I mean, you’re definitely making a decision and taking a step in a different direction when you choose style with not even the least bit of afterthought for comfort.I can tell you what’s wrong with them, their balls are chaffed!
Haha no kidding… as someone who has lurked around this board since I was a student at state in 2004, it’s been interesting to watch this board age into a meme of “Karens” and Boomers”Damn this thread is eat up with the damn olds
Sick ‘‘em paw paw. I love it!I'm a 60 year old bitcher. That's what we do. You shoulda seen me yesterday when a youngster blocked my driveway delaying my departure. I held on to the horn till he emerged from the 4-plex next to my apartment. "Okay, I'll Move" and I replied back "NOW?".... He then said "Meant no disrespect", and I shouted back "You've showed a TON of Disrespect"... Made me feel better about the incident.
Are you going to actually go? I didn't think so.
I would imagine the target demographic is 30 and under.
THIS AINT YER FATHERS OLDSMOBILE, BRAH**Damn this thread is eat up with the damn olds
You can take sturgill Simpson off the list. He is no longer active.They are getting filled. You just don’t hear it on the radio. There are quite a few grey country artists out there these days
sturgill aimpson
Tyler childers
Whitey Morgan
Colter wall
Brent cobb
Ryan bingham
To name a few
I appreciate that information but I've just about given up. It's not the artist's fault. It is the producers and record companies. You've got a handful of companies/producers in control of everything. They've devised a formula that everybody will buy or play in their tight rotation on satellite radio or whatever streaming musical app you're listening to. It doesn't matter that it all sounds the same as long as they keep making big bucks.
I appreciate the guys like Sturgill Simpson who are trying, but you can only fight the machine for so long. I will stick with my extensive collection of classic rock and country. I've got a little bit of bluegrass, blues, classical, and even old-school hip-hop to listen to. I'm not wrong to sound cool I'm just sick of hearing the same crap. Every time I turn my radio on local station or even listen to a specialized channel on XM radio it's always the same 100 songs repeated over and over again.
The original
He is still recent enough to be thought of as carrying the torch of outlaw country.You can take sturgill Simpson off the list. He is no longer active.