Looking at stats in Wikipedia, these are the demographics for Penn State:
These are the numbers for Pennsylvania:
So, as a state University, these numbers tell me that whites are, at best, underrepresented, Asians are overrepresented, Hispanics are about right, and blacks appear underrepresented, although we don’t know what ethnicity the “foreign nationals” are. If all the “foreign nationals” are white (unlikely, but let’s play that way), whites are still underrepresented as a percentage of the state population. The bottom line, to me, is that, numbers-wise, the percentages appear to be reasonably representative of the state population, although the “foreign nationals” (and “other”) could skew the numbers a bit.
Both Step and Erial mentioned, above, that they perceive blacks (and perhaps other minorities?) being uncomfortable with a mostly-white population. That may be. I would be curious to know if anyone is aware of any written complaints, anecdotes, or other input wherein minorities at Penn State say they are made uncomfortable.
Absent that, my perception is that this is all “much ado about nothing.” We are talking a very few percentage points difference between the University population and the State population at large. Beyond that, where is the evidence of racism or even “making people feel uncomfortable?”
The last thing I want to see is more bureaucracy and regulation trying to rectify a situation that appears to need no rectifying.