Not OT: Tax return just hit

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Active member
Sep 15, 2016
You set rent to account for many things, one being the tax on that property.
The renter pays you and you take a small portion of the rent and pay taxes.
Right. I figured that's what you were talking about.

Just as an FYI, the rent that I charge is based on only one thing: the current market rate for rent in my area for similar properties. For me, that's the only factor I consider when I "set rent." I don't even think about real estate taxes or any other expense.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
I finally filed my taxes yesterday, married jointly as always. I noticed that mortgage interest wasn’t gonna help me any this year. And my refund was the biggest I’ve had in a while. What gives?

Rupert Jenkins

Well-known member
Nov 29, 2017
I remember reading revised reports that there were 22MM undocumented/illegal people in the US back in in 2018 or so.
Based on the surge in amnesty requests and crossings these last few years, I would have figured there are more now.
But your meme says otherwise, and your memes have a history of accuracy so they should be trusted.**

- undocumented/illegal people pay sales tax.
- undocumented/illegal people pay property tax, even if they are renting.
- many undocumebted/illegal people pay into SS and the other auto withdrawal programs, and many of those will not access the benefits later on.
- those who are seeking asylum are able to work after 180 days and pay into the system.

Our immigration policies are archaic, confusing, and slow to change. Southern border crossing is once again a prominent issue in society and politics, and it is once again a blame game where neither side is genuinely interested or able to create meaningful and beneficial change for society.
Despite all that, your meme sucks.

This would be good to at least skim, if you want to read about what the SSA estimates for contributions by the undocumented/illegal.
So I guess NY and Chicago are lying about how bad they are impacting their finances. Good to know


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2008
I finally filed my taxes yesterday, married jointly as always. I noticed that mortgage interest wasn’t gonna help me any this year. And my refund was the biggest I’ve had in a while. What gives?
Have you been itemizing or taking standard deduction? The sd increased from ~13k to ~25k maybe 5 years ago so unless you had more than that in itemized deductions, you’d be better off taking sd.

After that change mortgage interest didn’t matter anymore for a lot of people, particularly in a lcol area like Mississippi


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
Have you been itemizing or taking standard deduction? The sd increased from ~13k to ~25k maybe 5 years ago so unless you had more than that in itemized deductions, you’d be better off taking sd.

After that change mortgage interest didn’t matter anymore for a lot of people, particularly in a lcol area like Mississippi
ALWAYS been standard deduction based on TurboTax’s guidance. You’re correct that the SD had gone up, and I’d forgotten that my wife didn’t really work much in the 2022 tax year. I’m sure that’s why.

Still, I used to watch the refund calculator go up and down based on each entry and it just kinda stayed where it was after income entry this year. I’m not gonna complain!

Plus, tax tables were adjusted this year for the massive inflation we’ve seen since the last election. Let’s go Brandon.

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
My assistant just came in this morning SOOOOO excited because she did her taxes this weekend and is getting back "more than a thousand $$'s in taxes" from the IRS. I then proceeded to explain that she wasn't getting any money from the IRS, they were merely returning HER money to HER that she had loaned interest free to them this past year. I then had to break that statement down into even simpler terms for her. She got this blank look on her face and said "they've had my money but don't pay me interest?" I then reminded her to look at the bright side, that she could pay off that $400 speeding ticket that she got several weeks ago and paid w/ a credit card. But no, she already made a big Amazon order yesterday and that refund is gone........


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
So I guess NY and Chicago are lying about how bad they are impacting their finances. Good to know
Thats a curious conclusion to draw from my comments. You do realize that taxes are paid to more than just a city, right? Federal, state, county, city- all collect in various ways. My comments dont inherently conflict with NYC or Chicago.

Further, what I commented on and what you are referring to are related but different issues. I commented on housed and rent paying undocumented workers. You are bringing up recently registered asylum seekers(I think?...actual detail from you would help) who the US bans from working for 6 months and who often dont have basic needs established before declaring.
You do realize those are different scenarios, right?
Further, there arent 22MM recent asylum seekers in the US, at least not according to anything I have read. Again, reference the link earlier in the thread that claims there were 22MM in the US back in 2018ish when Trump was president. If there are 22MM now, then we havent had a net increase from the last few years of asylum seekers.

