$NVDA’s run is no where near over..


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
I do believe that’s what this tweet was pointing at, and you replied with “so what’s the story”. Sounded like you didn’t care if Pelosi is part of the crony capitalism. Maybe I'm misunderstanding your posts.
As far as I can tell, what she did is perfectly legal and happens all the time with tons of folks involved. I'm saying probably it shouldn't be. If new or more info comes out, again I say light her *** up along with any other federal official who did similar.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
It’s the flagship bubble stock in the current cycle. Not that the company doesn’t have merits, the valuation is just silly, and silly valuations tend to get more silly, so I will remain on the sidelines for now.

AI is going through its hype and misallocation of capital phase, and NVDA is king. Reality will eventually set in, and valuations will overcorrect to the downside. The space will be neglected for 3-5 years , then all of the AI promises will come to fruition. That will be the time I attempt to play it from the long side. I would wager the leader in the space 10-15 years from now is some company no one has heard of, not Nvidia, OpenAI, etc.

To reiterate, no reason the stock couldn’t double from here; I ain’t playin it for now.
NVIDIA isn't an AI play. It's a silicon play. They've been making video processing technology for years. That tech has been very successful as demand for video has grown. It turns out when you have enough compute power to run high end video, by default, you have enough compute power to run lots of things, AI included. I've done absolutely zero research into their valuation, so I can't speak to their stock price. I bought some a while back and sold half when it doubled so I could preserve capital and continue to diversify. I'll be holding the rest for quite a while.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
If you want to ban federal officeholders from trading stocks/ bonds, I'm in agreement with you. I believe they're entire portfolio should go into some kind of blind trust.

As we sit here today, that's not the case. Nvidia hasn't been much of a secret for a long while now, and plenty of people have made big money from them. Pelosi has also been wealthy for a long while, $1m isn't life changing money for her. What's the story here?
Are you suggesting that it is likely that she has an astute investment advisor who was smart enough to notice NVIDIA just like us SPSrs and millions of others. No way!

I also agree that congress should be subject to some kind of blind management vehicle. I suspect that lots of them have made money by getting in early on things that they were legislating into being. I just don't think NVIDIA is a good example.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
The problem is that she, and other politicians of all shapes, sizes, and political affiliations, have gotten filthy, dirty rich just from being in Congress. It's not always, or even usually, just rich people getting richer. Specifically related to Pelosi and $NVDA, though, it's an issue when she or other members of congress make large transactions in a stock like this just to have the news subsequently come out that some big new advancement or trade deal involving that company has been signed. Here, allegedly, the Chinese President visits her state, she buys NVDA within the next week, then 6 days later news breaks that NVDA has developed a chip designed to get around US restrictions on trade with China. Imagine that! What fortuitous timing!
Haven't seen that timing from a reputable source, but would not surprise me. Honestly, who cares? I mean just think of President Xi: central casting, a brilliant guy. He runs 1.4 billion people with an iron fist. Smart, brilliant, everything perfect. There’s nobody in Hollywood like this guy.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2009
Look, I get viscerally despising a politician - I promise I do. Absent some rigorous guardrails and oversight (which, again, sign me up) and/or overhauling how we tax stock trades and wealth in general (maybe some ideas are good; some are not) , I'm not sure what you want to see happen here? An extremely wealthy person got more wealthy? Welcome to America.
People who make policies shouldn't be able to buy stocks. One-Eyed Willy Crenshaw is on the Pelosi gravy train too. He's on my shItlist. https://unusualwhales.com/politics/article/pelosi


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
I think we are too divided right now to stop any person from either side of the aisle from benefiting from corruption. In fact I'd argue that they aren't even the true benefactors but they are useful.

It really is sad and it's what separated our government from other countries for a long time. I get there has always been corruption in our government and on both sides but it seems we've always had a mechanism to root it out or even a fear of repercussions before it's ever actioned. And when it did occur it always seemed more self serving and less structurally destructive.

Where there is no shared identity no shared values there is no accountability; there is nothing to be accountable to.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2022
Gotta over tax those boomers who made money on the biggest investment of their lives. AKA their home, while paying taxes on the money they used to pay for home, property taxes and insurance for a lifetime.

