Not sure why this is a response to my post or how its related to the post I responded to, but OK then.
I do not oppose the general idea of energy created from nuclear sites and wish it were a realistic option to build more, in the right conditions.
I have noticed that the hyper-vocal groups on both sides of energy discussions who freak out over specific ideas are generally all unreasonable.
- People that for years and years claimed climate change isnt real, then since accepted its real and argue humans arent contributing?- unreasonable.
- People that think wind farms everywhere will save the planet?- unreasonable.
- People that continue to push for increased production of coal and oil and base their agenda on cherry picked examples of alternative energy not working/being enough?- unreasonable.
- People that refuse to even listen to nuclear power possibilities and claim it isnt based on emotion?- unreasonable.
- People that try to claim EVs are a scame because battery materials require mining, without actually listing differences in lifespan use?- unreasonable.
- People that want forms of alternative energy, but dont want them within the town/metro/region?- unreasonable.
- People that take joy in alternative energy products not performing as intended?- unreasonable.
- People that force their view/bias on energy production into conversations where it doesnt fit?- unreasonable.