OT: give me your best lawn mowing story


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
My idiot brother who was, at a young age, a professional procrastinator, had waited too long to obey Dad's order to mow the back yard. When patience finally ran out, he got a swat to the azz and told to mow the grass NOW.

Pouting, dubmass gets on the old Snapper rear engine rider (Forrest Gump machine) and begins fulfilling his obligation. Quickly distracted by a large wet area from a hard rain, he decided to do long wheelies through it in high gear, laughing maniacally. I typically just went around this spot, as Dad was a real stickler about the grass he worked so hard to grow. I watched my idiot brother for a while from afar through a window with disbelief at his stupidity, as I knew what was inevitably coming.

Seeing his labors ruined by his own lazy entitled progeny, he watched silently for a few minutes as little brother sailed again and again through the low spot, slinging mud and ripped up turf, giggling like Lettuce posting black penises on Sixpack.

I smiled a little when Dad decided to stroll over, out of view of dubmass, who was having too much fun to notice the dangerous man with a military style gait coming for him. When the laughing moron turned the corner for another pass, he almost ran right into ol' Pop. Over the sound of the mower, I heard him clearly yell, "Having a good time, a s s h o l e?" Little brother was yanked off the mower and in one fluid motion, the subsequent beating began, much to my delight. In his rage, Dad had not noticed that the mower was still in high gear, halted only by brother's foot, which was no longer on the clutch. The mower began spinning against the mud the instant dummy's beating began. While delivering a healthy dose of justice on that azz, Dad had not yet noticed the mower was slowly gaining traction on drier ground and started doing riderless circles through the edge of the now gigantic mud hole.

When the whipping finally ended to my disappointment, Pop had to run over to the old Snapper which was happily turning circles and making new patterns in the yard. When he jumped on it, his feet, now caked with a muddy gumbo, he almost slid off the other side, Bo Duke style, and struggled to stop the machine since his feet kept slipping off the pedals. When his rage subsided to a level where he could think, he simply turned the key off. After the machine slowly came to a halt, I'll never forget that view. Dubmass, covered in mud, crying, making the slow walk of shame back to the house for some mommy's boy consolation. Dad, sitting on a now silent mower, both covered in mud, staring at my brother, debating what the threshold for felony child abuse might be. My brother is lucky to have made it to adulthood. Good times.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Not me but I was there. Brother was getting tractor out of the shed for dad. Open tractor with exhaust pointed straight up. It had been previously backed in so he was driving straight out. Unbeknownst to him there was about a five foot rat snake laying on the rafter exiting the shed. Exhaust hits the snake, snake falls from the rafter and lands perfectly draped around his neck. He screams, slings the snake left and exits the tractor right. Problem is the tractor is still in gear and running. It goes through a barbed wire fence and heads down through the pasture towards a stock pond. I was too young to catch it and my brother was too traumatized. It promptly runs in the pond. Luckily it got stuck before anything important went under water.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Not me but I was there. Brother was getting tractor out of the shed for dad. Open tractor with exhaust pointed straight up. It had been previously backed in so he was driving straight out. Unbeknownst to him there was about a five foot rat snake laying on the rafter exiting the shed. Exhaust hits the snake, snake falls from the rafter and lands perfectly draped around his neck. He screams, slings the snake left and exits the tractor right. Problem is the tractor is still in gear and running. It goes through a barbed wire fence and heads down through the pasture towards a stock pond. I was too young to catch it and my brother was too traumatized. It promptly runs in the pond. Luckily it got stuck before anything important went under water.
Having seen a large rat snake drop from the rafters of an old garage onto my cousin in very similar fashion, yet unprovoked by exhaust, I'm inclined to believe that maybe they just like scaring people!


Active member
May 28, 2007
When we lived in our first house, we had a neighbor that found a yellow jacket's nest about 10 feet off our fence. He got stung pretty good so he decided to burn them out. After pouring close to two gallons of gas in the nest he through a match in it, blew the fence post out of the ground behind him. He didn't appreciate my laughing.


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2012
I was bush hogging a ditch and laid the tractor down in it. Luckily it was a slow enough slide downhill for me to jump away from it and not get crushed.
I was bushogging near a pond on our property and the rear tire broke the ground underneath causing the rear of the tractor to slide into the lake. I was stuck so I got my wife to drive her F350 down to the pond to pull the tractor and bushog out. The front wheels of the tractor were off the ground. I hooked up to the front of the truck and got in the tractor. I told my wife to start backing up which she did. The tractor slowly started coming down in the front then the front wheels of the truck started leaving the ground. My wife stopped and looked petrified. I told her keep going and everything came back to earth and we were OK. I wish I had a picture of her face when the truck went up.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Several years ago when I was the father of two small children we had a big yard that needed to be mowed.