Now of course we have more now. My point in commenting earlier was to show that the meme was dumb due to being misleading and inaccurate.
Immigration is not simple. Just last spring Biden's administration was implementing a policy where people who were found to have crossed illegally(not registered at a port of entry) could be sent back. The same judge that banned that policy under Trump banned it under Biden.
What Texas has tried to do on its own has also largely been illegal.
We continue to try to do things that are legally decided as being illegal. What needs to happen is those who set laws need to, you know, set new laws. With the children we have in Congress right now, that wont happen.

Please do not think I enjoy the current immigration struggle. I wish Biden had vocally addressed it 2 years ago since it was well established even then. But at the same time, please also recognize that what has been tried(which was pretty much the same thing that Trump tried), was stopped. Its tough to win a fight(immigration policies) with your hands tied.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
My assistant just came in this morning SOOOOO excited because she did her taxes this weekend and is getting back "more than a thousand $$'s in taxes" from the IRS. I then proceeded to explain that she wasn't getting any money from the IRS, they were merely returning HER money to HER that she had loaned interest free to them this past year. I then had to break that statement down into even simpler terms for her. She got this blank look on her face and said "they've had my money but don't pay me interest?" I then reminded her to look at the bright side, that she could pay off that $400 speeding ticket that she got several weeks ago and paid w/ a credit card. But no, she already made a big Amazon order yesterday and that refund is gone........
Reminds me a lot of a lady that used to report to me at work. Great employee, made a decent amount of money and horrible at managing it. Her husband was an idiot but still managed to make a good amount of money in a government related job. Duh. Between them they made a pretty good living and yet they were constantly broke. I tried and tried to help her but I was wasting my time. I have been retired for about 6 years now but spoke to her recently and she is still broke and trying to live paycheck to paycheck. Some people just can’t be helped.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
What needs to happen is those who set laws need to, you know, set new laws.
Wrong. What needs to happen is for those in power to enforce the current laws. "I want free stuff or a better job" is not a valid reason to be allowed to enter and stay in the US for years waiting on a court date.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Wrong. What needs to happen is for those in power to enforce the current laws. "I want free stuff or a better job" is not a valid reason to be allowed to enter and stay in the US for years waiting on a court date.
Follow along with me.
- I said that new laws need to be set.
- You told me I am wrong and current laws need to be enforced.
- Current laws allow the very thing you dislike- people can come in and claim asylum even if they really 'want free stuff of a better job'.

I mean, come on- you do see the insanity of your comment when it is laid out like this, right?

Further, current law doesnt allow for people who entered illegally to be sent back across the border. Yet you want current laws to be enforced.
Again, your comment makes no sense in this instance.

As for 'I want a better job' not being a valid reason to be allowed to enter and stay in the US...well thats another level of bonkers. Of course that should be a valid reason to migrate to the US.
The issue is that the US, with its current laws, only issues 140,000 immigrant visas each year, so our laws dont allow enough of this group of people to migrate each year.

But sure, the current laws arent an issue.**


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Title 42 allowed migrants to be sent back to Mexico without having the chance to claim asylum. Once Title 42 expired, Biden's administration tried a new 'asylum ineligibility' policy which wouldnt allow them to apply for asylum in the US if they didnt apply in a prior country they passed through.
The Lawful Pathways policy was shot down in court. This has largely been seen as the reason why more enforcement hasnt taken place- it too would be found to be illegal.
Last fall, planes full of deported Venezuelans were periodically sent down from the US. That was met with multiple lawsuits and the flights have recently stopped.

Below is some reading on the issue. Once again, it is hardly simple. Biden has not done enough, but Biden also has been stopped by courts from doing things he wants(and many on the right want).

The Biden administration Tuesday announced its most restrictive border control measures to date, issuing plans for a temporary rule that will penalize asylum-seekers who cross the border illegally or fail to apply for protection in other nations they transit on their way to the United States.

Under U.S. immigration law, migrants fleeing persecution can request asylum regardless of how they arrive on U.S. soil. President Joe Biden’s rule, which could become active in May and expire after two years, would presume asylum ineligibility for those who enter illegally.

The Biden administration rule has been in place since Covid-19 restrictions known as Title 42 ended in May. Title 42 had blocked more than 2 million border crossings during its three years in place. Observers expected a surge in migrants at the border following the end of Title 42, but the level of crossings actually fell, and the Biden administration argues that the asylum ineligibility policy has limited the number of migrants crossing the border since May. It has argued in court that the asylum ineligibility policy is necessary to control migration during a “time of heightened irregular migration throughout the Western Hemisphere.”
Government lawyers said the Department of Homeland Security anticipates that lifting the rule would mean “a return to elevated encounter levels that would place significant strain on DHS component, border communities, and interior cities.”

