According to the NCAA, the odds of filling out a perfect bracket are 1 in 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (or approximately 1 in 9.2 quintillion).
Put another way...
The NCAA cited a 2012 study conducted at the University of Hawaii that estimated there are 7.5 quintillion grains of sand on Earth. If a person was handed one of those grains and asked to guess which one had been chosen, the odds of getting it correct would be “23 percent better than picking a perfect bracket by coin flip,” per the NCAA.
Put another way...
The NCAA cited a 2012 study conducted at the University of Hawaii that estimated there are 7.5 quintillion grains of sand on Earth. If a person was handed one of those grains and asked to guess which one had been chosen, the odds of getting it correct would be “23 percent better than picking a perfect bracket by coin flip,” per the NCAA.