The term 'Nazi' seems to be thrown around as casually and as incorrectly as the terms 'Commie' and 'Socialist'. Its unfortunate to see, really. It cheapens things and it often shifts attention away from what is important and over to whether or not the insult was correct.We just went through a weird election where all sorts of normal Americans were accused of being racists, Nazis, fascists, white nationalists and Christian nationalists. This apparently is a lone-wolf terrorist but, as with Dylan Roof, you'll see lots of people try to draw large conclusions that support their personal narratives and grievances.
Anyway, I've read more irrational posts on here about sports.
As for people being called racist who arent racist...yeah that definitely happened and happens. A more precise analysis would be to say many of those people support policies and ideologies that harm others based on skin color. Whether that support is based on skin color or not requires further insight.
The term 'fascist' is also thrown around way more than it should be. And ironically, its hurled by both sides! That one is just hilarious since it is universally accepted as a far-right ideology/movement. Anyways, yeah its a term that is overused and is definitely used a lot in emotional responses rather than level responses.
It requires, among other things, a leader who wants to consolidate power(legislatively and thru force), accepts violence for political benefit is good, stops opposition thru suppression(military and legislative), and creates 'us vs them' narratives as a way to further gain power.
I mean...there are certainly some similarities to a recent leader.
People were accused of being white nationalists, yep. And I bet more were accused than actually are. That is terrible. What is even more terrible though is that people who align with white nationalist ideals were not only accepted but embraced by politicians and voters. Thats just bonkers.
And yes, people were accused of being Christian nationalists. That is such a subjective category/term that it sure seemed to fit the people I know of who were called that.
I agree that sports topics get a ton of irrational posts. Nailed that one for sure.