Most investors are protected by FDIC. Can you give me a study showing that mom and pop businesses, the ones you pointed out, typically have more than $250K deposited into just one account in a bank? Maybe I'm misinformed about the mom and pop accounts in banks.
"How is a depositor supposed to judge if their deposits are with a sound institution? Does your average Joe need to understand how to look at a bank’s balance sheet and determine if they are in trouble of being insolvent?"
We can't. Well, I kind of can but most people can't. It's called trust and FDIC. Open several accounts, like I have, so that all are insured by the Feds. But, you're right that our economy isn't really set up for low IQ people or incurious and lazy people to make bank, so to speak. . Rich, smart people are good at making economic arrangements come out in their favor and rich people know who to contact when they need assistance. Here's what SIVB did according to JP Morgan: "SIVB was in a league of its own: a high level of loans plus securities as a percentage of deposits, and very low reliance on stickier retail deposits as a share of total deposits."