Let's say Raffo is hired...

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
what is your reaction and how do you proceed with supporting Mississippi State baseball?

For me, I don't like it but at the same time, he is now our coach.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
what is your reaction and how do you proceed with supporting Mississippi State baseball?

For me, I don't like it but at the same time, he is now our coach.


New member
Nov 15, 2005
This should be the easiest hire to make. If we turn up Raffo then we know Bryne is another puppet.


After reading the Cohen article I will go ape **** if we dont hire him.


Jun 11, 2007
I'd first of all lose all faith in our new AD, which would be depressing to happen this early in his tenure.

I've been going to very few baseball games the last few years, so I would just continue to not go. However, I feel like I'm proof that the right hire could really inject life and energy into the program because if certain guys were hired, I would definitely be curious enough to show up more often next year.


New member
Jan 23, 2007
I think he would be inept to make that decision. But, not a puppet. I can't imagine anyone wanting Raffo with the exception of Polk.

As for me, I rarely make it to baseball games. Not much would change in that regard. </p>

Goat Holder

However they would be available for single game purchase.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
I'd support the program pretty much like I have for most of the Polk II era. By not going to games until I some tangible evidence that our baseball program is on the right track.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
It depends on the context of the situation. If a bunch of coaches turn us down, I will not be happy with Raffo, but I will understand.

If we go ahead and hire Raffo without asking any of the people discussed ad nauseum, I will be highly pissed off. The reason being because baseball is the ONE sport that we have that has a tradition and a shred of pride. We had that in basketball somewhat during the 60's and lost it. We are now all right in that sport, but back to the topic. We have a lot of things in baseball that a lot of people want or can't have. We have nice facilities, a great fanbase, we are in a great conference for baseball, we are in an area where there is pretty decent baseball talent, and we have said tradition. All we need is someone like a Manieri to come in and take us to the CWS consistently, which is something that we are not far from doing even as recent as a few years ago.

Despite all that which I listed above, the biggest problem we have right now is the attitude of the players and the recent hopefully former coaching staff. They are content with showing up and whether they win or not, they don't care. They just laugh it off as "that's baseball" and go out and drink juice and eat cookies with the Diamond Girls and don't understand why the heck all of us "demanding fans" who they apparently think are unhappy with our lives because we have real jobs are so unhappy with the current situation at MSU.

I'm not saying that I want them to treat every game like a life or death situation or slip into a deep depression if they lose. I'm not even asking them to win every game just because of the nature of the sport. I am asking that they at least look like they give a ****. I am asking them to have some composure when they play and not look constipated at the plate. I am asking them to play solid baseball most of the time. That means executing pitches, being aggressive at the plate, being aggressive on the basepaths, and playing solid defense. I expect our coach, whoever that may be, to make the proper in game decisions such as making pitching changes and leading the team toward a NC. I also expect the coach to lead the team and not make lame excuses and treat me like an ignorant baseball fan. I am also asking the baseball coach to adjust to the players that he has and use their abilities to the fullest extent. Finally, I expect the baseball staff to recruit aggressively and not rely solely on the Baseball Camp and walk-ons that "really want to play for MSU".

Right or wrong, hiring Raffo tells me that the University is not serious about MSU doing well in baseball. It does tell me that we are more concerned with pleasing people who have other agendas that are not the best for MSU. It tells me that Byrne was just messing with the alumni by performing a pseudo search to try to deflect pressure from him.

Will I go to games? Well, I always go to the Governor's Cup. It's a personal tradition. This year I only went to one game- Polk's last one. I'm not going to say that I won't go if Raffo is the coach, I love baseball more than MSU baseball. This year, only going to one game was the fewest games I've ever attended since I was about seven, and I'm thirty now. I will say that my BC donation will decrease, and I will make special note that as long as Raffo is the coach that none of my money be allocated to the baseball program.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
...somebody else. Who that somebody else is? I wasn't able to hear, but I believe Raffo is one of two left standing.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
..you hate Raffo more than you love MSU baseball? Damn... I'm glad I'm not you (for this and countless other reasons).


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
did you have your ear up to the door of someone's office?


New member
Apr 1, 2008
I will have to support and pretend to be happy about it. After 1 season, we can sit back and evaluate.

Bitching about it right off the bat does not accomplish anything. It would actually hurt us more than anything.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
I don't think it has to do so much with hating Raffo. I think it has more to do with not wanting to make the effort to go to games to see MSU baseball play at a much worse level than it should. At least that's what's kept me away for the past several years and I'm sure will continue to keep me away if Raffo is hired, until he shows that I'm wrong about him not being a good hire.


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2008
Like takes us to 3 CWS in the next 5 years? Not that I believe there's much of a chance of that, but that's the attitude I'll have if he's hired. Hope for the best and continue to go to the games.


New member
Dec 18, 2007
Of course it will be down to Raffo and somebody else, Byrne has to make it appear that he's seriously considering him. If that is true, it just means that we already know who our coach is, and it's the somebody else.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
..in which some folks with money were talking. It was the kind of setting where I was just lucky to be there so I didn't ask anyone to repeat anything for clarification.


New member
Aug 30, 2006
Hell , I'm hoping We can pull off a double play if you will.