A federal judge on Tuesday blocked President Joe Biden’s controversial asylum policy, delivering a major blow to the administration, which has leaned on the measure to drive down border crossings. The judge put the ruling on hold for 14 days for a possible appeal.
The ruling against the Biden administration could have major implications on the US-Mexico border, where crossings have plummeted since the rollout of the asylum policy, among other measures. A Justice Department spokesperson told CNN that the department plans to appeal.
Judge Jon Tigar of the California Northern District Court previously ruled against a similar policy under the Trump administration and expressed skepticism that there was any daylight between Biden’s policy and the Trump-era one during a court hearing last week. Administration officials have rejected the comparison to Trump-era rules.
The Biden administration has rolled out a series of measures to try to stem the flow of migration and manage the situation along the US-Mexico border but is facing multiple lawsuits from Republican states as well as advocates, posing a risk to Biden’s border plans.

And now a brief recap of some immigration reform efforts over the last 20 years...

"The issue for me and for this administration, and frankly, for everybody who's talking about the border is this is a complex phenomenon that doesn't have simple solutions," said Theresa Cardinal Brown, a former senior adviser on immigration in both the Bush and Obama administrations.

A comprehensive immigration overhaul has eluded Congress for decades. Former President Bush, a Republican, pushed for one, but was met with opposition from immigration hard-liners in his own party.

President Obama, a Democrat, also made an effort to get one passed — and it nearly did. Sixty-eight senators voted for sweeping legislation in 2013, but it died in the Republican-controlled House.

The proposal installs several tools to address the border, including: requiring the president shut down the border if the numbers of migrants hits a specific threshold; adjusting the rules for who qualifies for asylum; expediting the process for deciding asylum claims; and allowing migrants authorization to work while awaiting adjudication of their asylum claim.
For several months Oklahoma Republican Sen. Jim Lankford, Connecticut Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy and Arizona independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema have worked on a plan to address the record number of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

But House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., has already made clear that the bill has no future beyond the Senate.

The right refused to even work with W, they killed the Senate approved bill in '13 once it hit the House, and killed the Senate approved bill in '24 once it reached the House.
Meanwhile, no actual reform has been offered up over the last 10 years when Republicans have controlled the House, Senate, or White House. Instead, all thats really been offered up by the right has been a cool chant about a wall being built and paid for by Mexico(a lie and ineffective), and multiple Executive policies in the late teens that were deemed illegal by the same judge that determined Biden's Pathways policy was illegal. Oh, and legal immigration was restricted, as if that was even an issue.
No actual work to reform the laws.

Biden hasnt done well on this issue, but even before Title 42 expired, it was well documented that the US was going to be hit hard by asylum seekers once it did expire. Biden tried to encourage legal entry only and that was shot down in court. Laws to help expedite asylum cases were proposed and passed in the Senate, but shot down by the Right in the House.

I honestly think many people who comment on the immigration challenges we are seeing just simply have no idea what was known to be coming or that anything has been tried to reduce the issue, and so they are complaining about a lack of progress as if nothing has been tried.
Its unfortunate, but not surprising in this hyper-siloed world.
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
Title 42 allowed migrants to be sent back to Mexico without having the chance to claim asylum. Once Title 42 expired, Biden's administration tried a new 'asylum ineligibility' policy which wouldnt allow them to apply for asylum in the US if they didnt apply in a prior country they passed through.
The Lawful Pathways policy was shot down in court. This has largely been seen as the reason why more enforcement hasnt taken place- it too would be found to be illegal.
Last fall, planes full of deported Venezuelans were periodically sent down from the US. That was met with multiple lawsuits and the flights have recently stopped.

Below is some reading on the issue. Once again, it is hardly simple. Biden has not done enough, but Biden also has been stopped by courts from doing things he wants(and many on the right want).

And now a brief recap of some immigration reform efforts over the last 20 years...

