There's definitely an extra layer of risk on the 40 but it's too early to determine how "systemic" it is. Before '08, there were 100% financing products that required little down (closing costs only) and they performed fine until the home values plumetted. We were making loans on $400K homes that had sold for say $300K just 5 years earlier. That's where the BS started. As long as home valiues are rising, the risk of foreclosure is minimal as the homeowner can easily sell for profit in lieu of foreclosure if they happen upon bad times. People forget how well and for how long the subprime loans performed until we went bat schit crazy with the housing market exploding before eventually imploding. Had we adjusted to this fast appreciation more prudently, we woulda said "Okay, you wanna pay $400K for this home that sold for $300K 5 years ago? Fine. We'll lend you $340K and you pay the rest as a down payment. But there would have been others decrying discrimination against 1st time homeowners and such had those common sense underwriting guidelines been implemented. Politics and Schit.