I was pretty frustrated with the offense while watching the game (I think we can put the phantom play caller theories to rest), since the defense and special teams outscored them, but we were only supposed to get to 5 wins this season according to the general consensus, and we beat that handily. I really wanted to win the game, since would have made for a fairly magical season, but it would have been almost too good to be true to end the season beating 3 ranked teams in a row.
Being down a couple key defenders and several key offensive players and overall not playing a very great game, we still only lost by 7. No moral victories. But all things considered, being a bowl game and all, I'm not all that upset. I said I wasn't going to say this, but I do think if we had our opt-outs and transfers, we would have won the game handily. But we didn't and we lost. Still a way better season than even the most optimistic fan would have predicted.
Being down a couple key defenders and several key offensive players and overall not playing a very great game, we still only lost by 7. No moral victories. But all things considered, being a bowl game and all, I'm not all that upset. I said I wasn't going to say this, but I do think if we had our opt-outs and transfers, we would have won the game handily. But we didn't and we lost. Still a way better season than even the most optimistic fan would have predicted.