Semi-related. Joe Biden's family is probably going to be offered more money than most of us will make over our entire lifetime for Joe to bow out. Not as good as coaches getting paid millions to not coach, you know, because he's not exactly going to get to enjoy the benefits of it. But still a deal that will make a lot of older working people jealous.
Kamala Harris may be offered something similar or more to get her to play ball on having somebody that's not Hillary Clinton with a tan likeable to be the nominee.
You'll probably see people on the right complain about that also when it comes out or they see the high paid, no show gigs offered. But that's not the same as complaining about wealthy people getting ahead in general.
We've been told by Democrats that our democracy is on the ballot in November.
87% of Democratic primary voters voted for Biden, who is about to be replaced at the eleventh hour.
It's laughable that the media and Washington elites all figured out on the same day what we have all known for over a year: Biden is unfit to be president. The debate format was designed to demonstrate this.
It's not hard to see what they're trying to do, but they still have some obstacles:
- How do you make the case he is unfit to run for president in November and not admit he is unfit to be president in June, July, etc.?
- If he is removed from office, he is replaced by Harris, who somehow has lower approval ratings than Biden.
- If Harris is president, how is she not the nominee in November?
- Even if he isn't removed and Harris isn't president, she still has a legitimate claim as the VP to the top line of the ballot if it's not Biden.
- You want Gavin Newsom. How do you tell your base you are passing on a black woman for another white man?
If the Democrats cared about democracy, they would have allowed the voters to choose between Harris, Newsom, etc. Instead, they are taking that choice out of the hands of Democratic voters while telling us the only way to save our democracy is to vote for them in November.
I don't have a dog in this fight. I will not vote for Trump or Biden. But after last night and the orchestrated response, I hope Biden and Harris stay in this thing as long as they can.