The right refused to even work with W, they killed the Senate approved bill in '13 once it hit the House, and killed the Senate approved bill in '24 once it reached the House.
Meanwhile, no actual reform has been offered up over the last 10 years when Republicans have controlled the House, Senate, or White House. Instead, all thats really been offered up by the right has been a cool chant about a wall being built and paid for by Mexico(a lie and ineffective), and multiple Executive policies in the late teens that were deemed illegal by the same judge that determined Biden's Pathways policy was illegal. Oh, and legal immigration was restricted, as if that was even an issue.
No actual work to reform the laws.

Biden hasnt done well on this issue, but even before Title 42 expired, it was well documented that the US was going to be hit hard by asylum seekers once it did expire. Biden tried to encourage legal entry only and that was shot down in court. Laws to help expedite asylum cases were proposed and passed in the Senate, but shot down by the Right in the House.

I honestly think many people who comment on the immigration challenges we are seeing just simply have no idea what was known to be coming or that anything has been tried to reduce the issue, and so they are complaining about a lack of progress as if nothing has been tried.
Its unfortunate, but not surprising in this hyper-siloed world.
Look, man. The key to making people read your posts is to make them way longer and harder to read. Do better.*********


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Look, man. The key to making people read your posts is to make them way longer and harder to read. Do better.*********
Yeah, it genuinely sucks that actual informative content almost always means long form articles(posts here) because controversial issues are complex.
140 character tweets are rarely beneficial, even if that's the extent of many people's attention span at this point.
There is a vast gray area for many issues/topics and far too many people want to only live on the extreme edges that are simple and clear, despite then missing out on actual valuable information.

I forgive you.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
Yeah, it genuinely sucks that actual informative content almost always means long form articles(posts here) because controversial issues are complex.
140 character tweets are rarely beneficial, even if that's the extent of many people's attention span at this point.
There is a vast gray area for many issues/topics and far too many people want to only live on the extreme edges that are simple and clear, despite then missing out on actual valuable information.

I forgive you.
I mean, I agree. But we were talking about your posts. 🤷‍♂️


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2015
Title 42 allowed migrants to be sent back to Mexico without having the chance to claim asylum. Once Title 42 expired, Biden's administration tried a new 'asylum ineligibility' policy which wouldnt allow them to apply for asylum in the US if they didnt apply in a prior country they passed through.
The Lawful Pathways policy was shot down in court. This has largely been seen as the reason why more enforcement hasnt taken place- it too would be found to be illegal.
Last fall, planes full of deported Venezuelans were periodically sent down from the US. That was met with multiple lawsuits and the flights have recently stopped.

Below is some reading on the issue. Once again, it is hardly simple. Biden has not done enough, but Biden also has been stopped by courts from doing things he wants(and many on the right want).

And now a brief recap of some immigration reform efforts over the last 20 years...

The right refused to even work with W, they killed the Senate approved bill in '13 once it hit the House, and killed the Senate approved bill in '24 once it reached the House.
Meanwhile, no actual reform has been offered up over the last 10 years when Republicans have controlled the House, Senate, or White House. Instead, all thats really been offered up by the right has been a cool chant about a wall being built and paid for by Mexico(a lie and ineffective), and multiple Executive policies in the late teens that were deemed illegal by the same judge that determined Biden's Pathways policy was illegal. Oh, and legal immigration was restricted, as if that was even an issue.
No actual work to reform the laws.

Biden hasnt done well on this issue, but even before Title 42 expired, it was well documented that the US was going to be hit hard by asylum seekers once it did expire. Biden tried to encourage legal entry only and that was shot down in court. Laws to help expedite asylum cases were proposed and passed in the Senate, but shot down by the Right in the House.

I honestly think many people who comment on the immigration challenges we are seeing just simply have no idea what was known to be coming or that anything has been tried to reduce the issue, and so they are complaining about a lack of progress as if nothing has been tried.
Its unfortunate, but not surprising in this hyper-siloed world.
We agree on something- the uni-party does exist, and continues to wreak havoc.
A country doesn’t last if it doesn’t enforce borders.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
Follow along with me.
- I said that new laws need to be set.
- You told me I am wrong and current laws need to be enforced.
- Current laws allow the very thing you dislike- people can come in and claim asylum even if they really 'want free stuff of a better job'.

I mean, come on- you do see the insanity of your comment when it is laid out like this, right?

Further, current law doesnt allow for people who entered illegally to be sent back across the border. Yet you want current laws to be enforced.
Again, your comment makes no sense in this instance.

