Has anyone ever spent any time with an actual Michigan alum and had a conversation with them?
They are stunningly arrogant. I’m not talking about the dipshit blue collar fan who adopted them in junior high and never grew out of it. Those people are insufferable but lacking the arrogance. No, the actual degree holding alumni are awful.
I sit and drink beer every Tuesday afternoon with a UM alum at Ickey’s in Archbold, OH. Come join us.
This guy is a good person and speaks highly of every team - INCLUDING Penn State.
Only a handful of UM fans are doowahs.
On the flip side, only a handful of Ohowihate suckeye fans from columbASS aren’t doowahs.
Find Archbold, OH on a map. I’m in the heart of the 2 fan bases. Ohowihate fans much worse.