So, glfr, did you unblock me just to respond in this thread?
Inquiring minds n ****.
As to your post, it's not entirely offensive. But my position is this....where I live is my home. I've lived here for the better part of four decades. It's not a reasonable response to expect me to move. The reasonable response is to fix the problem. If we empowered the police to start cracking skulls, the problem will go away. Invariably, you and people of your ilk will inject race into that statement. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with holding criminals, regardless of their color or social standing, accountable for their actions and making the streets safe for all people, regardless of color or social standing, who want to feel free enough to go out and enjoy themselves and live their lives in peace.
Criminals don't fear breaking the law anymore, because more and more, we're watering down the definition of violent crime and letting criminals off easy, or not prosecuting them at all. There are major cities in this country that actually are pushing to eliminate cash bail. There are major cities in this country that have actually publicized that they're not going to prosecute for theft less than $900, encouraging people to grab armfuls of stuff from shelves without repercussion. And of course, if anyone disagrees with this stuff, they're labeled racist.
In some middle eastern countries, the punishment for theft is cutting off a finger. As a coincidence, they don't have crime problems. I'm not advocating barbaric measures like that, but it's going to take something drastic to fix it. And ignoring the problem, or suggesting we run away from it and cede our homes to criminals are not the answers.