Ole Miss offense


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2022
Well, in my previous thread about Ole Miss, I noted that one reason to have a glimmer of hope in this game is that our game would be their first true hostile environment of the year. That much holds true. Unfortunately, UK knocked them off, so we can't say we'll be their first real test of the year.

Coming into the UK game, they were averaging 670 yards on offense. They had a little more than half that, 353 yards, against UK. They were averaging 55 points and put up 17 against UK.

It begs the question: what does it mean? Anything? Obviously, their numbers inflated from playing a string of absolute nobodies in their first 4 games, but are they more like the Ole Miss from Games 1-4 or more like the Ole Miss from the UK game? Is their offense like those of Clemson back during our 5-peat, when they always came in with a high octane attack that would sputter against a real defensive challenge? Lots of questions from this game.

I'm inclined to chalk this up to an off day for Ole Miss. I don't think they viewed UK as anything more than a speed bump and weren't prepared for a tough fight. The concern, of course, is that they refocus ahead of their first game in front of a hostile crowd. My preference would have been for them to come in overconfident, as they did against UK, so we could catch them napping, as UK did. I don't think that'll happen now.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
The truth is usually in the middle. They aren't as good as they lo9ked beating up on patsies, and they aren't as bad as they looked against UK.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2022
The truth is usually in the middle. They aren't as good as they lo9ked beating up on patsies, and they aren't as bad as they looked against UK.

The UK loss really muddles things. I was hoping/thinking Ole Miss would win but look vulnerable. Now we have to ask, after UK's performance against UGA and Ole Miss: Is really a pretty good team and their performance against was just a fluke? Is Ole Miss really not all that good or was their performance against UK just a fluke? Depending on the answers to those questions, what does our win against UK mean now?
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