I was 7 years old and we lived in MIddletown, in the Pineford Village Apts. The Swatara Creek ran just south of the apartment complex. In 1972, there was just woods between the apartment complex and the creek (a warehouse is there now). If you look on a google map, you will see an apartment building called The Lynwood Building. We lived in that building. The water from the Creek came up to the parking area just to the south of our building, probably 20 feet from our front door. I distinctly remember someone's Plymouth Roadrunner (with the wing) being submerged in the water. I loved that car.
Somehow, my dad found out that there was some empy apartments in the high rise building that was being constructed up on Pineford Road. We were on the 5th or 6th floor of that building for a couple of days. It was like camping for me and my (then) 3 year old brother.