Please leave our public servants alone they deserve to make that money. They did it for the people ****


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
They’re a chip maker specifically for AI applications.

It’s like they’re the largest weapons manufacturer in the world, and WW3, WW4 and WW5 are all expected to breakout in the coming years.
They are a chip designer not a manufacturer. Tawain Superconductors makes all their chips. That is why we need Taiwan to stay exactly as they are politically. They do have the best in the world though.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
It’s the flagship bubble stock in the current cycle. Not that the company doesn’t have merits, the valuation is just silly, and silly valuations tend to get more silly, so I will remain on the sidelines for now.

AI is going through its hype and misallocation of capital phase, and NVDA is king. Reality will eventually set in, and valuations will overcorrect to the downside. The space will be neglected for 3-5 years , then all of the AI promises will come to fruition. That will be the time I attempt to play it from the long side. I would wager the leader in the space 10-15 years from now is some company no one has heard of, not Nvidia, OpenAI, etc.

To reiterate, no reason the stock couldn’t double from here; I ain’t playin it for now.
I bought in 6 years ago. I am enjoying it.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
The problem is that she, and other politicians of all shapes, sizes, and political affiliations, have gotten filthy, dirty rich just from being in Congress. It's not always, or even usually, just rich people getting richer. Specifically related to Pelosi and $NVDA, though, it's an issue when she or other members of congress make large transactions in a stock like this just to have the news subsequently come out that some big new advancement or trade deal involving that company has been signed. Here, allegedly, the Chinese President visits her state, she buys NVDA within the next week, then 6 days later news breaks that NVDA has developed a chip designed to get around US restrictions on trade with China. Imagine that! What fortuitous timing!
And democrats proposed a bill to end their direct control of their investments. Republican house killed it. What’s your point and are you willing to vote to get the congress needed to pass that bill?

if not, then you condone it.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I do believe that’s what this tweet was pointing at, and you replied with “so what’s the story”. Sounded like you didn’t care if Pelosi is part of the crony capitalism. Maybe I'm misunderstanding your posts.
Good for her. Anyone on the planet paying attention to AI could pick it. You do realize Nancy was damn well off prior to even being in Congress right? Give me 20 million dollars and after the past 30 years, if I didn’t have atleast 200 million dollars, the that would make me a terrible investor.

it’s like people talking about Trump being a good business man. His dad gave him 780 million dollars in like 1980. If he just bought the S+P 500 then and did nothing, he would be the richest man in the world today. The fact he is maybe worth 2-3 billion is a complete failure in my opinion.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2016
If she or any other member have done something illegal, light their *** up. Sign me up for increasing scrutiny. Crony capitalism is BS.
martha stewart dating GIF


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
What else ya got?
I've got some Intel and AMD as well (and some NVDA but I'm fairly recently into it). I know Intel has been beaten up and had some missteps, but given that they handle their own foundries I think they can be in a good position. If this AI thing is an actual long term trend I think they'll go 5x over the next five years, but I also don't expect any good gains anytime soon.

I'm strongly considering playing Draft kings earnings next week.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
... or the most overhyped product in decades.
I don't think so. People, for many years now, have been buying their graphics cards on allocation and reselling them at a profit. I watched this for years before I bought their stock. Anything can happen, but this is not some recent change in their fortunes driving the stock. There are real tailwinds behind it. I own some Intel too because I keep thinking that an "Intel" can't continue to miss out on things. They do have some new graphics cards/GPUs that are supposed to compete, and have a strong announced development pipeline. Otherwise they are consistent and pay a small dividend.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
It's the only stock that I bought on the advice of motleyfool that us up from 2021. Well they also said Apple but I already had that. Every other stock they recommend is down an average of 80%.
can't take the "fool" out of Motley Fool


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012

If I had more money to invest with I could've done that easily. My initial investment was an 800+% gain. A lot of people made a ton on NVIDIA. Gotta have money to make money. I just didn't have enough liquidity to wager more and likely would not have had the balls, given the % of my net worth that it would have represented.

As Charlie Munger said about the need to save your first $100k: “It’s a b—-, but you gotta do it,” Munger said. “I don’t care what you have to do — if it means walking everywhere and not eating anything that wasn’t purchased with a coupon, find a way to get your hands on $100,000.”


