McMeat relives his night with Charles Barkley.....

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Active member
Apr 8, 2003
My uncle lives in Vegas and whenever Chuck is in town they golf, drink, gamble etc..... I happened to be in Vegas with one of my friends and one night had planned on dinner and gambling with my uncle . Halfway through dinner Charles called my unlce and told him he had just gotten in town and to meet him at the Bellagio, bring a lot of cash and be ready to be out late.

We meet at a craps table and there are about 5 people playing at the table. Charles looks at my friend who is 6'7" and about 300 pounds and says " Your a big sumbitch, where did you play college ball" my friend says " I didnt" Charles reply's " You must be one unathletic mother<17>er." The whole table erupted. So a big black dude has the dice and gets hot. This guy ends up holding the dice for about 35 minutes. The table is now the loudest table in the casino and there are about 25 people standing around the table. Chuck and my uncle are going nuts. Chuck and my uncle decide to bet a rather substantial amount of money on a roll, and the big black dude nailed it. The guy went to give Charles a high five and Chuck said "<17> a high five" and picked his *** up, hugged him and said " If you weren't so <17>ing ugly I'd marry your fat ***". they dude hit the floor laughing. In the process Charles knocked over his drink onto the table and the dealer ( a white guy about 4'5" tall said "lets watch our drinks now Sir Charles. Charles responed " you just worry about putting my bets in the right place there little jockey and if your lucky I will tip you enough to buy a new horse and help you win that lawsuit you have against the city for building the sidewalk to close to your ***".

Finally the table cools off he tips everyone and says its time to go to the high limit game room. Since I make into the high limit game room right around never, I didnt know what to expect. There were 2 tables of asian mafia dudes with shades on about 3 tables of Middlle Easterners none of whom Charles wanted to gamble with. So we follow him over to a empty blackjack table, they put a sign on the table that says Sir Charles, where the limit amount usually goes on a regular table. He puts down 45k and wants to play 3 hands at 15k each. The waitress comes up to take our drink order. We all order and he tells her, when are drinks are halfway done, bring another one and keep bringing them until we are speaking the same laungage as people at the other tables.

He then starts losing his *** at blackjack and starts putting down ridiculous bets on the roullette table. And loses his *** again. Then back to blackjack to get his *** handed to him again. On one blackjack deal he lost all 3 hands and said "man, if it was raining pussies I'd get hit by a dick. And then gets into to the stories. What coaches and players he hates, SEC football, golf, strip clubs, boobs, asses, girls, dumbshit NBA rookies, fights etc. All in all he lost $350,00 and did not get pissed once. We ended up leaving and going to the bar until about 3am. He was nice to every single person that came (about 500) and signed every autograph. He said turrible about 1000 times. The guy is classic. Say what you want to about him.
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