Ah, no worries! I didn't get any responses so happy to see a separate thread for this. Thing about Superman is - name a great Superman story. There really isn't one. Unlike Batman (Killing Joke, Dark Knight Returns) or X-Men (Dark Phoenix Saga, Days of Future Past, God Loves Man Kills) or even Iron Man (Demon in a Bottle), Superman is popular and loved for just being Superman. His rogue's gallery is limited (Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Doomsday) and mostly un-substantive (save Lex). He's mostly popular for the Christopher Reeves movies (which I love) and some solid TV shows (animated and live). I was obsessed with Smallville (making Lex and Clark friends working towards the same goals with different means was brilliant) but it eventually went off the rails (and everyone was going bonkers in the sex cult). I knew Bryan Singer's version would suck (and it did) and sort of liked the Cavill movie (Amy Adams horribly miscast, as was Jessie Eisenberg as Lex) but it ends with Superman killing Zod and yeah, sort of undoes the entire character. Curious to see what Gunn does here - he's excelled with GOTG in large part because expectations were fairly low (I read GOTG comics as a kid and even I didn't think it would make for a good movie) and they were mostly unknown characters (helped a lot that he basically made their adventures more in line with what the Fantastic Four would encounter than the GOTG).
Lana Lang, Smallville