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
What do y'all think about Rivian (RIVN)? Their stock is hovering around $11.00, which is down something like 90% from its IPO.

That said, I'm seeing a ton of these on the road these days and I've asked everybody I've seen with one if they liked them. Everybody so far has had glowing reviews. I'm thinking about just throwing the money I made on that weird 1 day Gamestop/AMC boost a few weeks ago into it and see what happens.


Active member
Oct 25, 2014
All the EV stocks suck right now. I was thinking about shorting them but I'm late to the party. Big money's coming out in droves. One stock I am watching however is Lucid. The Saudis ain't budging and they have the money for the long haul. Fisker declared bankruptcy today and Rivian will probably be next. Everybody's saying sell, sell, sell so I might just buy, buy, buy low and hold on Lucid.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2010
What do y'all think about Rivian (RIVN)? Their stock is hovering around $11.00, which is down something like 90% from its IPO.

That said, I'm seeing a ton of these on the road these days and I've asked everybody I've seen with one if they liked them. Everybody so far has had glowing reviews. I'm thinking about just throwing the money I made on that weird 1 day Gamestop/AMC boost a few weeks ago into it and see what happens.
I really like Rivians. Everyone I know with one speaks well about theirs. There’s a dealership in Chicago right across the street from a Tesla. The Tesla dealership is basically empty day in and out, and the Rivian dealership is always buzzing with people.

That said, the concern with Rivian’s stock comes from profitability crunches. They’re beating revenue estimates, but auto companies hit a weird cash flow spot where early orders are gone and recalls / costs start adding up. They’re in that area. Mix in 7% interest rates and there is some concerns. Fisker went under today, so you might be getting a discount. Ford is right around the same price. It’s just a tough industry for find deals.
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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2008
Here's the thing and why they exist. Companies like Intel and Apple live on SLOWLY rolling out processor improvements. They intentionally drag out speed improvements to maximize profit. Then they hype up these minimal improvements.

Then you have the graphic card companies that go BALLS OUT fastest processor possible with liquid cooling whatever it takes as big and fast as possible. Guess what processor crypto mining uses... Hmm. Not Intel. Not Apple M2/M3/M4. Those are tricycles compared to NVIDIA Ferrari's. Now layer on AI and it's the new worldwide Space Race. China isn't allowed to buy NVIDIA. That should tell you all you need to know.

Wait until you see what Musk is building in Memphis and it takes the mighty Mississippi water to cool the damn thing. Private companies doing things of national security interests.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
The Swamp includes Democrats and Republicans.
I had a short career at local tech company. I distinctly remember this kind of discussion coming up during one of our team meetings. The Republicans were the bad guys with all of the money. I took a moment to point out to them that the Democrats had just money as much as Republicans did, they had just as much stock and bonds as their Republican counterparts. Really it was not about parties, to begin with. It's about the official Washington... the are also the people that try tell us what a politician is supposed to be. I'm telling you guys, our problems are not Republican or Democrat; it is official Washington. It has grown into a uncontrollable beast.
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I don't think so. People, for many years now, have been buying their graphics cards on allocation and reselling them at a profit. I watched this for years before I bought their stock. Anything can happen, but this is not some recent change in their fortunes driving the stock. There are real tailwinds behind it. I own some Intel too because I keep thinking that an "Intel" can't continue to miss out on things. They do have some new graphics cards/GPUs that are supposed to compete, and have a strong announced development pipeline. Otherwise they are consistent and pay a small dividend.
They're definitely a great company with a quality product. That valuation though....

It's tech. Odds are that a year from someone else has a better product are just too high for the casual investor like me to want to take the risk. That valuation will drive innovators and competitors like crazy, and just as they're getting to market...maybe the AI hype train crashes.

They're a passive money darling now though. That's where the real money is. I'll be looking for the next one.


Active member
Mar 5, 2009
It’s up 23% in 2024 alone. You could make the case they have the most valuable product in the history of economics.
I don’t own Nvidia but did buy Broadcom AVGO three years ago. It’s had a nice run as well and hopefully will continue!