As for 'I want a better job' not being a valid reason to be allowed to enter and stay in the US...well thats another level of bonkers. Of course that should be a valid reason to migrate to the US.
The issue is that the US, with its current laws, only issues 140,000 immigrant visas each year, so our laws dont allow enough of this group of people to migrate each year.

But sure, the current laws arent an issue.**
Wrong again. Follow along with me. Current laws are not being enforced. Being in the US unlawfully is grounds for deportation. Period.
The starting point is that people should be entering through official ports of entry. If illegal crossings are happening elsewhere... you got it! Border wall. It works. That's the reason sections were taken out after the last changing of the guard. (It wasn't because it was blocking the migration route of the fuzzy butt antelope.) If someone wants to apply for asylum, fine. Let them apply at a port of entry. If the claim is valid have them brought in on their court date. If the claim isn't valid. It's ok to say sorry you're not allowed in. Bye. Allowing people to freely cross the border virtually everywhere not being manned by the Texas national guard and remain in the US is the current executive branch's dereliction of duty regarding protection of our border and enforcement of our laws. No new laws needed.
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Wrong again. Follow along with me. Current laws are not being enforced. Being in the US unlawfully is grounds for deportation. Period.
The starting point is that people should be entering through official ports of entry. If illegal crossings are happening elsewhere... you got it! Border wall. It works. That's the reason sections were taken out after the last changing of the guard. (It wasn't because it was blocking the migration route of the fuzzy butt antelope.) If someone wants to apply for asylum, fine. Let them apply at a port of entry. If the claim is valid have them brought in on their court date. If the claim isn't valid. It's ok to say sorry you're not allowed in. Bye. Allowing people to freely cross the border virtually everywhere not being manned by the Texas national guard and remain in the US is the current executive branch's dereliction of duty regarding protection of our border and enforcement of our laws. No new laws needed.
So a literal wall would stop all illegal immigration?

How much funding did Congress allocate to enforce these laws they passed?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
So a literal wall would stop all illegal immigration?

How much funding did Congress allocate to enforce these laws they passed?
Nothing in will stop ALL illegal immigration. East and West Berlin had 2 walls with troops free to blast anyone in the no-man's zone. And that wasn't 100%. However, a literal wall is needed to change the flood to a stream and direct the flow to legal ports of entry. The wall works. That's why portions of it were taken down.
Again... No new laws are needed. I don't know what point you are trying to make regarding funding, but the $25 billion 2024 budget for Customs and Border protection is almost $800 million more than last year's. (Internet searches are easy.)
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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2009
I'm proud of you guys. You managed to turn a thread about Texas Roadhouse into a discussion about immigration. I imagine this is what it's like watching your firstborn graduate from med school. I feel blessed.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
I'm proud of you guys. You managed to turn a thread about Texas Roadhouse into a discussion about immigration. I imagine this is what it's like watching your firstborn graduate from med school. I feel blessed.
I didn't turn it that way, but I have a hard time letting ignorance go unchecked.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Nothing in will stop ALL illegal immigration.
Nothing will stop most of it.
East and West Berlin had 2 walls with troops free to blast anyone in the no-man's zone. And that wasn't 100%.
that was a lot less miles than the US Border.
However, a literal wall is needed to change the flood to a stream and direct the flow to legal ports of entry. The wall works. That's why portions of it were taken down.
and heres the problem. You build a wall, they just find another way. There's vehicle traffic. You clearly don't know how much uninspected cargo drives in every day, nor the impacts of clearing it all. Then, there's swimming, tunnels, who knows what else.

There is no way in hell that a small portion of a wall was doing a dang thing. That's just brain dead propaganda repetition. They could (and did) just go around.
Again... No new laws are needed. I don't know what point you are trying to make regarding funding, but the $25 billion 2024 budget for Customs and Border protection is almost $800 million more than last year's. (Internet searches are easy.)
A point that you clearly haven't gotten yet. Existing laws don't allow for the civil penalties to employers that would stop these immigrants from having jobs here. Without that, there's no stopping it outside of a police state. Of course, some want that....

That $25B goes to the existing sky-high deportations we already have. And it's not nearly enough to build a thousand mile long wall. The funding to enforce a hypothetical law to "prevent all illegal immigration" isn't there. Period.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005

Fight For Your Right Drinking GIF by Beastie Boys
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