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Active member
Nov 10, 2008
Went to a basketball player's apartment in the Commons back around 2004.

Charles Rhodes had blacked out he had drank so much.

Gary Irvin kept screaming and saying something like "Coach say that C. Rhodes got that bad wheel."

Lawrence Roberts was supposedly plowing some girl in the back room. (Never saw him though)

Wesley Morgan and Michael Boler took a couch from someone's apartment on the third floor and tossed it over the railing and nearly hit someone below.

One of the team managers kept trying to sell me weed.


Active member
Mar 3, 2008
Sat next to Marcus Thames at the LSU game last year.

In high school, I guarded Glen Davis in a rugby-type game at LSU football camp (I'm from southwest MS). Jimbo Fisher was my coach on that team and is a good guy.

Once I was running on the road around the Sanderson, Hump, etc and passed Crxxm and EJ going the other way (they were actually walking and not in a golf cart, believe it or not).

I also used to party with Bryson Davis at Rick's on the reg
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Active member
Apr 8, 2003
I was at the movies in Clinton in line when my friend turned to talk to me and yelled, "Oh my God, that's Ted Dibiase!". I couldn't help but look, and it was him.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Beer with Kenny Stabler at FloraBama

1983 MSU 3rd baseman John Scott borrowed a pen from me and said thx, in Econ II
Later that summer in the old gym, Kalpatrick Wells' pickup game ball rolled near me and I gave it to him. He said appreciate it....

I'm so lucky
. **
Dec 8, 2008
I got 3....

1. I shook the Kang's hand at Food Max one evening while he was still coaching us.

2. Daryl Wilson single handedly destroyed my 3 on 3 intramural team in the Tin Gym. I don't know why he had 2 other guys. The Skydawgs were no match.

3. I went to Jackson to watch our annual basketball pilgrimage there a few years ago. At halftime I went to the bathroom. There was a line for the urinals an standing behind me was Jack Cristil. When it was my turn I stepped aside an let Jack go. I then sprayed my urine on top of the legend's urine.

This thread is done.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
Did a stint of time at Mississippi Southern and in my freshmen english class Adalius Thomas sat behind me. On the first day of class we had to write a one page short essay and then pass it to the person closest to us. The professor wanted to assess both our ability to write and edit a paper. I got an A on the written part and an F on the editing part because when Adalius passed his paper over to me he said quietly "It better be good." I moved around for the rest of the semester.

Todd Pinkston was in a business management course with me and we were in the same project group. Hung out at his place and rode around in his Mercedes a few times.

Was walking down the opposite side of the massive crowd following Tiger on 18 on Saturday at Muirfield at The Open in 2002. He hit a ball down my side from the tee. We were walking side by sid and I didn't know it because it was cold and raining and I wasn't paying attention. The crowd starting laughing because Tiger was trying to keep up with how fast I was walking and was also laughing at me. I realized it and slowed up a bit, watching him drop one on the green, and then headed out. We are boys now of course.

Forgot one: I worked at a bank in Hattiesburg that Favre and McNair used all the time. Once they road in together in a limo and were headed to the coast to gamble. Both withdrew over 10 grand. I also played Canebrake and Favre was literally piss drunk in the group in front of us. He pissed IN THE HOLE on 16 after they finished on it. We started hitting balls into the green immediately and then hung back for 15 minutes before picking up and going to 17.

Non-athlete: Got absolutely hammered with John Goodman during Mardi Gras back in the 90s. He was the main guy in the parade I was in on Mardi Gras Day. The entire crew met at a bar for breakfast and drinks at 5 o'clock in the morning. I had not gone to bed from the previous night and sat down at the bar next to him. People kept asking for his autograph and I kept ordering screw drivers. Eventually he asked if I knew he was and I replied that he was the dude married to Rosanne on TV and laughed. The parade started around 7:30am and by that time he and I were both laughing and boozing it up. That man is an absolute giant.
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Dec 27, 2009
I remember those guys ... they were pretty good. They used to play at a club called The Stone Toad in Httsbrg


New member
Feb 26, 2008
Got drunk with Dan Marino and Rickey Jackson. Tony Dorsett, Hugh Green, Eric Moulds, an extremely drunk JJ Johnson and Jackie Sherrill dressed as a clown also were in attendance earlier. Jackie threw one hell of a retirement party and paid very well for it too.


Jul 1, 2008
Talked trash to DJ Hall from the end zone bleachers before the game in 2007. He and Simeon Castile gave me the suck it sign before they went back to the locker room.


Active member
Apr 8, 2003
I was in there for Political Ideology, I think. They taught English Comp and things like that in there.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
My cousin's cousin shared a booth with Eli Manning in the Ole Miss library one Sunday afternoon. He said they were studying Biology.
Jan 31, 2012
I had dinner with Chuck Yeager

I had dinner with Chuck Yeager in Washington, DC. Before the dinner, we were standing around and Yeager asked my boss (I got the invite because my boss knew he was a hero of mine) if the club had any beer...they brought us some micro-brews and Yeager says to me "Damned, I'd've rather had a cuurrs lite, wouldn't you?" I said "yes sir General, I would too." Needless to say the boss was appalled at our taste.


Active member
Nov 28, 2006
I once fouled Marcus Bullard in high school basketball; was immediately taken off court and placed in witness protection

Dunked on by Jonathan Bender

HBP by Reinke

Had a Roommate at state was bully and was kicked off squad for running through the Ole Miss band during halftime in retaliation for the previous year when Reb ran through ours


New member
Aug 20, 2006
I spoke to Cindy Crawfrd and shook her hand circa 1997 when she was still hot.

And by hot I mean she was photogenic. On any given Gameday in Starkville there are a dozen hotter women within 200 feet of anywhere.


Active member
Apr 8, 2003
I was at the ESPN Zone in Atlanta and Kevin Nash and the Disco Inferno were drinking at the bar.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2010
I accidentally shot Jerious Norwood while quail hunting in Walthall county

His publicist did a nice job spinning it as a knee injury he sustained in practice.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2004
I knew the Truth... in fact, I exercised with the Truth

Heavyweight boxer Carl "The Truth" Williams was working out at the Hilton at Lake Tahoe one year and I happen to be in the gym at the time and worked out on the machine next to him. Cool guy.
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