I iced down a cooler of beer and stationed it halfway down my driveway. Stayed out there 3 solid hours, grabbing a beer ever so often when I passed. Drank through a six pack while stopping once to fill up with gas and twice more back by the pond levee to go 10-100.

Three whole hours of drinking and mowing and nobody once came out to bother me.

….that’s my best lawn mowing story.

Augustus McCrae

Active member
Aug 25, 2012
My story is pretty tame but I once did the walk of shame into the hardware store with a busted sprinkler head. The man looks at me, looks at the sprinkler head, and says what happened? I said, do you really have to ask?
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Active member
May 1, 2006
Used to drag my lawnmower behind my mongoose bike all over Clarksdale to cut old ladies yards for $5.
My 8th grade genius friends and I had the bright idea to form a line, hand in hand, and grab a running mower by the spark plug and popped the **** out of our shop teacher. Sorry Mr. Greenwood.
Aug 31, 2012
I was bushogging near a pond on our property and the rear tire broke the ground underneath causing the rear of the tractor to slide into the lake. I was stuck so I got my wife to drive her F350 down to the pond to pull the tractor and bushog out. The front wheels of the tractor were off the ground. I hooked up to the front of the truck and got in the tractor. I told my wife to start backing up which she did. The tractor slowly started coming down in the front then the front wheels of the truck started leaving the ground. My wife stopped and looked petrified. I told her keep going and everything came back to earth and we were OK. I wish I had a picture of her face when the truck went up.
I’m more impressed your wife has a f350. Pictures please 🤣
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Well-known member
May 23, 2006
We bought our first house back in '97 on a half-acre lot than only 1/4th was ever mowed. We inherited an old Craftsman ride-on with the property that still worked fairly well. The wife was on my *** repeatedly to mow the waist-high growth in the back, and despite my vocalized concerns about the elderly Craftsman's capabilities I capitulated to her insistance.

I made the first pass with the deck raised to it's storage position and eventually made it through. I lowered the deck to it's "normal" cutting height and began my second pass. My wife came out to survey the progress and gave me a "I told you so" as I passed her. As fate would have it she was standing on the discharge side, and the old mower had long lost it's chute cover; Just as I hit a rabbit nest and sprayed her legs below the knee. She was disgusted with the "goo" on her legs until she learned the true source of it. Needless to say, she's traumatized by it to this day.


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2012
When I was about six or seven, two older kids in the neighborhood got some 120 octane racing fuel and put it in the riding mowers so that they could race. One blew the piston out of the block and the other caught on fire. It was the coolest thing I had ever seen.
Sounds like the neighborhood where I grew up.

Crazy Cotton

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2012
Was bushhogging for my uncle on a 68 JD 4020 with a good size mower one summer up in Illinois. We had some gas wells on a strip of land between 2 corn fields, that's what I was mowing. Was trying to get fancy cutting it clean and close around the pads for the wells - then a huge racket from the mower and it jumped about a foot in the air clanging and whatnot. Looked back and I had sheered the top off a pipe that elbowed away from the well. Thought i was gonna blow up immediately, jumped off the tractor and ran waiting for the fireball to commence around me. Finally eased back when nothing happened and there was a bit of oily looking water oozing out of the pipe. Apparently hadn't been producing for a while. Had to heat up the bushhog blades to cherry and beat them with a hammer to get them straight enough to cut again.

Not mowing, but same summer was helping bale square-bale hay - stacking them 6-high on the wagon. Flipped a bale up on my forearms to get it up on the 6th row and a kingsnake came out of the bale and down my chest. Threw the bale one direction, my hay-hook over the side and it found the wagon tire. My uncle sent me back to Mississippi the next weekend.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2011
While in college I was at my future father in law's house. He came home one day to see his son still hadn't cut the grass. He proceeded to take his belt off as he made his way to his son's room. Threw the door open and began swinging.

Problem was, his son wasn't home and I happened to be in his room playing his PlayStation. Luckily I was younger and faster than the old man, no swings made contact. He quickly realized his mistake. That almost cost him a son in law.


Sep 29, 2022
I have many as I used to own a commercial outdoor power equipment business. The best isn't about mowing but repairing one that had slid off into a sewer lagoon. Customer brought it in. It had been completely submerged. So we pressure washed it and got it in the shop. Drained all the fluids, replenished and reflushed several times and checked all the electrical. Had the mower running and the final step was to make sure the blades engaged. My mechanic pulled the PTO switch and $%&* flew out from under the deck all over the shop. Apparently we did not pressure wash under the deck. I had to roll my toolbox out and hose it off. our work bench was covered. Hard hard lesson learned!


