So what do you expect the government to do with the facilites that Tesla built there? You expect the government to pay Tesla back what they paid? That's not going to go over well with John Q Taxpayer.
Do you expect the government to just tell Tesla "Tough $#@$"? Well, how do you expect new business and innovation to EVER come anywhere near where that happens ever again? Because if I was going to bring a business knowing that the government could just change the rules after I've sunk billions into it, I would never sink one penny into it. And neither would anyone else with any business sense.
There is 1 location in Mississippi, right? Tesla can sell the facility. Or Tesla can keep it and continue to run it as a service location. I really dont know what Tesla would do with the location if they werent grandfathered into the bill.
To be very clear- I do not think Tesla should close because I do not think a bill like this should even exist. But IF the bill is going to exist THEN Tesla should be included.
If direct sales is somehow bad/dangerous/not what the state wants, then the state should be consistent in their approach and ban ALL direct sales. If they dont, then they are admitting it really isnt bad/dangerous/not what the state wants.
The rest of your argument is just goofy because states have decades of doing exactly what you fear, and yet here we are with innovation and businesses everywhere.
Nobody has sunk BILLIONS into the Jackson metro Brandon Tesla sales store. That store is a fraction of the size of the Nissan and Toyota dealers directly to the West. There is no need to bring BILLIONS into a conversation where it doesnt apply.
Once more, why is this bill being created? If its to protect consumers, then Tesla should be included. If its to protect dealers, then Tesla should be included. Either way, Tesla should be included.
And also once more, since many on here dont have the capacity to understand an argument can be made even when someone dislikes it, I do not want the Tesla location to close. I am pointing out the inconsistency in legislation. I dont think consumer direct sales should be banned. I do think Tesla should be able to sell.
I am just pointing out inconsistency.
State Government will not force a establish business to close. That's why Tesla got waiver.
If a state had strip clubs and then passed a law banning strip clubs, then ALL strip clubs should be banned. Ones already open shouldnt be allowed to stay open.
If a state has pot dispensaries and passes a law that bans pot sales because legislators dislike the crime or health effects or whatever else, then ALL pot dispensaries should be banned. Ones already open shouldnt be allowed to stay open.
Car dealerships need licensing. Licensing isnt renewed and the car dealership cant continue to sell cars.
Same with casinos, bars, dispensaries, etc.
If a state determines a sales process should not be legal, why on earth would they allow it to continue? Thats just absurd. If its so bad that a law needs to be made to stop it, then it shouldnt be allowed to continue in any capacity.
You weren't the person I replied to. Mstateglfr wants Tesla to have to stop selling by the model they have been and I guess have to mothball the facilities they have and eat the money they spent on it. That would be the most anti business move ever.
Oh my gosh. Read my posts again. It isnt that I want Tesla to have to stop selling cars in Mississippi, my issue is that IF there is going to be a law that bans consumer direct sales of autos, THEN Tesla should be included.
I personally want Tesla to sell vehicles. I personally think the consumer direct sales model should be allowed.
Its incredibly ironic that you are citing anti-business practices when this entire proposal is anti-business, anti-competition, and anti-consumer.