Saying everybody but State players say their college name is categorically false. I would say nearly half the players say something other than their four-year university. I’ve heard a guy say he was from the “school of hard knocks” and somebody else said they were from “tight end U” and a guy last night said he was from “the trenches.” I wonder if the universities those guys went to’s fans wring their hands about it like some of our fans do about a guy giving a shoutout to his high school or hometown.Whatever, as I said, I'm responding to the post but I HAVE quit letting it bother me. It was just a thing about Cox originally but now none of our guys ever say Mississippi State while I hear a long line of guys before and after them all saying their actual university name. Who it REALLY should bother is the MSU athletic and marketing departments. Huge missed advertising opportunities with these guys all doing this and someone there should seek to find out why this is so systemic with all our players. Ole Miss doesn't seem to have this issue and if there is any university a black player should be ashamed of being connected with its Ole Miss.