OT: Backing into a parking space


Joined Apr 12, 2020
Jan 25, 2022
True, but, those old people can't handle the weight of the doors on their 6,000 pound cars. Thankfully, they never park anywhere near where I do -- they will circle the lot for hours waiting for an open space near the door.

Maybe I just need to stop parking close to those water exercise classes and Bingo game parlors.
I think you need to be more careful and respectful
Jan 18, 2022
If you are behind me and pissed that I am holding you up because I am backing in, well, you should have gotten off your dead *** and left one minute earlier and then you would have been in front of me.. Just my opinion..
Or you can put money into a Corrola and not in a lifted golf cart


Joined Feb 4, 2003
Jan 21, 2022
I park as far away from the front door of the grocery store/shop/restaurant/movie theater as I can to eliminate old people from opening the door of their Mercury Marquis, Ford LTD, Lincoln Continental, Edsel on my nice car. Besides, I need the longer walk!
I'm sure that younger people and especially with kids are very careful not to hit your little Smart Car.


Active member
Jan 23, 2022
Good morning. I’ve seemed to notice a big increase in people backing into parking spaces. Not talking about tailgating, just normal, everyday parking spaces. I’m sitting outside eating and just watched one said episode. I Googled it just to see if it’s a thing. I found the following article online, and I agree with it. I hope this finds just one person who does this & helps them to simply be a better person:

Parking backward

Edit: I’m not Anonymous (PerchedOnRings). I guess I used the wrong login. Anyone know why I’m constantly getting logged out?
Count me among those who back in/pull out. Either way you park, you're gonna end up backing up sooner or later. Easier for me to go ahead and back in to a spot when I have a better feel for what traffic is around me, than to "blindly" back out into it.
Jan 18, 2022
Count me among those who back in/pull out. Either way you park, you're gonna end up backing up sooner or later. Easier for me to go ahead and back in to a spot when I have a better feel for what traffic is around me, than to "blindly" back out into it.
I’ll speak to my situation. I live downtown in a city condo that shares surface-level parking. The spaces meet code, but are not ample. Almost everyone here is single, so only 1 person getting out the majority of the time. Long-time residents know, the first person in the rightmost space parks as far right as possible and everyone else follows suit. I’ve now got two new dings from you in-a-hurry optimists because they chose to back in.
I wasn’t behind them when they did it, and I wasn’t really complaining about waiting. It’s unsafe. My original post was prompted by watching a backup doucher about hit 2 people AND had other cars hanging out in traffic of a major road waiting on their unaware, entitled, ignorant selves.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
It's a choice in a free country for the moment. Park how you want to and enjoy it. Next thing you know they will be telling you that you must drive an electric vehicle. :)