Non-political Ukraine discussion

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New member
Aug 22, 2012
So would American farmers. So many agrochemicals are made in China, and 1/3 of our soybeans are sold to China. A lot of farm kids are going to have to find new career paths.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
This ends with Putin being deposed. His biggest miscalculation here was his own people. The oligarchs will not sit idly by and watch their fortunes crumble.

I personally wish we would go ahead and intervene in Ukraine, but I understand why we won't. Instead we will wait and intervene when Putin invades Finland. Until Putin gets deposed we are going to have to fight and I would rather not see Ukraine get destroyed while we're waiting.

America is still the strongest military power in the world, and the gap to 2nd place is huge. We were built for a head to head battle with Russia.. But the American public has no stomach for war and the personal sacrifices we will all have to make, like $6 gas.


New member
Aug 24, 2012
What if they evils are in bed together, this is the trigger. All them hit their underground bunkers, push the buttons, and when the smoke clears they all emerge as the New World Order?
Aug 22, 2012
America is still the strongest military power in the world, and the gap to 2nd place is huge. We were built for a head to head battle with Russia.. But the American public has no stomach for war and the personal sacrifices we will all have to make, like $6 gas.

This may be true at the moment but our military is growing weaker by the day. There is simply no room for woke-ness outside the wire. Your pronouns are irrelevant once bullets start flying and bombs start dropping. All this diversity and inclusion training is driving a lot of the warrior-class out of the military and we will pay a price for it soon.

Meanwhile, China’s military is growing more powerful every day and they are actively shaping their culture to encourage a warrior like attitude among men.

Uncle Ruckus

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2011
Several years back one of our previous presidents was asked what he was most impressed with about our military, or something to that extent, and his response was how it was the most diversified military in American history. I'm all for diversity in the work place, but I could not give two ***** about gender or race when it comes to our military. We need to best, most qualified bad asses because they are bad ***, not because they are all different.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
**** fixing to hit the fan and Putin is going out with a bang or a Thermonuclear Blast. We would be best served by trying to stay out of it as much as possible.

Putin is KGB. Not only that he was Head KGB in East Germany. He is not crazy or insane. He is just trying to bluff the world with his NUKES. He gets away with it every time and he will keep on until someone punches' him in the mouth.


Active member
Feb 23, 2008
Several years back one of our previous presidents was asked what he was most impressed with about our military, or something to that extent, and his response was how it was the most diversified military in American history. I'm all for diversity in the work place, but I could not give two ***** about gender or race when it comes to our military. We need to best, most qualified bad asses because they are bad ***, not because they are all different.

Been a concern of mine for a while now that while we are living in the best society in the history of man with the most opportunities no matter your race or gender, we still have all these special interest groups that seem to grow larger everyday that hates everything about what this country stands for and seemingly wants to destroy what we have in the name of racism, sexism, etc. Some people don't seem to realize that while freedom in a country is the best thing you can have, when you have that, not everyone with free thought is going to think like you want them to or be as tolerant or open minded as you want them to on every subject but the alternative is SO much worse. This cancel culture needs to end or we are headed down a very dangerous path.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Thanks for continuing this lie, Vlad.

This may be true at the moment but our military is growing weaker by the day. There is simply no room for woke-ness outside the wire. Your pronouns are irrelevant once bullets start flying and bombs start dropping. All this diversity and inclusion training is driving a lot of the warrior-class out of the military and we will pay a price for it soon.

Meanwhile, China’s military is growing more powerful every day and they are actively shaping their culture to encourage a warrior like attitude among men.

This message became popular after distribution among right wing media of a Russian propaganda video highlighting the manliness of the Russian military over ours. The same Russian military getting their *** whipped right now, some even just quitting mid mission and found sobbing.

But thanks for continuing to spread this garbage and hating on your country and fellow citizens who have volunteered their lives to protect your right to continue to say stupid and *** holish **** like this.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I think a lot of people don't understand what NATO's function is, how it operates or even for what purpose it was formed.
Your thought is accurate. If there was a a youtube 'ask random people' about this topic, it would be cringeworthy. Only worse would be a video of Americans trying to find Ukraine on a map.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
This is directed at Cookie, Ruckus and you. Are you current or ex military? Do you know military people? I live in a military town with multiple military neighbors, and this is absolute ********. I have daily conversations with a neighbor that is in Space Force, and he is incredibly bright. I’ve been lucky to live next to AF, several Navy, and Marines in the last 10 years and I have been impressed with them and their dedication to country.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
I’m wondering if we are/will do covert missions in Ukraine to defend them/attack the Rooskies.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
This may be true at the moment but our military is growing weaker by the day. There is simply no room for woke-ness outside the wire. Your pronouns are irrelevant once bullets start flying and bombs start dropping. All this diversity and inclusion training is driving a lot of the warrior-class out of the military and we will pay a price for it soon.

Meanwhile, China’s military is growing more powerful every day and they are actively shaping their culture to encourage a warrior like attitude among men.

ST17U and stop forcing wokeness, diversity, and inclusion into the conversation. You and others will ruin a good thread. Holy 17, it simple- talk about what you think may happen on a global stage with global geo-political considerations, but dont discuss the usual handful of domestic political squabble issues.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2008
It is ironic that he brought it up though - because Russia is being cancelled on a worldwide scale


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
This message became popular after distribution among right wing media of a Russian propaganda video highlighting the manliness of the Russian military over ours. The same Russian military getting their *** whipped right now, some even just quitting mid mission and found sobbing.

But thanks for continuing to spread this garbage and hating on your country and fellow citizens who have volunteered their lives to protect your right to continue to say stupid and *** holish **** like this.

They are largely getting their *** whipped right now because they suck at logistics. I'd like to think that if we put troops on the ground, we could keep them supplied. BUt I'd also like to think if we were doing an evacuation in a hostile country and had to decide whether to evacuate people first or give up a defensible airport first, we could reason out which should come first. So I wouldn't gloat too much about how ****** their performance is.
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