I always tell people exactly this. Among our family and friends we're the Disney heads, been to WDW probably 20 times so far. My go-to two pieces of Disney World advice:Decide now that whatever happens you're not gonna get pissed off. It's the Happiest Place on Earth and you can walk around there all day watching people be miserable and making the people they're with miserable. Don't be that person. It's gonna be expensive, just be cool with that, do what others have said and find someone who's familiar to explain the system to you. It's formidable for a newcomer but it's not that complicated. Just don't be the mad parents being pissed off that stuff is expensive or that you're standing in line. It's part of it.
Also, some of the best riding happens during and after the fireworks. You can walk onto the busiest rides there right after the fireworks until close.
1. What vhdawg said, you have to go into it with the mindset that long waits, hot sun, crowded places, high prices is just part of it. Prep yourself ahead of time so it doesn't irritate you in the moment. Kids will get tired, they'll get overstimulated, they will need naps/rest, etc. The more you
2. Unless you are the 1% Disney pro who does this for a living and is doing the parks solo, you will not be able to do everything so don't even try. So many people go into it thinking because they spent thousands that they need to ride every single thing, they need to be efficient so no water/bathroom/food breaks, get up early and stay till midnight, no wasting time in gift shops or at popcorn/ice cream stands, etc. You'll be miserable and exhausted halfway through the trip if your mentality is "gotta do it all".