I would like to see Us hire ANY of the other candidates and then Auburn be stupid enough to hire Raffo.

We could move far away from the pitiful shape the program has become and Auburn could become the automatic series win for Everyone else. It would serve them right. Anyone who employs Tuberville deserves a lot of ****** things happening to them.

WAR RAFFO ( Sarcasm , for those without meters )


New member
Aug 30, 2006
Paper Dog said:

My wife's brother is retarded from being kicked in the head by a horse at age 6. He strips nude at the sound of thunder , likes to wipe his *** with aluminum foil and prefers his women to be over 280 lbs and 6 foot tall or more.

I would MUCH rather him get the job than Raffo.</p>


New member
Mar 3, 2008
I will however support him just as I would if anyone else was hired. I keep telling myself we will hire someone who is going to create enthusiasm to the program our University is most proud. I then step back, look at the screw ups our great University has made over the years and I am almost certain we will hire Raffo.


New member
Oct 10, 2006
......in a big way for me to jump on board the bandwagon. I didn't want Croom for example, and I'm still not on his bandwagon because he has more to prove in my mind. I'm leaning on the fence though, because last year certainly was a surprise and he's starting to reel me in. This year is still critical though. He must follow up last year with some more success.

So, with Raffo I'll say the same thing., I don't want him, I think he's wrong for the job, and he'll have to make some big-time advances in the baseball program to convince me that he's a good hire. And I don't mean just "getting to a regional somewhere." That's what Polk baseball had become. We should be hosting regionals a regular basis. If Raffo could get us there, he'd have me on his bandwagon. Let's just not hire him in the first place though. Greg Byrne will look like a big Larry Templeton Jr. ******* if he promotes Raffo.


New member
Oct 10, 2006
This country has been sliding to the liberal side of things for years now., It appears that we've gone beyond the threshold and we're now officially a liberal country. Either that or there are a lot of dumb < 17 >people who got pumped up at Obama's pep rallies and have no clue just how seriously and frighteningly liberal he is. That's not to say our other choices for President are great, because they're not, but damn.
Feb 23, 2008
Athletic Dept. in general would lose my interest. We can all sit around and rah rah just because we're State fans over whoever we hire but there comes a time when knowing you're being screwed as a fan/alum/contributor of the university. Byrne has every opportunity now to go ahead and make a name for himself as a first year A.D. Trust me, there are plenty of veteran AD's across the country that would love the task of fielding the new MSU baseball coach. He simply can't screw this up if he wants fan base respectabilty right off the bat. Not when these big names are being tossed around by big print media all over Mississippi.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
ArrowDawg said:
This country has been sliding to the liberal side of things for years now., It appears that we've gone beyond the threshold and we're now officially a liberal country. Either that or there are a lot of dumb < 17 >people who got pumped up at Obama's pep rallies and have no clue just how seriously and frighteningly liberal he is. That's not to say our other choices for President are great, because they're not, but damn.

I could not agree more.


Active member
May 28, 2007
ArrowDawg said:
......in a big way for me to jump on board the bandwagon. I didn't want Croom for example, and I'm still not on his bandwagon because he has more to prove in my mind. I'm leaning on the fence though, because last year certainly was a surprise and he's starting to reel me in. This year is still critical though. He must follow up last year with some more success.

So, with Raffo I'll say the same thing., I don't want him, I think he's wrong for the job, and he'll have to make some big-time advances in the baseball program to convince me that he's a good hire. And I don't mean just "getting to a regional somewhere." That's what Polk baseball had become. We should be hosting regionals a regular basis. If Raffo could get us there, he'd have me on his bandwagon. Let's just not hire him in the first place though. Greg Byrne will look like a big Larry Templeton Jr. ******* if he promotes Raffo.

</p>Sums it up pretty well for me.


Active member
Sep 14, 2003
of liberty, freedom and personal responsibility. More and more people today need a goverment to save them from themselves.

Dawg in a pile

New member
Feb 27, 2008
More and more people today need a goverment to save them from themselves.
It's not so much that they need it, but that they've gotten used to it. If the government would back off and stop trying to hand everything to everyone, people wouldn't get so used to it. Of course all of that is going to get even worse before it gets any better.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
ArrowDawg said:
This country has been sliding to the liberal side of things for years now., It appears that we've gone beyond the threshold and we're now officially a liberal country. Either that or there are a lot of dumb < 17 >people who got pumped up at Obama's pep rallies and have no clue just how seriously and frighteningly liberal he is. That's not to say our other choices for President are great, because they're not, but damn.

The US has been a liberal country at least since FDR was president. Don't forget that the New Deal was socialism in action.

The only question is how liberal the United States should be-- slightly liberal as the Republicans would want it or moderately liberal as Democrats would like.</p>

As far as the choices for President are concerned, 2008 is probably the best matchup of major party candidates in many years. I can see myself voting for either McCain or Obama without reservation.


Active member
Nov 17, 2006
2008 is probably the best matchup of major party candidates in many years
That's pretty much the complete opposite of how I feel. With the exception of Ron Paul, this is the worst group of candidates in both parties possibly ever.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2004
...Rule 9 is clearly being violated here, so...</p>
9. This is a sports message board. Non-sports posts should go to the non-sports board. We don't have a non-sports board, so therefore, you should leave now.

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