The kidney stone story. I have a huge stone that I can’t pass. Dr gives me two options, go get it or bust it and pass the pieces. I choose to go get it and he can do it today. I wake up and I still have the stone, when he reached for the stone he bumped it and it fell back into the kidney where he couldn’t reach it, at least the excruciating pain was gone. So he decides to bust it but he can’t do it for like ten days so he ends me home with a stent. I go back to bust that sucker and they send me home with another stent. A week later I go back and still have no knowledge of passing the pieces, they do another mri and sure enough I’ve still got it, just in two pieces that he says I’ll never pass on my own. I go back so he can go back in to grab the pieces a few days later which is successful but he put a bigger stent in due to all the swelling from him messing around in there. I’ve got to keep the stent another week for the swelling to subside. I’m going on week four with a stent. While they don’t necessarily hurt, they are very uncomfortable.
my highly anticipated removal date finally arrives. I go to the dr and I’m dropping trouser walking through the door. I can’t wait to get this thing out. I’m on the table ready to go and he asks if I took my medicine, Ilike what medicine. He says the nurse was supposed to prescribe me two pills to relax me for the procedure, I never talked to the nurse. He can give me a shot if I have a driver, I don’t! Would I like to wait? Nope let’s do this. So he fools his little machine with the lighted probe and video monitor over and explained what was about to happen and how it was going to be uncomfortable without the medication. I don’t care at this point. He greases the probe up and starts up through the out door. A few inches in the light on the end of the probe goes out and he can’t see so out it comes again. Light comes back on and in he goes again. Light goes out again. They fiddle with the machine and finally determine that there is a short in the cable. Their other machine is broken so I’m going to have to come back. Oh no, it’s coming out today one way or the other. I tell them to roll the machine over where I can reach it and by bending and twisting the cord I can make the light come on and off on the end of the probe. I figure out how to hold it where the light will stay on and tell doc to go for it. He starts in but now the monitor is up by my head and I’m watching the whole thing keeping the light on. I finally see this blue string or tube, about that time I see three prongs come into view from behind the camera and they grab the blue thing. It’s at that moment he jerks it all out about like he was cranking a weed eater. I screamed like a little girl but I didn’t care, it was gone. I told him that if he charged me for that visit I’d haunt him, he didn’t. I never got a bill.