Apr 12, 2021
My idiot brother who was, at a young age, a professional procrastinator, had waited too long to obey Dad's order to mow the back yard. When patience finally ran out, he got a swat to the azz and told to mow the grass NOW.

Pouting, dubmass gets on the old Snapper rear engine rider (Forrest Gump machine) and begins fulfilling his obligation. Quickly distracted by a large wet area from a hard rain, he decided to do long wheelies through it in high gear, laughing maniacally. I typically just went around this spot, as Dad was a real stickler about the grass he worked so hard to grow. I watched my idiot brother for a while from afar through a window with disbelief at his stupidity, as I knew what was inevitably coming.

Seeing his labors ruined by his own lazy entitled progeny, he watched silently for a few minutes as little brother sailed again and again through the low spot, slinging mud and ripped up turf, giggling like Lettuce posting black penises on Sixpack.

I smiled a little when Dad decided to stroll over, out of view of dubmass, who was having too much fun to notice the dangerous man with a military style gait coming for him. When the laughing moron turned the corner for another pass, he almost ran right into ol' Pop. Over the sound of the mower, I heard him clearly yell, "Having a good time, a s s h o l e?" Little brother was yanked off the mower and in one fluid motion, the subsequent beating began, much to my delight. In his rage, Dad had not noticed that the mower was still in high gear, halted only by brother's foot, which was no longer on the clutch. The mower began spinning against the mud the instant dummy's beating began. While delivering a healthy dose of justice on that azz, Dad had not yet noticed the mower was slowly gaining traction on drier ground and started doing riderless circles through the edge of the now gigantic mud hole.

When the whipping finally ended to my disappointment, Pop had to run over to the old Snapper which was happily turning circles and making new patterns in the yard. When he jumped on it, his feet, now caked with a muddy gumbo, he almost slid off the other side, Bo Duke style, and struggled to stop the machine since his feet kept slipping off the pedals. When his rage subsided to a level where he could think, he simply turned the key off. After the machine slowly came to a halt, I'll never forget that view. Dubmass, covered in mud, crying, making the slow walk of shame back to the house for some mommy's boy consolation. Dad, sitting on a now silent mower, both covered in mud, staring at my brother, debating what the threshold for felony child abuse might be. My brother is lucky to have made it to adulthood. Good times.
Fantastic story telling... would make Lewis Grizzard proud.
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Apr 12, 2021
When I was a young tike, 4 or 5 yrs old, I had my new toy push lawn mower and I was pushing it behind my dad as he was mowing with the real push mower. I was excited and felt like a big boy and was really enjoying the experience until that real push mower uncorked a big rock at a speed faster than any baseball has ever taken off of a bat and it hit the bulls eye that was my forehead. I don't remember ever playing with that toy mower again.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2015
When I was a young tike, 4 or 5 yrs old, I had my new toy push lawn mower and I was pushing it behind my dad as he was mowing with the real push mower. I was excited and felt like a big boy and was really enjoying the experience until that real push mower uncorked a big rock at a speed faster than any baseball has ever taken off of a bat and it hit the bulls eye that was my forehead. I don't remember ever playing with that toy mower again.
User name checks out. Almost.

She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Had a buddy in HS who had no feeling in the palm of his left hand. Reached down to move a limb while mowing, placing his hand on the running engine block for support.

The nerves didn't like it much.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2022
Had a Toro 36" riding mower and was mowing my front yard, while my neighbor across the street was sitting on his tailgate in the driveway drinking beer. His wife wouldn't let him drink in the house, so every evening when he'd get home he'd go inside and change clothes, then come out in the driveway and sit on his tailgate and have a couple from the cooler in the bed of his truck.

Anyway, I'm mowing along, chute facing his house, and heard that quick sound that can only mean I hit some object in the yard. There's no rocks nearby, so I'm looking around but can't spot any sticks or anything. Went on down my path, got to the end and turned around and could see my neighbor across the way standing next to his truck and looking at the back glass which was now shattered. Turns out I'd hit a golf ball, and whizzed it right past his head and through the glass into his truck cab.

He went inside and fetched his keys, pulled the ball out of the floorboard, and goes "Don't worry, it's one of mine, must have shanked it and forgot to fetch it when I was hitting balls in the yard the other day!" He was only mad that he'd dropped his beer when it came flying past him.
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