1-I think you are understating the sexual nature of drag queen shows, generally. Yes, some are more overtly sexual than others, but they are all sexual to some degree.
Yeah, probably. Again, context. If it's a play where there is sexual content within the storyline like some adult characters are sexually assaulted, then a kid could still possibly be involved without me viewing it as bad, if the kid is old enough to understand the story and actions.
So yeah- probably.
As for me understating the sexual nature of drag shows, I am not understating the sexual nature of drag shows.
I have been commenting on THIS specific performance because THIS performance is the one that was claimed to be a clear instance of grooming.
THIS specific performance didn't seem overly sexualized, based on the clip I saw.
Kids perform in sexual story situations all the time- TV, movies, plays, etc.
Its absurd to claim that someone who identifies as male and performs in drag is grooming a kid that performs alongside them, simply because the adult is in drag, when meanwhile actual statistics show straight males are WAY more likely to both attempt to groom and actually sexually assault underage girls.
But hey- let's instead just continually misuse and overuse a serious term to the point that it's meaning is diluted.